A Force in the Snow


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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Raid a Development lab based on the planet Ojom on behalf of Czerka.

The winds howled outside the cave Amur was camped inside of. The air now a blinding white making it near impossible to tell what was outside. Faint echoes could be heard about from the cracking of ice, the occasional drips of water, and the stirrings of the humble fire she huddled around. Many hate the cold, the numbing quality it had on the hands, the way it seemed to seep into ones being making you deftly aware of your limited time, the shivering and desperateness to get any kind of warmth. Though Amur in truth had always loved the cold. It was invigorating to her as it forced her body to become more heightened, her movements that much faster and more wild and any heat now was life. The cold was unforgiving, and was quick to punish demanding wit alongside strength to thrive. In a way she felt at one in this environment for in a way the chilling, numbing cold was her birth place.

Amur took the time to check over her equipment making sure her slug pistol could still cycle effectively, discharging a few shots from her blaster rifle to get some heated gas running through the mechanism, thankfully the raging wind of from outside acted as a mask for any sound inside the cave. She then ignited her lightsaber briefly just to have the peace of mind to know that everything was working. The only gambit may be here fighter which lay outside with a tarp draped over it, but it wasn't too much a concern. Although survival against the wild nature of the planet Ojom was a pleasure for Amur, it was merely a upside to her operation here. Soon enough there would be work to do.

Half a kilometer from here would be a lab that belonged to a rival of the Czerka corporation, lab that Czerka wanted to disappear. The positioning of the lab on the planet Ojom's surface was brilliant as the inhospitable nature of the surface would make a natural deterrent for any prying eyes, whilst it's position in the deep core made it easier for any work the lab churned to not fall into the hands of pirates. Amur planned to use that isolation to her advantage using a blizzard that would snow in any personnel there. It would provide the perfect cover for an infiltration.

Amur's thoughts then turned to her colleague for this operation was a most curious specimen. A practitioner of the dark side that didn't align herself to the Sith. Very interesting and if Amur was satisfied with her results today Amur may offer to wax philosophical over a cup of coffee or tea with her. This person was to meet her in this cave. She had scouted the area before and provided precise instructions on how to find it, and made sure to warn her that this mission would be conducted in a blizzard.

But for now she would bide her time next to the fire and wait for her arrival.

@Xanthum the Mighty


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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Aboard the Ebon Vraxis II, Xzaien could be seen meditating inside of her quarters, a spacious interior decorated with both Smuggler art and Ancient Sith writings alongside interior bulbs. It has been a slow few days lately. The hours came and went, and days came and went until one fateful day.

A member of Xzaien's entourage, the Former Imperial spy came and spoke to Xzaien as she pondered the thoughts of the day in her quarters. He seemed to speak urgently, his voice laden with a thick Imperial Accent.

"Xzaien, You have a personal request."
He spoke with a upraised head, hands clasped around a data pad. He seemingly wiped off some dust from his shoulder as he continued again.

"A Sith, A Sith acolyte infact requests your assistance. It appears that she may need help with "dealing with" a unruly research station. She speaks of a share in the profits and perhaps a connection within the Sith Order itself."
He handed the Data pad over to Xzaien in a slightly downward motion so that she wouldn't have to reach so far.

Xzaien's eyes slowly opened as she finally arose. She was at least two heads shorter than he was, yet nevertheless she spoke in a friendly tone toward him. As if they were old friends.

"Good, thank you."

She took the data pad and began reading over. Yes, infact the Disgraced Agent was speaking the truth. She briefly touched over a few buttons mainly the legality of such a venture. It was a easy job, slaughter a few Scientists and perhaps recruit a few if she were lucky. She in turn sent a message back to Amur. A two word answer.

"Im in."

Handing the data pad back to her confidant. Xzaien nodded at him, a non verbal. Request to gather the other three adventurers for travel to a icy world. He nevertheless obliged and left the room with the data pad. Leaving the short Cathar to her own devices. In the silence that now permeated her Quarters, Xzaien undressed from her traditional robes and donned her suit of armor. A full plate, ancient Sith designed gleaned from a tomb many years ago. She fitted a dark red cloak over the form fitting armor, and prepared herself for the journey that lie ahead.

Meanwhile, the ship entered hyperspace... a long and quiet trip to the inner core. As the ship exited into real space just above the snow world of Ojom, and was immediately rigged for ultra quiet by its automated navigator. It approached, breaking through the troposphere of the ice planet, its cold quickly seeping through the poorly repaired and damaged hull of the Ebon Vraxis II, chilling everyone inside of it. Save for the Bothan Smuggler they brought along to pull Slicer duty.

If Amur gazed outside into the snowy wasteland outside the cave entrance, She could see various glimpses of a Dark Red Light Freighter Vessel, with black tendrils in the form of flames snaking across its bow to stern, a big red emblem symbolizing Bogan emblazoned on its side. She could definitely see five figures exit through its front loading ramp, forming up into a Arrow formation. At least two of them carrying blaster pistols at the ready position, one with a blaster rifle. And clearly one Mandalorian figure carrying a Heavy Blaster. Seemingly to pull defense against any living creature that still yet lie beyond the veil of falling snow.

Meanwhile, Xzaien's gang approached the cave entrance, To Amur the details of each all but visible. Each of them, wearing various smuggler and Mercenary Kit, save for the Mandalorian who chose to wear Snow Armor, and presumably the Agent who wore a thick black down jacket. However, they all had to have something in common. A bright red stripe on the right side of their helmets or hats, sloping above the brow to the forehead, and a Armband of the same color on their right shoulder.

Xzaien was clearly leading them, bright red robe encapsulating her entire body. Protecting it from the harsh elements. All that was available, was what looked to be a sword hilt poking from her left hip. Her face was open to the elements. Her bright blood orange eyes shining through the snow veil.

They approached astoundingly quickly, Xzaien's bodyguards splitting two for two even, two to guard the entrance and two to watch Xzaien and the exchange briefly.

Xzaien approached the fire. Raising her left arm to type something in. She approached with a friendly smile, building taking a seat just across from Amur in a snow seat.

"Greetings, I assume you are Amur?"
She spoke amicably, She clearly saught no quarrel, but collaboration, she awaited Amur's answer as the rest of Xzaien's crew fortified and took their positions a few feet away from Xzaien's rear.

@Caught in Strangereal
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SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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Amur in the idle time waiting closed her eyes and opened herself to the force, a bit of meditation that always primed the soul before battle. She allowed all the sensations around her to come through opening herself to the force. She could sense the life of the fire and the seeping cold that that ate the heat of the fire. There was a sense of order and what some may describe as peace. It was the peace of a bonefield though. Then outside there was a disruption that caused her to open her eyes and look out. A flash of red in the sky, a ship no doubt. A proud mark of the darkside bearing on it's hull. Old and ancient from a time long past, probably one of the few ships still bearing such a symbol/ Drumming up questions in Amur's head.

A five person crew approached the mouth of the cave, each having a mark of crimson on them. It intrigued Amur as all of these characters seemed to be from wildly different sects of life. Imperials, criminals, a bloody mandolorian (Very curious) and the head of the group pale in complexion and eyes that seemed to permeate with the darkside or was it natural? The Cathar in the robe would likely be Xzaien, it was just the way she carried herself so intensely confident. She would make for an interesting study no doubt.

Amur simply looked towards the group giving off an air of imperturbability. She merely examined the motley crew taking the chance to observe the two men that were holding down the entrance. Trying to gauge what kind of training and equipment they had on them. She found the two standing watch over her and Xzaien a little silly but then again paranoia around a Sith was most times deserved.

She was pleasantly surprised by the savoir faire that Xzaien displayed. There was a question of if it was genuine or just empty pleasantries, but that would require more observation.

"Indeed I am. Nice of you to bring company, I'm more used to dealing with loners. I take it you must be Xzaien?" A small smirk was now on Amur's face but alas it was hidden underneath her helmet. Who was this person? This would prove to be fun knot to untie later on.

