A Wookiee's Work


SWRP Writer
May 14, 2006
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The Wookiee sat, staring into the glazing sky of Korriban. He thought of the work that must be done in order to win the favor of his Lord. He would stop at nothing.
He picked up a large, long, sharp tool and began carving. The tool hit the hard, natural rock of the world. His fur wettedwith sweat after just five minutes of labor. Yet, inside a voice echoed, telling him many things, especially speaking of what would happen if he finished.
By an hour, a large round disk formed around the bottom, and soon, a large body would fill above. A lord of all will inhabit this place forever, and immortal entity shall strike fear in all hearts who pass.


SWRP Writer
May 14, 2006
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The base was perfect to work with, as was the rock. It was soft enough to easily carve, yet hard enough to maintain shape for years and years to come. Isshmum was proud.
He began shipping away to thin the above rock layers, knowing that he needed not to form it before thining. He was getting better with every stroke, and was happy about such.
Soon thereafter, Isshmum had nearly made the perfect width of the rock and mumbled to himself, "That should do it......"
At that time, he began shaping the ghostly end of the future Dark Lord. He wished to make perfect detail of such, to maximise the effect of the altar. Dark waters mixed of blood would run through the grooves of the bottom rock, that would, in the future, have a pooling area. But the main statue was to come first.


SWRP Writer
May 14, 2006
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Next forth shall come the details of the great feet of the future Dark Lord of the Sith <span style="color:#000000">((Take note this is before he became the DL)) and such shall be easy.
He approached forth the peach stone, and with perfection, began indenting the creases where the ghoastly figure met the ground. Isshmum would later put large holes, to show the wavering of his power underneath his own infinate self.
The ambonimition shall form, all in time power shalt cross such a figure and be seduced by him. The truth work was beginging.........


SWRP Writer
May 14, 2006
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Loud pounding noises ricochets into oblivion. The sounds appear not to stop. The details take place, to the Wookiee's delight.
The towering man smiles, then bares at the monster of a task before him with agony, but knows that all is well....and power shall come.