Search results

  1. Jakt Utlanning

    Coups and Camraderie; Beasts and Believers

    Iziz: The great walled capital city of Onderon has fallen prey to a violent coup de tat. Some have fled and some have stayed. Most that fled were lost to the untamed beasts of the jungle. Those that stay are hungry and left wanting. There was a time when Iziz thrived; it was a time when...
  2. Jakt Utlanning

    Drexlbane [creature]

    Thread Prefix: Drexl Predator Name: Drexlbane Biology: Roughly the size of a traditional Drexl but with a few differences. It is still a reptavian however it resembles more a Krayt Dragon than a regular Drexl. Picture not to scale Breeding: The creature reproduces asexually only in the...
  3. Jakt Utlanning

    Origin Thread

    Hey all, My character hasn't been approved yet but obviously I'll do whatever work I need to to get it done. What I'm looking for is for a Jedi Knight or the Lord if he so wishes to come find me on Onderon and train me. Please check out my character sheet and read the biography as that is...