Akayla Syuphei


SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2014
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NAME: Akayla Manndrus Syuphei
FACTION: The Jedi Order
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: Togrutan
AGE: Sixteen
GENDER: Female
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes; Initiate-level training.

Akayla appears rather simply, for a Togruta. She stands around four feet, eleven inches, (150cm) and has a weight of 96.5 pounds (43.7kg), having a shape generally expected of one in both good shape, and of the same age as herself. Her skin is a common orange pigment, which is uninterrupted throughout all of her body, except, of course, her face, where she sports light markings along her forehead and under her eyes, as well as briefly crossing over the bridge of her nose. Her blue-striped lekku, though as short as would be expected with her age, are topped with montrals that are slightly taller than would be seen at her age. Though this doesn't make much of a difference for their extrasensory usage, they do make her look a little older than she really is. Her eyes are a light azure color.

Through her training, Akayla has been taught one of the most important virtues of the Jedi; patience. Like any sentient being, however, her patience does occasionally wear thin. As this is taught to and expected of all Jedi, she does her best to maintain quiet whenever it is needed.
Patience and other virtues taught by the Jedi are not all she can help out with, however. The young one knows her way around several different sets of technology. Since she was raised on a city planet, her lifestyle was more than accustomed to let her tinker around with whatever she pleased. Occasionally, the young girl would watch her father take apart electronic devices and either put them back together, or reuse them in other trinkets and toys. Over the years, she studied a bit more on the subject, and occasionally practices it in her modern life when she has the time.

On the physical side of things, Akayla is a fit young lady, and what she lacks in raw strength, she makes up for with her endurance. Being small in both height and build, her body is more suited for mobility than stability. This doesn't mean that she can't stand her own in a fight, however, due to the fact that she is versed in both lightsaber combat, and the Force. Should it come down to actual raw physical power, however, Akayla is lacking in this area. In addition, although she is healthy, she is a bit more susceptible to sickness than an average person is.

Akayla, being a young woman, is still in the process of settling into who she will be as an adult. She's on the quieter, less talkative side of the spectrum, generally preferring to observe when she knows it is best. However, she does not believe in standing idle when it is not necessary. When the time comes for her to act, she will, and can generally be seen putting a lot of energy into what she does. This does, however, have it's side effects, as she can tucker herself out rather easily if she isn't careful. She is rarely one to show timidness or cowardliness, though of course, she can be startled or spooked just like any other person.
When learning, Akayla will generally attempt to find a role model or other figure whose footsteps she can follow in. While she doesn't copy that person, she will use them as a reference point, to which she will begin to draw her own endpoints from.

Akayla was born to Borran and Kyyasha Syuphei, in a small city on the planet Shili. Shortly after her birth, a mere half year, her family relocated to Nar Shaddaa due to her mother's exclusivity under her line of work. She remained in a somewhat sketchy area of the city planet for the next six years. The girl lead what was a normal life expected of a child that lived in a large city, barren of any greenery.
The next year was a bit of a sore spot for the girl, due to the murder of her father. She was told that 'he had to go after getting in trouble,' but the reality of what happened is that he was caught up in the middle of a confrontation between two street gangs. Since Borran was generally the one with her most of time, while her mother worked, she was very distraught for around four years afterwards.
After these four years, when she was about ten, she and her mother relocated to a different part of the city, a great distance from where she was originally. The slight change in scenery (mainly because she was in a 33rd floor apartment instead of a 26nd) allowed her to move on and shift her focus to other endeavors. It was somewhere in the neighborhood of six years later that she graduated to Jedi Initiate, having gained many skills, both in the way of diplomacy, and the way of the Force, along the way.

As a Jedi Initiate, Akayla does not have a major number of specific Force abilities at her disposal; rather, she prefers to, at her current skill set, focus on things like acrobatics and her own senses. Though the slow growing of her montrals will eventually give her some of the abilities as a force user by instinct, she prefers to use the Force at her current state of growth, thinking that there is little room to wait to grow in a certain area, and quite literally so. Both areas of her Force powers are certainly far from perfect, but they suffice at her current state of training. However, telekinesis, one of her favorite concepts, is one she is quite well versed in for someone of her age and rank.
Similarly to her abilities within the Force, her skill with a lightsaber is all but average, as she is trained to proficiency in forms I and IV, where she focuses most of her practicing to form V. Though she understands the basics of II, III, VI, and VII, she prefers to practice the aforementioned.
In terms of other skills, the young Togruta is fluent in Basic, as most sentient beings are, while her Togruti is on the side of 'rusty yet serviceable.' Not generally having a need for the language in her normal life, she does not commonly practice it. Meanwhile, her Basic is as expected from a Jedi; refined and proper.

The only item of note at the moment would be Akayla's lightsaber, which is pictured below.

Currently: None.


Darth Sion
SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2016
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4'11? I've finally found someone shorter than me, even if they are an OC.


the not so scruffy nerf-herder
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2016
Reaction score
hem hem, my character is 4'7'' :D (also us midgets need to stick together ^-^)