Sith Order Ahlai Nesra


SWRP Writer
Sep 12, 2022
Reaction score

Ahlai Nesra


► 24
► Half Twi'lek/Human
► 5'7'
► 130 lbs
► Light Purple
► Purple-Black
► Female
► Sith Order
► Sith Champion
► Yes

Ahlai was born in space, specifically, during a lightspeed jump. Born planetless, with her mother being refugee and never having met her father, Ahlai's first years were on the outskirts of society, moving place to place, hitching rides whenever they could. This became more difficult when Ahlai's force sensitivity developed. Her mother had no means of dealing with a child whose tantrums now included flying objects and even the ability to knock people over with her outbursts. It didn't take long for this to land them in trouble.
At 5, while being rushed through a shady market area, Ahlai lost control and with the force knocked over and broke someone's wares. A man ran at them, looking for retribution. Ahlai's mother picked her up and ran, knowing they had nothing to offer as compensation. The man took chase, joined by two others. Quite suddenly, a cloaked man stood between the woman and the men in pursuit, with no indication of where he came from. Ahlai watched, transfixed as the men chasing them rose into the air, grasping their necks.
The man who saved them was a Sith, loyal only to the order and the dark side, and he had been watching Ahlai. Her mother, full of awe and fear towards their rescuer, did not resist as he escorted them to his ship and brought Ahlai to a small Sith base on an outer rim moon. Soon Ahlai was deep into Sith training. Her young age did nothing to ease the harshness of it. She has arcs of lighting scars along her back to prove it. The Sith who found her died when she was 10. Executed by a superior. Her second master succumbed to disease. The next was lost at space. Forth, died by poison. Fifth by falling from a high building - though Ahlai thinks it was likely more of a jump. What her training lacked in consistency it made up for with it's diversity. When her sixth and final master died at the hand of a Jedi, subsequently killed by Ahnai, she went in search of yet another master. When she returned to a Sith controlled planet however, the master she spoke to laughed at the idea and arranged for Ahnai to be given the rank of Sith Champion.

Ahlai is a young half-Twilek half-Human woman. Her skin pigmentation is primarily that of a light brown color, with purple pigmentation from her Twi'lek father marking her as alien. Her eyes are a pale purple. Her ears are not symmetrical, with one being fully human and one elongated and resembling a half formed Twi'lek ear cone. She has a fairly small, lean build and is more likely to wear robes than armor. She has shoulder length purplish-black hair, which she nearly always has braided neatly back into a bun. This is one of the ways, along with dressing up, she tries to appear older than she actually is.
Ahlai serves the Sith with a kind of dispassionate dedication. To her, this is simply her role in life, to grow strong and eventually to die, all in service to the dark side. But that's not to say she takes no enjoyment in her role. She likes order. She likes there to be a power structure. She likes the luxuries afforded by being part of the Sith order, by being someone who takes the things they want. Her mother enjoys it too. Ahlai's mother has lived in relative comfort all these years, thanks to her daughter's success in training. There is some strain between them, as Ahlai remembers well how quickly her mother's sympathy for what she went through in training faded at the offer of shelter and a level of luxury. Since becoming a Champion, Ahlai has taken on tasks and assignments with the same dedication as when she had a direct master to answer to. But she has not been able to latch on to any greater desire for power, status, or any greater goal. She has few social connections among Sith, and feels that she still needs to prove worthy of her rank.
To an outsider, Ahlai might appear inconsistent in her demeanor. She tends to emulate different aspect of her deceased master's personalities and affectations. Unconsciously this is because of her deep insecurity and bad case of Imposter Syndrome. She does, in fact, have a sense of humor.

  • Lightsaber (Deep red crystal previously belonging to her fifth master)
  • Backup Lightsaber (Her third master always insisted on it!)

  • Title ― Description ― • Thread Status
  • Title ― Description ― • Thread Status

    • Eave Nesra (Mother, strained relationship)
    • #1 Saon Keres (deceased, executed, trained by for 5 years)
    • #2 Maridan Mat (deceased, disease, trained by for 1 year)
    • #3 Hesta Par (deceased, ship crash, trained by for 3 years)
    • #4 Killian Halm (deceased, argued with the wrong alchemist, trained by for 3 years)
    • #5 Cira Jadir (deceased, suicide, trained by for 4 years)
    • #6 Khasvero Rhimini (deceased, killed in battle, trained by for 2 years)