"If I may briefly talk business, the lab in question is half a kilometer south from here. This storm shows no signs of stopping for the day so we can use it to cover our approach, as most of their sensors are going to be overwhelmed by the snow. Since your the one with a team of men you can decide how we go about doing this."

Amur then took out a datapad quickly looking over the details that were gathered on the lab. The lab is built on the side of a rocky canyon, it's the generators and heating systems are located down into the base of the building knock that out everyone will freeze but it will take time. The communications tower is quite visible as you can see at the top of the canyon a short walk from the main building, shouldn't be too difficult to knock out so anyone that does survive is stranded here. Amur's datapad now showed a mock map of the area that she was showing to Xzaien pointing out and making note of various points of interest.

"Opposition will be droid security patrolling the outside. Inside will likely be scientists, and maybe some living security probably half mad from cabin fever. Shouldn't be too difficult to handle." Amur was hoping to be correct about the difficulty of the base. The remoteness of this place was it's saving grace and Achilles heel. Finally Amur look into the engrossing eyes of Xzaien.

"If things go right maybe we can sit down and talk about that curious mark on your ship and the stories behind it." Amur asked looking back outside to the ship, then back to Xzaien. ready to absorb everything she had to say.

@Xanthum the Mighty


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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Xzaien approached alongside two bodyguards. One of them clearly being a Female Bothan wearing what looked to be a black body-glove with hard durasteel plating over the chest and shoulders, a dark green woobie seemed to poke from underneath those plates, fur a mix of yellow and red and with this sort of laid back attitude and constant resting smirk on her face. She wore no helmet and clearly seemed to be unaffected by the cold atmosphere.

The other who approached close to Xzaien's right flank interestingly wearing a body glove as well with a articulated two piece, Imperial Officer's chest and shoulder guards, with a interesting detail. The rank emblem of a Imperial Navy Commander with the name tape of: "Krassius" however with one deviation from the norm. A universally recognized symbol indicating "Dishonorable Discharge" was seen on both lapels. Odd. His face was concealed with a standardized Imperial Field Cap, bearing a sort of Plastoid half open face mask in a deeply sloping Y shaped visor. His neck was visible however, and black hair seemed to poke from behind the mask.

There was something they all had in common however, a slight glowing similarly colored Blood Orange flare to their eyes, and clear signs of Dark-Side Corruption. A clear symptom of Dark Side Influence.

It seems Amur's spying upon the two near the Cave's entrance was the most difficult to accurately make out. One thing was certain, one of them a strongly built Mandalorian who wore only bare plates. Plates seemingly decorated with a certain Clan Ordo, and the similar coloring of Xzaien's Ship. The person standing nearby was slightly harder to make out. They were clearly female and wore a bright white Winterized Expedition gear designed for exploring. Their face was black furred, and two large slightly glowing orange eyes were visible even from where Amur was sitting. Nevertheless finer details were harder to make out such as markings or fine facial features.

Xzaien noted that Amur has kept her helmet on for some odd reason. Her face slightly contorting into a mildly confused look She listened to Amur before replying to her first Query.

"Yes, Infact I am. I have wanted to assist another /well/ meaning individual for some time now. I assume that this would be trivial for two dark-siders."

Xzaien oddly left out calling Amur "Sith" but instead a "Dark Sider" an odd, but notable detail none the less. Even at this distance, Amur could notice that despite Xzaien's open cloak. There was no visible light saber hilt, or rather anything along the lines of it. There was a holster for some blaster on Xzaien's right thigh but the main detail stuck out like a sore thumb. A sword hilt in a scabbard. For some odd reason, Amur could feel a mild sense of dread while looking upon it. It was clearly a Sith Warblade of Old. Similar to a light saber but created not with a crystal and power source, but Dark Side rituals. An interesting notation and choice of archaic weaponry.

Xzaien lent back slightly, crossing her legs over each other and draping a few flecks of snow on the ground it melting immediately upon hitting the floor due to close proximity to the fire place. Xzaien appeared to listen quietly to the discussion of a game plan.

"Hm, Interesting. I believe that it is a possible venture to take two of my followers, and have them head up onto the roof of the installation to jam communications whereas you and I, with the last two of my friends head through the front door. They cannot call for help, and they cannot escape. However, I wish to take a few... /Individuals/ for personal use. My followers will be using stun instead of lethal weaponry. Perhaps you may find some use of whatever ferry vessel they may have inside... However I must insist that we keep the head of the Science Branch alive, he may be of great use to us, however we must consider the possibility of failure, in the unlikely case that we fail to assault them the first time, my followers will use explosive charges to collapse the cliff face behind it but while we may achieve our goal, we will not achieve any... reward from our friends in there."

Xzaien finished her request and tactics. She waited whilst Amur continued her spiel from earlier waiting until she were finished before finally speaking.


Xzaien was quickly finished talking, she seemed to make a non verbal suggestion to her followers. They seemingly, "Knowing" what to do despite there being no words spoken. They approached behind Xzaien, almost in complete unison moving their hands to their belts and switching their lethal cartridges to nonlethal cartridges.

Xzaien stood up, stretching briefly. She raised her right forearm up to chest level and seemed to type into it briefly. What Amur would notice was that she was absolutely tiny. She was shorter than the Imperial Officer, and the Bothan. In-fact, she was the shortest person in her group. After a few moments, A elaborately engraved helmet folded up from her throat guard. Concealing her cat like features behind two layers of Durasteel plating. Her eyes were visible, peering through a sloped Y shaped visor. Interesting.
@Caught in Strangereal
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SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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the dishonorably discharged imperial officer certainly raised an enclosed eyebrow from Amur. Krassius that name would most certainly need to be looked into the next time she had access to imperial records. Still a bothan, a imperial, a mandolorian, and mysterious female #1. It was clear that if the Xzaien ever subscribed to a Sith way of teaching it was probably the old empire. You were taught to respect strength regardless of flesh or genetics. A kriffin Jawa if he proved to be strong in the Sith ways would be met with respect. Still they all had that same touch of the dark side about them. If she ever earned their trust Amur would definitely want to ask the Mando what made him see the dark.

Speaking of dark that was also a rather odd choice of words. Definitely a reflection of her ideals, she identified with the force not the Sith something must of convinced her that the interest of one and the other were not the same. That sword was also another thing: it radiated power. An old ancient kind that, seemed to infect anyone who acknowledged it's existence. It seemed in one way alive, even though most of the time was just an inanimate object. Clearly though an ancient weapon from a more savage age that identified with Xzaien. More observations, more questions but they would just be distractions for now as the wind called beckoning the group.

Amur saw no issues with the idea of jamming communications with one team and leading a simple strike team straight through the front door. Sometimes the most obvious thing is the one thing you least suspect someone to do. What was interesting though was the insistent they take people alive and that she was going to use non-lethal means. Czerka never specified that they needed to capture anyone and indeed Amur got the vibe that a no survivors situation would be best. Still it raised a few points of intrigue namely of what 'personal use' they would serve Xzaien that was the fun of every dark side user they had their little quirks and vices maybe she liked bending them to her loyalty?

Speaking of quirks there was a bit of Juvenile amusement about how the uptight cordial leader being the shortest but it was only a juvenile level of observation. Amur kept the whole height thing to herself. She couldn't really tease, Amur was a disfigured mess under her armor, she learned that it's not appearance of the person but the attitude they carried that mattered. Still ever if she evered decided to get under the Cathar's skin it would be likely be a sore spot, the same way you treat a teenager like a toddler to undermine their desire to be seen as an adult.

Amur then got up from the fire, briefly stretching with an audible cracking coming from her back a nice bit of limberness and relief for the burnt Sith."Alright your plan sounds solid. Just make sure that any survivors we 'rescue' end up disappeared by whatever means and uses you have in mind. Our friends don't like liabilities." Amur stated truth be told she enjoyed the twist the Cathar had put into works. Honestly it was just a bit simple to just kill them all. Amur then walked towards the mouth of the cave her cape wildly swaying about as flecks of white began to build on it.

