A Pirate's Life For Me!

Sag'etare Baracco


Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 15, 2023
Reaction score

The coin rolls.
Metallic. Cold.
Across fingers.
As eyes linger.

He sits in the cockpit of his ship.
Looking between all its displays.
Till his gaze tilts to the distance.
To the stars and to naked space.

At another ship, to be specific. “Ah, there she is,” the Captain grinned. “Just as I predicted.” He was no Force-sensitive, yet his visions of the future tended to turn out as expected, and he tended to live up to his name as a sage.

“As we charted and coordinated, Cap’n,” corrected his first mate. A brave chap, he'd daresay. “There’s a wee bit of a difference.”

“Listen,” Captain Sage leaned his head back in his seat, resting the crook of his knee over an armrest. “Fate and chance are two sides of the same coin.” He flipped his. It landed in his hand. The outcome made no difference at the moment. “We have a map and a plan...and I have my wits.” He tapped his noggin.

“I…don’t get it.” An apt reply.

Sage sighed. “Just take us in.”

In. To the distance. To the ship. A freighter drifting along, bigger than his, the Endless Song. She whispered to him as she went full speed ahead by the ship’s navigator.

The other vessel was at a distinct disadvantage, however. Slower, with a lighter armament, carrying passengers who weren’t combatants, and not expecting to be raided by pirates the next moment.

“Ready cannons.”

“Always ready, Cap’n,” spoke a gunner.

“I know.” Sage pulled a hairbang away from his face. “But it’s fun to say. So sing our name and fire away!” He flipped his coin as his ship broadcasted music, a sweet if tragic violin. When it landed back in his hand so too did a barrage land on that other freighter to slap it in the rear and hamper a hasty retreat.

“That got their attention!”

“Excellent. She’ll turn around to greet her aggressors. Her little cannons are forward-facing only. Take them out, if you’d please.”

The Song sang a new tune as her opponent came to. Cannons blasted both ways in an exchange, but those of Captain Sage overpowered the other's. It was a quick dance, and the well-placed aim of a gunner took out its target's cannons, which weren't many to begin with.

So, there go the weapons, just as the captain commanded. “Communications array, mates!” Around when the predator’s prey may be beckoning at long range for reinforcements. This far out in space, they would not arrive in time anyway, but it was a chance that Captain Sage was not willing to take.

“She's a sitting duck now, Cap’n Sage!” Another gunner exclaimed.

“Aye.” He would not lie. “Now hail them.”

“Channel opened.”

“Crew of the Keeper’s Wish, we are the pirates of the Endless Song. Surrender to us and you will not be harmed. Do not and we will destroy you. Will you comply?”

A moment of silence. Heads? Another coin flip. Tails? It landed.

“We will comply.”

As I predicted. “Excellent. Then prepare to be boarded.”

Sag'etare Baracco


Character Profile
Die Shize
Nov 15, 2023
Reaction score
The violin.
Sweet as a peach.
Elegance so splendid.
Sweet as my very violence.

It was the first thing that the crew of the Keeper’s Wish had heard upon opening their doors and, to that, one would have to agree, that itself was the smartest thing they had agreed on doing.

The strings. The bow. Everything about this instrument, really, was O so very sweet.
The way the bow slid across the strings. Quite like a blade sliding across the skin…
The way the hand gripped the body. Kind of like my hand squeezing a lady’s thigh.
The way the chin rest rested against his chin. Yet, as he played, his head did shift.

All else was quiet. Only the music mattered at the moment. Only the music could be heard. Enticing. Enlivening. As bright as summer’s fire after winter had been cast aside. And wasn’t space just O so very cold?

This ship wasn’t. Its temperature was at just the right setting. Perhaps, then, his audience would in turn warm up to his presence, and to the coming of his crew or, as Sage liked to say, his troupe.

He played away as he paced down the hallway. His eyes were closed. Maybe some overly happy-go-lucky if trigger-happy person might decide to try their luck on him while he wasn’t looking. But he wasn’t an idiot. His troops marched with him. Beside him. Behind him.

Besides, he would prove to be a pretty quick draw for present company. His manner might be eccentric but his long tan jacket was as expressive of plain taste as it was expensive. And it had a complement of hidden blades, grenades, pistols, a sword and a coin, with a carbine slung at his back.

Finally, as the pirates of music crossed the corridor from one end to the other, the Captain of the Endless Song stopped playing (for the moment), opened his eyes, and bowed before the Captain of the Keeper’s Wish.

“I hope you enjoyed my performance.”
He lifted his head. There was silence. Such an ugly visage. Man wasn’t an ugly captain exactly. But that frown. We need to turn it upside down. “I…take it you didn’t like it..?”

“I have no opinion on your music or your performance. I am Jake Nalrun, Captain of the Keeper’s Wish. I have surrendered my ship. As you wished.”

“Ah, just so.” Sage slowly twirled his bow between his fingers as if it were a blade. “And I am Sag’etare Baracco, Captain of the
Endless Song…”

He gave his instrument to a trusted crewmen and, amid his troupe, he trusted everyone. Flourished his hand as if asking the other man to dance but not really. “But you may simply call me…Sage…”