Modification Aftermarket Bomb Tube

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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Aftermarket Bomb Tube

Open Market


Starship Weapons Modification
Power Supply:
Ship's reactor

Ship's targeting computer.


Various metals, polymers and circuit components

An often improvised upgrade, from either one innovative starship mechanic or from some black market shipwright, this upgrade adds a bomb tube to a starfighter up to a light freighter class ship that doesn't already have one. This modification can be implemented in two ways, neither of which are really easy to apply and take specialized know-how to do so.

First, aftermarket bomb tube upgrade can replace the missile or torpedo launcher (one or multiple), and grant an amount of bombs half to the number of missiles or torpedoes that would be in the magazine. For example if 4 missiles/torpedoes, then the craft would have 2 bombs. In the case of an uneven number, round up, so if five missiles/torpedoes, three bombs would be granted. This variant of upgrade isn't compatible (and is often redundant) with ships with flexible hardpoints

Second, instead of replacing the upgrade can be added in addition to the craft without replacing anything. In which case by default one bomb tube can be equipped with a magazine of two bombs, doing this causes a drop in speed (-10 MGLT) as the ship isn't built to support the payload.

With either variant of the upgrade, an extra two bombs can be added once at a further speed decrase (-5 MGLT). This variant of the upgrade is mainly meant for adding bomb tubes to weapons without bombs already on them.

These upgrades mainly find use with pirate groups or syndicates who are looking for ways to cause additional destruction with their craft and are savvy enough to get these upgrades rather than seek out among the fewer variety of dedicated bomber craft.

Illegal. This makeshift upgrade to equip a ship with bombs is definitely illegal in civilized jurisdictions and voids the warranty on the upgraded ship in question.

To create a somewhat interesting starship upgrade and add to the variety, and for moments where people need to destroy a target below from the skies or from space there will be a good option to get the job done.