"Well then if your ready luv lets go." Amur called soon beginning her march outside to the lab with the rest of the team. As they march they would fade out of view becoming one with the blizzard.

@Xanthum the Mighty


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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What... Perplexed the Cathar was Amur's neediness to wear a helmet. In Xzaien's mind it didn't seem to click in most regards. It nevertheless was no major problem on Xzaien's mind. However she did sense one thing. A major trauma in Amur's mind likely correlating to what she may be hiding behind the helmet. It nevertheless caused a small nugget of concern for Xzaien perhaps it were a visible weakness however she quickly cast aside any doubt. Infighting is what was predicted to cause the downfall of the Sith Empires in general...

Xzaien sat there, legs continually crossed. She looked upon Amur attempting to gauge her equipment. She was infact, an observant Cathar. She took note of the light saber; her eyes locking upon it. In Xzaien's mind such a weapon was far to merciful. Infact, it removed the thrill of such a bloody and admittedly satisfying death via a extremely painful sword slash. However secretly she respected the practical uses of it.

There was one thing she noticed about Amur, her clear obligation to the Imperial Republic, and the Old Empire. She couldn't exactly gauge which side she fought for but nevertheless viewed her as someone who needed to break the chains of servitude to an Old and Decaying order.

Meanwhile, Xzaien's black gloved hand went to her chest. She seemingly typed a few things into it, an audible "bloop" being heard emanating from it. Shortly following said bloop, all of Xzaien's followers seemingly perking their heads to look down at their wrists too, safe for the Mandalorian who simply nodded in acknowledgement. Xzaien stood, her Maroon red robe scraping against the pack snow beneath her feet. She continued listening to Amur's statements before she herself nodded and walked with Amur, her Followers gathering around the two and forming a sort of: "Circle" formation, with Amur and Xzaien in the middle and with them on the outskirts, upon exiting the Cave they drew their weapons and held them in the ready positions. A sigh could be heard from the Imperial Outcast followed by a Complaint. He did not sound like a niche Imperial, but a man from the colonies. (Scottish Accent)

"Dammit, Why does it have to be sucha damned- cold wasteland..." In all looks, he looked absolutely miserable. It seems the Imperials didn't create their Summer equipment to be used in the freezing cold...

Meanwhile, the Mandalorian simply let a gruff: "Hmph" exit through his helmets vocoder, however the Bothan turned and smoke, with this two cent jesting grin responding in this sort of... outer rim accent (Midwest USA).

"Its jussst peacheh, most of the time its toooo hoawt." She had this shit eating grin on her yellow and black furred face. Clearly Bothans were known for their... interesting. Sense of humor.

As they walked, Xzaien raised her arm typing /another/ thing into it. It was far quicker than the one before, upon her arm meeting her side again. Xzaien's helmeted folded up, then forwards, and then up the back of her neck. Connecting at the top. What Amur could notice was a massive serious of intricate engravings. If she could read Ancient Sith, it just seemed to be a saying, repeated over and over: "Peace is a lie." The helmet was Y visored, and angular across the cheekbones. It seemed to fit perfectly underneath a hood which Xzaien had just now pulled up. She walked steadily across the winterized desert. If Amur took a look behind her, she could notice a odd thing. Everyone BUT Xzaien were leaving footprints. Could be an illusion? Or perhaps a overly complicated way to cover ones tracks?

What did happen, was that Xzaien began to speak.

"You are a Acolyte Correct?"

Xzaien awaited a response, before continuing her words again.

"A word of advice. As a Acolyte you must start growing your power-base. You do know that there will be rivals, and those who seek your downfall, but remember this. Never be taken by surprise, if you take an Apprentice, never trust them. When you are assigned a Master, never trust them. Do this, and I believe any being can be unstoppable. It is something I have gleaned over the years watching ambitious individuals fall because of these shortcomings... among many other obscure things..."

There was one other thing about Xzaien, She looked /very/ long. Not more than 25, however she spoke and moved with the grace of someone who knew EXACTLY what to do. She was clearly unlike most Sith, completely different and presumably following a separate philosophy however, what Amur could glean from those Blood Orange eyes, was a age. Something far older than she could imagine. However, it might just be her mind playing tricks on her. Even as a Acolyte, the mind can still create illusions and visions detrimental to even the strongest Dark Lord of the Sith. However, she seemed pleasant enough and this was a perfect situation for conversation. A long walk through a winter wonderland in the Dark.


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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The cold wasn't too much of a problem for Amur in fact it was welcoming as it whisked about her. That wasn't on her mind for now, what was is the nature of the formation they were in. Completely surrounded by Xzaien's loyal followers, it made Amur mindful as a natural instinct made her body tense waiting for a strike to come from any direction. Though likely that wouldn't be the case, getting a Sith killed on this job would cause a whirlwind of problems if that was Xzaien's intentions.

Amur then noticed the engraving on Xzaien's helmet peace is a lie, the ancient sith spoke out to her. While not the best speaker she understood it especially since it was the beginning verse of the Sith code, not one that could be forgotten easily, either Xzaien still uphold herself to that code or the prior owner of the armor (if indeed that was the case) held it to heart.

"Antai kash tik shâsot" Amur spoke to no one in particular wondering how the petite cathar would view her knowledge of the language. Ancient Sith did have it uses from studying ancient text to being able to converse in private in what was essentially a dead language.

When the group started to fade into the snow, Amur's natural visibility now was just a few meters beyond the radius of the circle formation she noticed something a flow of the force. looking back she then noticed that Xzaien was apparently not tracking any footsteps despite her steps also being part of the satisfying chorus of crunching against the fallen snow. Odd, very odd. Something was afoot in the head of that Cathar and that all seemed confirmed when she asked Amur about her rank. A small tinge of spite entered with the mere mention of the word acolyte. No Sith liked staying at that title, it denoted that you were the bottom of the rung, the most expendable, the weak.

"I don't intend to stay one for too long." Amur replied to Xzaien though it felt like she was saying that more to herself than anything. That was when Xzaien launched into her 'don't trust anyone' speech. It felt a bit condescending mainly because Amur had already learned that lesson in such a hard and brutal way. Trust is a wavering thing that can fall at any second, there always seemed to be a aim, a goal, a use out of every interaction of 'trust'. She had learned that with a good heaping of the fact that love had blinded her from the reality of trust. Amur couldn't help but grip her light saber ever more tighter it hadn't been ignited for that would potentially compromise their approach but it was ready at the drop of a snow flake. The barrier of doubt had been established.

Then the pecuilar dark sider looked into Amur's helmet a blood orange filling Amur's view. It seemed as ancient as the sword around Xzaien's hip, for a few moment it did indeed draw her in. That was until the motions of the force were observed, It was subtle but after being familar with someone trying to telepathically communicate with her this was familiar. Oh Xzaien trying to lure me under a spell of awe, how cute. Though Amur now knew of the possible illusion she decided against resisting it. Why such things would be boring and clue Xzaien in that she was aware of the parlor trick, instead she decided to just embrace the new perspective. Let it fill her head and see things from the perspective Xzaien wanted to force. That seemed much more entertaining than just fighting off but appearing to play along.

"I see the truth of those words, many of my order are opportunists, looking for the perfect chance to rise. Tell me though did it ever get personal, or do you mean to tell me, you never once knew that bitter anger of realizing you were used and tossed aside?" Amur asked curious to see if she would respond to such an inquiry after all, many do but few admit, it was a matter of pride, no likes to be the one that got fooled.

The walking continued in the windly valley of snow as Amur awaited a response.

