Alexander Ayers


SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
#Blame @Deviant and @Critas and @Mithias and @Wolf


► 30​
► Human​
► 5'10"​
► 175lbs​
► Blue​
► Brown​
► Kashyyyk​
► Male​
► Galactic Alliance​
► Jedi Hopeful​
► Yes​
The son of a botanist and anthropologist, Alexander was born on the forest world of Kashyyyk. His parents, well known in their fields had left the Empire for the forest world to study, alongside Wookiee scientists, the many secrets of the dense forests of Kashyyyk and the ways of it's native Wookiee species. Honest, hardworking and loyal, it didn't take long for his family's presence to be accepted fully by the Kashyyyk natives. They had great respect for the Wookiees and their fierce independence and forthright nature and were happy to call Kashyyyk home to this very day.

As a child, educated by his parents and their friends during offworld trips and visits, Alex had a happy upbringing. The world of Kashyyyk held many great and fascinating things...both for young Wookiees and humans alike. It didn't take him long to design and build an apparatus to help him climb and explore the trees with his friends. His younger years were some of the best of his life; and he inherited from his cohorts many of the core Wookiee values. It made for an interesting mix when combined with the principals instilled in him by his parents and from it he's become loyal and forthright.

From his parents he inherited a fierce sense of independence that was only enhanced by his upbringing in close proximity with one of the galaxy's most independent cultures. He learned, over time, the horror and oppression his parents had left behind when they left the Imperial Republica shortly before he was born. Though intellectually he understood the complexities of Imperial rule, at his core he found it utterly abhorrent that such brutal rule could be held over a supposedly free people. He needed to see it for himself.

At eighteen he left his home and went to explore the galaxy as part of a freighter crew that, perhaps, dabbled in a bit of smuggling from time to time. They were a rough and rowdy bunch but they were like family to Alex. Though he was perhaps a bit unusual to be accepted into their ranks, his loyalty and canny intellect more than made up for his somewhat naive and idealistic nature. With them he got to see first hand much of what his parents had described to him within the Empire. It only further kindled his desire to see all the wrong the Empire had brought to the galaxy be undone.

When whispers began to reach him that the Rebellion had not died on Dantooine as many believed he was given new purpose. With the need to do right in his heart he sought them out. He never looked back, the Rebellion burns in his veins to this very day.
Alexander is forthright and loyal. Perhaps a bit blunt and direct for some people, he could be seen as an acquired taste. He possesses of a quick and canny intellect and a mind that plays brilliantly at the game of necessary deceit. He'll play any character he needs to as long as it's for the right reasons.

He is perhaps a bit naive and idealistic, but what rebel isn't? He sees the world in terms of right and wrong more often than not but at his core is kind and good-natured. He's the kind of person you'd see helping an old lady across the street or chasing down a purse snatcher. He wants, more than anything, for people to be able to be who they are. However he's not without some issues.

He can be quick to argue and constantly try to be right; though he's working on it slowly. He can be annoying in the pursuit of something he sees as critical and perhaps lacks in the department of patience. Still, he is young and as his mind begins to touch the Force he has found that there is much, much more to the galaxy than he ever thought. It is thrilling beyond words to him.
Alexander is scrappy. He learned to fight in scuffles with friends twice his size and three times stronger. As he toured the galaxy with his friends on the wrong side of the law, his technique was honed and he's proven himself quite capable. He's tricky and unpredictable; always looking for some way to gain the upper hand. He's skilled with his blasters and knife, though has seldom had a chance to use a vibrosword...despite the fact that that thought thrills him. Perhaps in a romanticized way he thinks that a sword would make him look dashing.

Though inexperienced with the Force, his father a force sensitive as well, has taught him the little that has been passed down through the family in secret. Do not use your power to hurt or cause harm. Do not use your power in anger or fear. Keep a clear head and rely on yourself more than the Force. Alexander has a little bit of a grasp on his power, but he always felt that it was cheating. He knows enough to keep it in check and use it occasionally but he does not have much experience with it in a fight.
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Lightsaber x2
Smoke grenade x1
Blaster Pistol x1
Fragmentation grenade x2
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SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Alex got a bunch of plastic surgery and now has the face of a totally different person!

Found him a new FC and age has been updated accordingly.