Independent Aarne Tuwey


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Feb 13, 2012
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Aarne Tuwey (known as 'Arn') was a Corellian male, who was active during the period of Galactic history known as the 'Force Eternal'. Born in the Corellian pasturelands, he was raised by two farmers and had an unremarkable childhood before heading off to join the Sector Rangers when he was eighteen. Serving for nearly five years as a Ranger, he left to pursue a more lucrative career in the outer rim, whereupon he became a card player, smuggler and all-around rogue. A common sight in the meeting places of the scum and villainy of the galaxy, Aarne is noticeable for his characteristic wit, charm, and ease of conversation, alongside his devastatingly quick draw with a blaster, and practical approach to life.


A member of the Tuwey family of Corellia, Aarne had a reasonably predictable and unremarkable upbringing as the son of two farmers in the Corellian pasturelands. During his youth, however, he found himself pining for more than a life of driving harvesters and would sneak out to the local cantinas, watching the card games and the occasional quick-draw duel, much to his parent's displeasure. During his late teens, his parents relented to his desire to break with the well-trodden family path and supported his application to join the Sector Rangers once he had finished school - keen as they were to see his adventurous spirit channelled into a law-abiding profession.

He would spend nearly five years with the Rangers, working across the mid and out-rim, before finally packing it all in during his mid-twenties to take up a 'more lucrative' career in the space lanes. Playing off the back of his love of gambling, danger, and exploration, he became a professional card shark, smuggler, and all-around rogue, a regular sight at the cantinas of the outer rim. Taking jobs where he could find them, Aarne picked up jobs where he could find them, conned people of credit when he could, and pulled together his crews on the sly when the opportunity presented itself.

Now in his late thirties, Aarne has been active on the galactic crime scene for nearly two decades, and as the 'Force Eternal' era ticks ever onward, he looks for his next big score...

Personality, Skills & Abilities

A practical man with a love of adventure and exploration, Arn was a spacer at heart, despite his upbringing on Corellia. Taking jobs wherever he could find them, he was not above illicit work (such as the shipment of spice and weapons) and was always looking out for himself, first and foremost. Having worked for the Sector Rangers, and then moved into the world of crime, Arn was a man who understood the way the 'justice' system worked, and was a firm individualist, believing that the Government and its agents tended only to cause problems for 'hard workers' such as himself.

Selfish and motivated by credits and survival, Arn had an eye for a good bargain which, combined with his untrustworthy nature, made him a consummate 'outer rim businessman'. He complimented his knowledge of the rim and its business practices with incredible skill and a range of blaster weapons. Quick on the draw and unnervingly accurate, Arn was ruthless in combat and able to instantly lay down a flurry of fire. Hardy, he was well-built with an instinctive nack for survival and could hold his own in a close-quarters struggle.

Capable in all manner of thievery-related skills, he could hotwire a speeder, or even a stolen ship, and talk his way out of anything if his opponent was gullible enough. Arn was able to speak and understand galactic basic, and could also understand (but not speak) Huttese and several variations of droid-speak.

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