@Xanthum the Mighty


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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It would seem Xzaien seemed to view Amur at only at face value. Which was clearly just a Sith Acolyte. Xzaien never cared much for the Sith or even the Jedi for that matter. Amur could clearly glean such a conclusion by simply listening to Xzaien talk. She did not speak with anything even close to Imperial or even Alliance Space for that matter, just somewhat soft-spoken, which would conceal any sort of accent. However any realization would come to Amur, Xzaien had no ill intentions. She was true to her words and tone of voice, with a odd conclusion that if she were to kill Amur now, that the Sith would not care citing the fact that hundreds of thousands of Acolytes die on Korriban and aren't even noted in the books.

If anything came to pass, Xzaien knew much more then she cared to mention. Perking her head up hearing Ancient Sith come from the Acolytes mouth. Xzaien nodded before speaking again, Uttering a somewhat different dialect. This dialect was clearly one designed for war as it seemed to directly move the Snow around them in a undulating bubble-like motion, Amur could feel the waves in the force, literally forming then tearing itself asunder.

"Zhol Kash Lot: Nwit ir Uzmirsti Snekta. Kaienas Anas Tave masters Ant korriban Kairys Del, Itin Midwanas. Nu Kietami Elgtis Zhol, Kad Zhol Dartovi Zinot its Elgtis."

The Bothan turned over to Xzaien as they walked. Hands clasped over the ears with a pained grimace on her face. She'd speak in a somewhat pained and humored tone.

"Wouh- Xzaien really? My ears woman."

Xzaien only made this well, It can only be described as a disapproving stare and blink. The Bothan then retained this same, extremely wide grin before lowering her hands from her ears and shrugging.

Xzaien would continue.

"Now, Its a dialect that hasn't been used in hundreds of years in war. This variant has the capability, if combined with the technique known as force scream. To literally shout someone, or something into pieces. It was sometimes used in the battlefield, but the Sith of Old thought its use was... cowardly. As it didn't require a war blade cutting through flesh."

Xzaien would listen to Amur, hearing her words of not wanting to stay an Acolyte.

"It is only natural to desire more power. But it is nothing to be insulted over. A title is a title, a word."

Amur could feel the general aura of Xzaien wash over her. It was no parlor trick, maybe a trick of the mind perhaps. But she could sense that it was simply emanating, not just from her. But from all of her companions as well. All five of them had the exact same aura to a Force User. Which only raised more questions. Xzaien's expression only changed when Amur asked about if she were betrayed.

"Many times. Only one of them stuck past any sort of notice. My Mentor, who taught me everything I knew was betrayed and then Murdered. I was only a child then, and I were forced into servitude with someone whom I hated. He was infact, Sith. Once he saw that he was being surpassed by me, He saught to eliminate any possibility that I were to kill him and steal his title. He trapped me in a cave, a planet known as Malachor, a place unknown to anyone in the order as a place of terrible deeds, and dark side energy. There I lay trapped for four long years. Contemplating, and learning on my own accord. Until /they/ found me."

By they, Xzaien meant all of the individuals surrounding them. The Black Furred Cathar responded, She appeared to share very similar features to Xzaien almost as if they were related somehow.

"Yeah, if only I found you earlier. Mother was afraid that she lost you forever to the wilds that day."

They seemed to be referring to something in Xzaien's past. Something that was only vaguely hinted at. It nevertheless, was no topic of concern as the Agent raised his arm, indicating for everyone to stop. It appears that he had spotted something moving near the cliff face they approached. They were directly on top of their target. There the Agent gestured for everyone to go prone. To which everyone including Xzaien did. He began speaking.

"Alright, We are directly ontop of this compound. It is directly ahead of us. I spotted two armed individuals standing by presumably the front door. One is a droid from what I see, and the other is a extremely cold Human. I think the Human is asleep, he hasn't moved in the entire time I watched him, but he is next to a fire. So the possibility that he froze to death is improbable. Alright you know your jobs ladies."

He finished off speaking, the Bothan and the Black Furred Cathar scurried off into the whiteness. Their movements concealed by it. Meanwhile, the Mandalorian and the Agent drew their weapons and held them at the ready. Waiting for any sort of "Signal." Xzaien in the meantime seemed to reach downward to her scrabbard, Pulling her Warblade from it and tucking it close. It were black in coloration, and had red veins of energy snaking through it. It were shaped like a normal Longsword used in the Je'Daii era but clearly emanated evil. She awaited for whatever "Signal" would come to pass... waiting.

@Caught in Strangereal


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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Well it appeared that Amur wouldn't have to worry about intentional death by petite Cathar, though accidental might be a bigger problem. When Xzaien 'demonstrated' her knowledge of Sith Dialects causing an aggravating noise to rang through Amur's body, Amur head would start darting in all directions. One thing Amur learned about the snowfall is that you don't want to disturb it when it finally rests, and she was concerned that this could of caused an avalanche, nasty bit of business it would be to get caught in one of those. Still nothing came except the headache of a Bothan and the satiation of the Cathar's ego.

Though Amur smirked at the idea that some refused to use this due to some sort of misplaced pride, she really wasn't below using anything that presented to herself as useful in combat, heck she threw a severed head at someone as a distraction, such trivialities like honor were beneath her. The only thing was her insistence of not relying on the force and it's mind tricks for more persuasive pursuits, simply due to the fact that she also wanted to keep her normal charm sharp as a knife.

Though it seemed like another fact of Xzaien was being revealed as she realized that feeling in the force wasn't coming solely from her but the people that operated under... interesting. All of them then are dark side users to some degree, though the extent of their powers would continue to be unknown until further observation.

Then the real juicy bit of information was finding out that she had been betrayed and imprisoned that explain a lot, Amur definitely would understand why Xzaien may have a distrust of her kind, Amur certainly had particular hatred for coruscantian politicians for example. The comment raised by the other Cathar also raised a question did they knew eachother in a familial sense? Though 4 years is long enough to hold quite a grudge, hmm maybe the two could go on a nice revenge trip together and do some bonding? That sounded like a delightful thing.

The raising of the agents arm caused the air to turn bitter as she went prone with the group. She got her rifle out and got ready to aim. Listening to the intel the agent provided she noticed the hazy light of the fire and the glowing photoreceptors of the droid. She took aim at the droid getting ready to take out the droid, she would leave the human to Xzaien's crew they were interested in taking people alive she may as well indulge them.

It was when she laid her finger on the trigger to put a few grams of pressure on it, that Amur immediately knew something was wrong. The trigger wouldn't budge. Alarm went up to the Sith as she quickly inspected the rifle. It was covered in snow and as she cleared some of it a realization came to her. It seemed that whatever snow that had gotten into the internals of the rifle had frozen solid. Heck maybe when she fired off a few bolts in the cave it was enough for the heat to melt some water that then refroze.

"Shite." The Sith whispered to herself. She put the rifle in safe and slung it over her back it would be useless for the time being. She then grabbed ahold of her slug pistol and light saber readying both. She wasn't going to ignite the saber until she was within striking distance to keep concealment but she was still ready for the occasion. There was only the howl of wind and snow for the quiet moments before their attack.

Rolled for Amur to take aim with her Rifle (Major fail)

@Xanthum the Mighty
Last edited:


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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In further regards to the imminent contact, Xzaien drew from a previously unseen holster, some kind of blaster pistol. Clearly it was of common make a very common type of blaster sidearm holding it in her free hand. However it seemed to get the job done. Xzaien's two followers who had made their escapade to the roof had held some merit as Xzaien, Amur, the Officer and the bulky Mandalorian could see the exterior lights shutting off and hiding the front door behind a veil of Darkness.

The Mandalorian changed positions, he stood upward slightly entering a low crouch position with his heavy blaster cannon aimed at the droid. He'd take aim at it briefly. Before letting loose with a flurry of blood red laser blasts at the droid. A slight calculation error occurred as he just BARELY grazed the droid. But luckily, the droid fired back in confusion, grazing the Mando in this type of three stooges shooting match.

