A needle in a hay stack

Soth Nuevole

SWRP Writer
May 3, 2017
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As Soth stepped into the hallway, he almost forgot the plan as he looked upon the familiar face of the professor. Hearing the shock in Al-Ric's voice let Soth know that he was just as stunned as the Mirialan. "If you're behind this, why get us involved?". "You think I asked for you to be contacted?". "But if you didn't want the blaster to be devleloped, hy not just pull the funding?". "It is not my call what projects become funded or not. That idiot of a boss of mine has no idea what he is doing. And since that s**t job of mine doesn't pay very well, I figured I could make a quick buck. And since I can have you running back and telling on me, I am sorry but this has to be done." The professor looked at the men holding the blasters. "Shoot them."

The men put their weapons down, smiling at the Professor. "What are you doing you idiots, I said shoot them." "You have already paid us, It would seem as our business is done here." The one in charge of the men looked at Soth and nodded. @Ulysses


SWRP Writer
Mar 9, 2017
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Al-Ric said to the professor: "I think it's time we went back, don't you? Your scientists will be able to explain what happened here to your bosses."

Al-Ric nodded towards the door. The professor hung his head and made his way out. They trooped along the street back to the installation. As they got to the door, Al-Ric looked over to the freed scientists: "you can take it from here?"

They nodded

[Unless interrupted, Al-Ric will say goodbye to Soth, find his astromech, head for his interceptor and leave the planet]