It was Xzaien's turn. She hopped up briefly, taking aim at the now shaken Man. She'd hold a highly aristocratic type of shooting stance, with one arm behind the back and turned sideways and aiming with one hand. She'd let off a few blasts of light blue colored stun shots at this particular individual. Hitting him thrice, but not before he let out one shot, hitting Xzaien in the right shoulder. The blaster bolt seemingly glancing downward toward the snow, impacting with a satisfying hiss. Xzaien didn't even seem to notice the hit, only looking at the impact point with a uncaring glance before twisting her body toward the Droid, taking aim.

Lastly, the Imperial Officer would take aim at the Droid with his service pistol. His finger on the trigger. However, the Droid's reflexes were too fast for him. The Droid whirled around and fired three blue colored blasts of high powered energy at the Officer. The first blast slamming directly into his hand, sending his blaster pistol flying. Now disarmed, the second shot slammed directly into his breastplate with a sickening "CLSSSH" sound. The third, impacting directly against the Officer's helmet. Causing the visor glass to shatter, and send it flying off his head with a satisfying ping. The Officer, without noticing anything happening. Dropped backward onto the snow with a "PAFF" He was downed and had horrible blackening on his face, two missing fingers on his right hand and a smoking breastplate it was unknown if he were dead, or simply unconscious.

@Caught in Strangereal
#1 Minor Failure, #2 Minor Success, #3 Major Fail


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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Amur's faith in Xzaien and her crew had diminished rapidly at the sight before her. The Mandolorian displayed terrible aim that surely would of brought great dishonor to his clan is his past life, Xzaien got shot and the imperial was either dead or on death's door. Amur was seriously regretting letting Xzaien take lead on this op, but then again now plan ever seems to survive first contact with the enemy. Now was the time to act.

Amur bolt from her prone position after witnessing the chaos and drew her pistol with one well placed shot a bullet had entered and crippled the droid's right arm joint making it incapable of effectively aiming it's blaster, a quick one-two shot to the droid's torso and head unintentionally mirroring the attack on the imperial officer caused the droid to start sparking and spewing oil knocking it out of commission.

With the droid and human dispatched Amur ran over to the fallen body of the officer. She quickly rifled through his pockets and found a med kit. Searching through it she found a needle marked rev-all, perfect. Amur then tore away at the officer's sleeve to expose his arm. Taking a bit of time to find the vein she quickly administered the drug, luckily there was still a pulse. Hopefully this would help stop the bleeding and ease his pain but he was still out of this fight and another thought occurred to her. He may have been saved from the blaster shot but he was now at risk of getting frostbite if he stayed outside for even a few more minutes.

"Mando take him. We need to get him into shelter now if you care about keeping him alive. Amur pointed and directed him as if she had command over him, it was merely the instincts of command and leadership taking, whether or not they would follow was a different matter. Amur was hoping they wouldn't fight her to hard but a more cynical part also knew that they might say no. Amur then turned her gaze over to Xzaien. Amur's helmet had concealed the look on her face which was good because right now Xzaien would of seen Amur was trying to stare a hole into her head with that glare.

"You and me we should form up at the door and serve as a breaching party, we get in secure the area so he can bring the imperial to safety and for the Force's sake let's not kark it up this time. I thought you were better than that."

A bit of anger was seeping through Amur's voice especially as she growled that last comment, but it was meant to serve another purpose, to rile Xzaien up a bit. Hopefully rubbing some salt in the mood would get her mind to focus on remedying this situation.

@Xanthum the Mighty

Rolled for taking out the droid (Major sucess)


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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Xzaien hadn't noticed the blaster shot to the shoulder in a good while. She only seemed to notice the smoking blaster shot when the choking smell of burning armor weave struck her nostrils. She immediately lowered her blaster pistol and began patting at the burning shoulder wound. She'd promptly reach toward her waist, undoing the belt holding most of the cloak in place. She'd roll the cloak off her shoulders revealing the previously hidden body armor.

It was of clear Dark sider make, It was also crimson red in coloration similarly colored to her robes. It was a complete body armor of durasteel judging by the lacquered service chipping in some spots. It was of a archaic design reminiscent to a Je'daii plate armor. It had the same runes as located on the helmet, but instead of "Peace is a Lie" engraved over and over, It seemed to catalog a story of a Aristocratic Story, a prophecy chronicling the life of a exiled Sith Warrior on the planet of Medriaas looking for a Apprentice. It seemed to be written in Ancient Sith. Same as the helmet.

Xzaien looked toward the fallen Imperial Officer, She approached him. Kneeling down on one leg, kneeling across from Amur while she treated him. Once Amur rattled off orders to the Mandalorian. She spoke.

"Kraksaad, Take him back to the Ship. Place him into the Kolto tank. Return once you finish."

She in the meantime, while the Mando nodded and took the fallen Officer by the chest rig. Dragging his beaten and battered frame across the snow. Eventually dissapearing from sight. Meanwhile Xzaien's holo communicator seemed to beep. The Cathar Dark Jedi raised her arm and listened into it. Why look at this, It was the Yellow Furred Bothan.

"Why- Xzaien. We-got Knockout gas into the air filtration systom- It seemes that these Researchers didn't inveeest in proper filtration supplies, but im sure that this one leads toward the main corridor and toward the Research Labs."

Xzaien took a glance at Amur briefly before responding.

"Good, Keep me posted. I assume that the Radio Comm Tower is disabled?"

The Bothan's voice returned from the comlink.

"Yea- Its down. Should we make our way to you?"

"Yes. Quickly. Secure the unconscious individual lying by the door. Ensure that he is restrained, and make yourself in quickly."

Xzaien turned her head toward Amur. Ensuring that her suggestion was heard. The tone of Amur's voice didn't quite seem to phase her. Yet, it did rattle her nerves a bit. She nevertheless blew it off and started traipsing toward the front door. Drawing her Warblade and Blaster again. She walked toward the body of the unconscious guard and tore the keycard from his body. She'd apply herself nearby the door. Waiting the needed time for the sleep gas to take effect. She'd swipe the keycard, the front door opening and letting most of the gas out. Rendering the interior safe to breathe again.

Inside there were about thirty blokes. All similarly dressed in some sort of experimental Plasteel body armor. However, the design was extremely primitive and clearly lacked any sort of gas filters... The corridor down was clearly locked down in a sort of emergency lock phase. All the doors would require lightsabers to cut through. There were about, four doors on each side of the corridor, leading to a large door at the far end of the corridor. Xzaien twisted toward Amur, motioning her in.


Sleep Gas Effect on Main Corridor Guards Success!
@Caught in Strangereal


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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Looks like the Cathar had a few tricks up her sleeve, knockout gas to to deal with all the lifeforms inside very clever. It was also good to know that backup was incoming extra bodies are always useful especially when two were effectively out of the fight. Let's see if her ingenuity keeps up through out this fight. As they two dark siders took point at the door, Amur holstered her pistol and finally ignited her lightsaber, crackling to life like a barely contained fire. She was ready for anything behind the door.

The door opened and a gushing of warmth and sleeping gas exited out into the icy cold. Amur scanned the interior impressed to find that all the guards were down, it made their job easier, which given some of the earlier complications was welcomed. Xzaien gestured her hand out towards the corridor almost like a butler ushering someone into a home. Nothing like a bit of civil home invasion. Amur nodded in response and began to walk forward Lightsaber held up in a two handed grip partly to avoid accidentally dismembering anyone, f the Cathar wanted fresh bodies well she had a wonderful stock to pick as Amur had to put effort and concentration into not tripping over any of them. The armor was interesting to note, likely this is what the lab had been focused on, maybe the placement of the lab on this planet was to also serve as a arctic warfare test site for equipment, improving thermal undersuit designs and the like. It certainly was intriguing and if they had a spare chest piece in black lying around she might even entertain looting it as a trophy. The only problem being that this looked to be still very early into the design phase.

As they walked forth into the corridor Amur took notice of the heavy security doors locking off each of the rooms found throughout including a large door that likely leads to the rest of the facility. Amur stopped and looked over each of the doors, with the spacing and position it was easy to figure that the four smaller doors were individual rooms, they might contain useful stuff or junk still it would be useful to atleast know what was in them before moving on. She turned to Xzaien.

"Let's start with rooms before we breach the corridor, don't want any surprise on our way back." Amur then started to get to work on the first door in the corridor on the left side wall. The Lightsaber crackling and chirping as it cut through the hardened durasteel. It only took seconds as the n shaped hole was cut and the door feel down with a hard crunch. Amur looked inside scanning the room quickly it looked to be holding something several EVA suits of some kind, likely meant for sustained time outside for heavy maintenance. Amur quickly entered checking each corner for anything, it looked to be abandoned.

The next two doors didn't hold much in the way of surprises, one looked to be an emergency medical suite, and the other room had a knocked out guard who was manning a workstation. A quick look over of the workstation show it was used for logging in operations when people entered and exited, patrols and the likes nothing especially juicy at first glance but useful.

The final room seemed to be a stockroom for various equipment, fusioncutter torches, welding putt, duct tape, all the things a mechanical engineer could wish for. All of it was practical day to day operations type stuff nothing out of the ordinary, other than those specialized eva suits, all of that was stuff the second team could look into.

Still it now finally came to the large door and as Amur and Xzaien came to it Amur was about to get to work to cut a opening for them, when she stopped herself it all felt too easy and a intuition or the will of the force told her to use caution. "This has been too easy, I'll cut a small porthole for you to scout out the area and fire from. That way our opening will be less of a chokepoint." Amur waited for Xzaien to get a response and then took the moment to take into account where her head was she could cut a hole eye level. Amur would briefly have to fight instinct as she nearly made the initial cut at her height nearly forgetting that she was a head taller than Xzaien. Why did that Cathar had to be so short?

For the droids in the area standing as a holdout to protect the scientist from the breaching team they trained their blaster on the door knowing that was the only way into the rest of the base from the entrance that had been breached. The eerie quiet that was lost on the emotionless droids that now seemed to occupy the area. The silence would then be penetrated by a red lightsaber that was cutting a hole roughly 0.5m in radius, the crackling saber would struggle to cut through the thicker door but it still managed to get the job done. As soon as the circle was completed the metal was then jutted out with considerable force flying into the room. Amur and Xzaien could then see in the brief moment of quiet that there was six droids present in various postions around the corridor before immediately a hail of blaster fire struck at the door some of the bolts even managed to get through the hole forcing the two to take cover. Amur immediately took her light saber and began to start cutting an entry way into the door, so that the two could enter and bring the wraith of the darkside to the two droids.

@Xanthum the Mighty

Rolled for Amur to cut through the doors(Success)


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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It would appear that most of if not all of the remaining Security Officer's were otherwise downed or incapacitated. Good, It seems that the gamble has worked and the strike team on the roof had supposedly gone right. The Knockout Gas grenades given to the second strike team was a seemingly good choice to make in the matter.

Nevertheless, Xzaien looked toward Amur briefly. Looking quite pleased with herself to say the very least. An odd series of events would occur with Xzaien.

She would seemingly kneel at the first group of downed bodies. Their still alive, yet knocked out frames contrasting against the bright, Medical floor they both stood on. Xzaien raised her right arm over the three downed men whilst Amur waited nearby. Suddenly, a bright purple light seemed to emanate from Xzaien's fingertips. The Dark side of the Force was felt to nearly implant directly upon Amur's conscious, a deep corrupting evil that seemed to seep into every exposed bit of flesh. From her hands, a long black tendril emerged, sputtering with the Dark Side of the Force. The tendril slowly and gradually crept closer and closer to the lying bodies. Eventually enveloping them in this web of Dark-Side Energy. Whatever this was, it was something likely forbidden by many as a dangerous and perhaps easily destructive technique likely enough to destroy a consciousness and rebuild it. However, if Amur gazed upon Xzaien's white furred face. She could see her once bright blood orange eyes have changed drastically.

A sudden, color changed occured. While Xzaien's eyes were fixated on the downed individuals the eye color immediatly began to shift. From blood orange, to bright blood red. It was natural of course, as Amur would likely know that those deeply immersed in the Dark-Side of the Force would incur physical as well as mental changes. From Yellow, to Orange, To Blood Red. This time, the Corruption seemed to seep through Xzaien's face. Black tendrils of energy swirling in her cheekbones and eyes. However, as quickly as it came the light suddenly faded, and Xzaien's features returned to normal.

"Before you even ask Amur, Yes its a Dark Side Technique."

Xzaien simply stood and turned around back toward Amur. Listening to Amur finish her spiel about the doors to our rear. In the meantime, Xzaien raised her right hand to her mouth. Speaking into it briefly to one squad, and then to the other, presumably one that was sent back to the Ship with the wounded in tow.

"Echo - Return to the entrance and guard our backs. Please."

"Ensure that he's in Kolto, Remain at the ship. I feel that we shall be returning in a few moments."

Xzaien nodded briefly after Amur finished her plan for this season. To search and loot the rooms. Easy enough. Xzaien followed Amur to the first set of doors. Moving to a breaching position with Blaster drawn and up by her head. She had no use for the warblade you see. As force powers were the key concept to any Force Focused Dark-Sider. Nevertheless, a Warblade did have its uses sometimes. Amur ignited her lightsaber, A surprise for sure but a welcome one, its crimson blade dazzling the room. As the door opened, Xzaien was promptly greeted with general equipment. This process repeated itself a multitude of times until the duo came across the final door. The one that lead to the rest of the facility. The endgame. The finish line was just in the next room.

Xzaien waited briefly as Amur ignited her Saber again, she watched with mild confusion as she listened to Amur's talk about scouting and cutting. What seemed to amuse Xzaien the most was Amur's close attempt to cut a slit at her own eye level. A subtle wofting of "What?" came from Xzaien's face. A face of mild confusion to say the least. Xzaien replied.

"Shock and surprise Dear Amur. Cut the door open, and we'll take cover behind this command console to our rears."
Xzaien moved oddly quickly, seemingly vaulting the security barricades with a grace seen in acrobats seen every-which place across the Galaxy. She held her blaster pistol in a natural aiming position at the door. Her other hand, crackling with some kind of energy. She allowed Amur to cut the door, the crackling and sparking of the lightsaber sounding like music to Xzaien's ears. It was a great sound, one she remembered from long ago.

The cut was eventually finished, and as Amur force pushed the door in. The both of them were promptly greeted with six poorly constructed and cheapo battle droids. One meant for budget prices... It seems that this lab didn't have the... best equipped security personnel. First filterless trooepers, now bottom of the barrel battle droids? What could this even be?

The droids began shooting, after about a four to five second delay. Probably to compute that these were infact intruders. Xzaien took this odd lull in the battle to cock her arm back as if she were throwing a baseball, but instead of baseball. Bright blue lightning congealed into a ball with purple accents, she hurled it directly at the middle of the battle droids.


However, it would seem that the Droids were equipped with some rudimentary EMP shielding and as such. Not only were the droids unscathed, but they returned fire. Xzaien quickly realized her error and threw her armored cape infront of her. It absorbing a multitude of hits, almost ten hits from a cheapie blaster rifle. None of them penetrating, however two shots managed to snake by her defences. The first, striking her upper thigh, which was unarmored, and as she took cover. Another directly in the freaking ass. These shots seemed to be tailored for varmint hunting, but it was highly likely that it caused some /severe/ burns.

Xzaien on the other hand seemed to be mildly taken aback at the sudden hits. Ducking behind the desk console and drawing her weapon waiting for another opportunity to fire back instead of getting a accidental burn across the fun bags or rear end again. All in all, That's some severe ouchies just then.
@Caught in Strangereal


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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Sometimes you just wanted to do things your way, a little annoyed that the Cathar didn't see her line of reasoning. You could atleast chuck a grenade in it... Still this was the person that used the dark side to seemingly mind bend an group of unconscious soldiers, then feel the need to comment at her observation. Did this Cathar expect everyone to judge her? Still just cut the hole in the door and get this op done for that was all Amur wanted at this point as her Lightsaber fizzled and sparked cutting through the door. It was much thicker than the rest she dealt with but it was nothing too bad. As the final part of the cut was made Amur put one hand on the metal and shove it back with the force. It made a satisfying clang as it hit the ground and Amur was exposed to the site of...

Rusting 5u infantry droids. Was this a joke? A ruse? This was it? The droids seemed to be as shocked as they were before Amur remembered that she should take cover. After all one of these might miss and actually hit it's intended target. She saw Xzaien prep some sort of grenade and chuck the thing at the clunky ensemble of droids. They merely looked down at it like a pebble which would of been funny had it not been for the fact that the grenade didn't do a damn thing. Too cheap to afford something like a H4, but can also afford to shield and harden the electronics against emps... What a bizarre company that owned this lab.

Still Xzaien did her best to retract into cover from the incoming fire of six droids and nearly succeeded, until she was shot in the thigh and well... the ass. She seemed to be well completely flustered even if on the inside she may have been convincing herself it was fine. Amur couldn't help but have a hidden smirk develop looking at the Cathar. The sith then slid into the pathway lightsaber readied the droids paused to register her presence which was enough time for her to ready the saber into a defensive stance ideal for deflecting blaster bolts. A series of plasma was indiscriminately flung at her swirling and meandering her saber in response. The deflection alone took out 3 of the droids, who fell sputtering to their death. She then charged the remaining 3 who now had to stop to reload, she hacked off the limbs of one and then turned around and decapitated the other droid but the final droid... Amur couldn't help herself. She simply grabbed by the neck raising it up removing the weapon it was holding and chucked the droid towards Xzaien. As it's cheap servos tried desperately to get the 5u droid standing Amur looked at Xzaien.

"Taken care of, I even saved the asshole for you." A shit eating grin now under Amur's helmet Xzaien though likely didn't need to see her face to register that as it leaked into her voice as well. Amur though was glad for her helmet, it afforded a certain privacy that you didn't normally have.

"You ready to take on some scared scientist or would you need to sit on it first?" Amur teased the petite Cathar morbidly curious of her reaction. She didn't seem to respond to her early when she chastised her a bit, maybe this would get under her skin.

@Xanthum the Mighty

Rolled for Amur[ to deflect and engage the droids with her lightsaber (Success)


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
Reaction score
It was a steady movement as Xzaien ducked behind the Command Console, Both thigh and cloak smoking from the hits. She seemed to merely be focusing on something at the moment as the Cathar's eyes seemingly switched from a Blood Orange to a now glowing purple. Which lit up parts of the Darkened room. She shot up, preparing something indicative of lightning as she swirled around in a circular fashion with her hands moving hypnotically fast in this large circular fashion. Amur if she even bothered to look could see bright blue lightning forming on her fingertips, even noticing her hair standing up on end at this close distance.

Meanwhile while Amur went straight for slicing and dicing the poorly equipped battledroids with impunity cutting them into tiny pieces save for the last one who had simply lost its arms in the process of attempting to go hand to hand with Amur. Only pathetically attempting to headbutt her but only failing miserably. It was somewhat pitiful in a way. Armless droid trying to kill a Sith Acolyte.

Xzaien on the other hand, seemingly turned completely sideways toward the hallway where Amur lie was still conjuring. And only after her hand shot forward did a unstable bolt of lightning arc out from her two fingertips aimed toward Amur's location. A deafening crack of lightning causing a literal small wave of sound to echo and bounce off the walls. The bolt seemingly wormed its way around Amur's smug expression


The shot seemingly in slow motion in Amur's eyes, shot straight past her. Traveling down the hallway at a breakneck speed and finally connecting with a control panel for the second set of blast doors. Causing the panel to literally explode in a cloud of black smoke which was quickly cleared away by the filtration system. And hey presto, The door was suddenly open! Behind it, a large group of Scientists clutching various office equipment as weaponry. One man holding a folding chair, another carrying a pen in a icepick grip. All of which were improvised. They were literally all nice and tucked up behind a few overturned tables. Meanwhile, behind the group of craven Science Team members were more suits of this experimental body armor all nicely layed up in pressurized pods. All of which were white in coloration.

Xzaien on the otherhand seemed to be herself, surprised by what had just transpired, and was visibly looking weaker than usual. Though with a mild case of the huffie-puffies of exhaustion after having conjured up a lightning bolt from nowhere and then shot it about fifty meters down a steel corridor. Impressive. Meanwhile, Xzaien quickly caught her breath until right at the same time, Her companions entered the Room. The Mandalorian, Bothan, and the Black Furred Cathar, but with a few new additions. About twenty other individuals, easily recognized as the individuals Xzaien had presumably bent to her will. All of which wearing identical armor with Blaster Carbines. Save for one man, Presumably the Guard Captain in a Dark Grey similarly colored armor. Helmet off.

This Guard Captain clearly was well groomed and clean shaven. Save for a scar across his right eye and a cybernetic replacement. He also had black hair and had in a nearly perfect flattop. He had this somewhat concerned expression after he caught sight of Xzaien. He opened his mouth to speak, He spoke in this mild mannered Concord Dawn accent.
"Quickly, get her some Medical Attention!"

He gestured his hand at Xzaien while walking along to the first set of blast doors. In both of his hands lay dual blaster pistols of a unknown make. However, once he had caught sight of the armless battledroid and the likely mildly confused and shaken Amur. He sort of... rolled his eyes lazily and raised a pistol up toward the droid. Gunning it down into a heap of broken metal fragments.

While this was occuring Xzaien's Original Companions appeared and immediately began treating her wounds. They were debilitating, but nothing a bath in Kolto couldn't handle.

Xzaien moved up gradually, she finally spoke her voice somewhat hoarse from being shot about fifty times, she seemed honest in her words it was ultimately up to Amur to weather or not she wanted to do some jobs again with Xzaien.

"Let us greet our new Friends Amur, Now this may be the start of a professional relationship."
@Caught in Strangereal


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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She teased the Cathar and her response was to fling lightning dangerously close to her face. Fiesty or unintentional either way that was more like it. Whilst the prospect of having her face be partially melted for the second time in her life did surprise the room that quickly faded away. Especially with two distinct sounds one of the door opening. Looks like that light show Xzaien did was just the trick. The second was the guards Amur couldn't help when seeing the 20 or so guards reach for her pistol only to remember that they were now under Xzaien's spell. It was even a treat to see how the captain seemed to care for her like a father. Interesting but also disconcerting. That would definitely need to be questioned. How was she doing it? What was it's limits and could it backfire? Is there a way to counter it? As looking at the mind bend it seemed awfully close to something like the mind breakers or at least the sparse reports she could get access to. Suspicious.

Still there was a group of terrified employees watching over them. Amur could practically smell the fear in them emanating from every pore on their bodies. She saw Xzaien getting medical attention and in no shape to continue on, she earned a rest. There were quite a few moments where the cathar showed tact. She looked at Xzaien after her hoarse and weak delivery.

"Don't worry, I can handle the rest of these 'friends'. You look like you could use a rest and some tea."

Amur then walked over to the crowd of people who seemed petrified by the sight of the Sith. Her lightsaber glowing and crackling, lighting up the corridor and the expressions of all the scientists. She scanned each one as if choosing who to strike down first or so she wanted the scientist to believe. She made note of all the improvised weapons.

"I'll give you credit for trying but if you really think a bloody pen is going to do anything for you then you deserve to die." Amur said for her it was rather light in tone but for everyone else it just drew more attention to the sith.

"What do y-"

"I'm sorry but did I say you could talk?" Amur cut the woman off and then raised her lightsaber pointing direct at the female scientist. "Now keep quiet or you'll discover how long your head can stay conscious without a body." Amur growled in a threat that caused all the scientist to recede and cower. She had gotten a rather captive audience now.

"Right, here's the deal. All of you consider this a change of management. You share all your research with us and our 'associates' and come with us or I will take all the lovely reformed guards, and food and cut the power to this facility leaving you stranded. You'll soon be freezing to death and eating each other with the storm outside. Amur then paused for effect to read the crowd they were quaking in their boots as the expression went and Amur was relishing the unbridled dominance she had over these defenseless scientist. They were at her mercy, their fate in her hands.
"So what's it going to be? You coming with us? Or will you be finding out how good cassius back there tastes?" Amur pointed to a random male in the group who suddenly felt the eyes of everyone plunge onto him. Needless to say everyone slowly started to nod in agreement to let themselves be taking.

"You did the smart things, the guards can handle escorting you out. Don't worry I assure you the next lab we send you to will be in a much nicer area. I'd also grab anything relating to the project you were working on and failure to give up any info will result in your... termination, trust I'll know if you're holding anything back."

Amur turned away from them deactivating her light saber as well. She marched back to Xzaien who was looking a little better with some of the medical attention they were giving her.
"Alright I think our part is done here. Let's get off this planet and get you some rest. We can discuss payment on your ship."

@Xanthum the Mighty


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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It had been noted that the flat-topped bloke might have gotten the worse of the mind break business. Even walking past him Amur could sense the corruption inside his mind. If she looked around everyone would have the same uniform white armor that the Security Captain had on. Their helmets were also off revealing a odd... turn of events. Each one of them were nearly identical copies of each-other, with very small differences such as a beard here, a mustache here. Maybe a colored face tattoo here.


In the meantime Amur had walked straight toward the cowering scientists and made her presence known with them mostly quaking in their boots. Even with one bloke dropping his pen and sending it clattering to the floor. If Amur simply happened to look behind her toward Xzaien. She would already be walking toward the group of Scientists in a unnaturally stiff walk. Her face still hidden behind the Y visored helmet. Trailed by four of twenty Security Guards. She would nod toward Amur before listing her own set of words toward the terrified scientists.

"Salutations my friends. It appears that you are going to be reassigned. Congratulations. It appears that you will no longer working for Republic Corps. May I ask, Which one of you has a certification in Theoretical Physics?"

One of the Scientists stepped forward. He was visibly shaken but still coherent enough to formulate a answer.

"I do- I uh- I- I specialize in physics. I am Doctor Anderson."

Xzaien notably, raised her left arm up tapping a few keywords into it. Her helmet suddenly folded down revealing her relatively flawless face with its bright blood orange eyes.

SHe nodded at Doctor Anderson she motioned for one of the Security Officers to take him someplace else. Which he did, He took the white suited Scientist and literally dragged him out of the room and toward the main atrium. Xzaien continued her theatrics.

"Whomever has a PHD in their selected field please step forward."

About five more scientists stepped forward leaving about thirty remaining scientists to stay behind. All of them were shaking now. One guy even fainted, with his head hitting the floor with a metallic thunk. Xzaien on the other hand motioned for the Security Officer's to step forward. With one man carrying a heavy blaster cannon.


Xzaien only nodded at the Security Officers, at which they raised their weapons at the Scientists. With a few of the Scientists screaming various words along the lines of "No Please!" at the Security Officers. Within a few moments, the entire room was filled with the sounds of blaster fire and blue colored light. After about fifteen seconds, the blaster fire stopped. They suddenly turned around, slinging their weapons over their shoulders and walking away. Past Xzaien lay the bloody bodies of the rest of the Science Team. With the rest of the Security Team marching to secure the rest of the prototype equipment from the labs.

Xzaien returned to Amur she answered:
"Yes. We shall."

Xzaien ordered the rest of the team to move out. With prototypes in hand, and scientists in tow. They soon exited the science facility with one of the Security Officers sealing the door behind them. The group would begin to move out into the great white snowy wasteland. Eventually coming across Xzaien's ship in the middle of it nearby the cave.
"The rest of you, Board the ship."

She turned toward Amur again at the foot of the boarding ramp. She reached into her pocket retrieving something as the rest of the Science Team and Security Guards entered the ship. Dissapearing from view. This would leave only Xzaien and Amur to speak.
@Caught in Strangereal
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SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2019
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Amur was pleasantly surprised by the display dear Xzaien had put up. If Amur had made them afraid but gave them a glimspe of hope for their lives, Xzaien then took that and crushed it. Oh you could just taste the emotions that generated from that! Amur was mainly thinking of putting the scientists on a death march through the snow then abandon them on the planet but this would certainly do. Amur watched over the rest of the scientists like a slave driver as they marched back through the thick white embrace. They were shivering from the cold that greedily licked up their heat. Still if any displayed signs of slowing they would get a kick or nudge, or punch to help 'motivate' them. Amur now curious to think of how Czerka would respond to their results for the day, well they had a smorgasbord of equipment, research, data and minds to prod study and reverse engineer, a satisfying result indeed.

As the group approached the aging cargo ship that Xzaien helmed she would then order everyone aboard, leaving just the two of them now. She seemed to be reaching for something in her pocket unsure what exactly it would be. A paranoia started to fill Amur's mind as well as curiosity. She didn't have this Cathar figured out, she was still an unknown quantity in many ways. Amur also had mixed feelings on the Cathar, on one hand she seemed to be quite bright and apt in the moment, there also seemed to be a strong bit of arrogance, and well a complex about her. Maybe it was the height, that gave her such insecurity. There was also the matter of the mind bending.

"Well Czerka is going to be happy, Pay will be split evenly between us. If this is your first time helping our friends then you'll get your choice of some nice killing gear. Either a CZ-MSBR a lovely bit of kit, or a crate of a crate of acid grenades if your in the mood for some more warcrimes. The scorched Acolyte got the payment aspect out of the way and now wanted to move on to what was really driving at her.

"It's been interesting to work with you, certainly got more mystique than any of the Sith I've met. I'd be open to cooperating in any future endeavors... Though something that's been eating at me. How exactly did you make all those guards your thralls?"

@Xanthum the Mighty


The Dark Jedi
SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2019
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It was a pleasant conversation. Simply just standing there in the cold embrace of the snow. Amur began to talk about the payment and as such. Xzaien simply smiled and nodded along.

"It seems that the Acid Grenades interest me greatly. If you would be a dear and contact our mutual friends about said payment. I would be most appreciative."

Xzaien allowed for some time for Amur to then suddenly ask about how she was able to mind bend a group of Security Officers and turn them against the Science Team. Xzaien took this as a blunt subject. As if it were something she was never to tell to anyone.

"Well Amur, It appears that I do greatly appreciate your assistance today. However, I cannot tell bluntly about that aspect of my skillset. However, I can say this. I may have a job for you in the future. However, I will come to you about it. In the meantime."

Xzaien reached out with her hand, a handshake of sorts. As she grasped Amur's hand to shake, and that they did. Xzaien would turn around and slowly begin walking up the loading ramp. Eventually dissapearing at the top. Suddenly, the Ramp would begin to close eventually closing in-front of Amur. Soon thereafter the ship would slowly rumble to a start. It's thrusters kicking up snow in huge billowing sheets. In a flash, Amur would be left alone in the Dark. Xzaien now gone.

However, Amur would feel something in her hand. If she took it out to inspect it. It would be a gold coin. With a eagle punched into it. It was holding two differently colored gems in its talon. A Red Gem in one talon, and a blue gem in the other. On the flip side of the Coin was a co-ordinates for someplace in the Outer Rim. A meeting point. Followed by a date. It was a invite someplace and a gift as well. IF Amur chose to go on the specified date. Then it would be likely the two would work together again. In the meantime, Amur was left standing alone in the cold...

@Caught in Strangereal