Alexander Roth


Random Tubor
SWRP Writer
Nov 3, 2015
Reaction score
((Sorry, massive profile is massive. Got carried away xD))​

Alexander Roth


-|A portrait painted by his Grandmother|-​

NAME: Alexander Roth
ALIAS/NICKNAMES: Alex would be the most common relaxed shorthand of his name. His last name, Roth, is a common method others use when referring to Alexander as well as it’s both professional and easy to say in Galactic Basic. Grey was his call sign during team ops while undergoing Stormtrooper training, namely due to the somewhat abnormal color of his irises but also as a poke towards his logical and morally ambiguous mindset.
FACTION: Sith Imperium
RANK: Sith Acolyte / Imperial Army Private (Stormtrooper Commando graduate with mild HOSTEN training, was set to join the 501st’s “Howlrunners” squadron but was recruited as an Acolyte before deployment)
AGE: 27
PHYSIQUE Standing at a mildly intimidating, for a human, 6’4-5/8” (194.6275 cm) and weighing in at 216.5 lbs (98.2 kg) of keenly trained muscle Alexander is considered to be athletically above-par for most human men, in other words perfect soldier material, even if he is lighter than most would be soldiers around his height. Alexander’s frame is more balanced overall compared to most in his height range, which tend to be more bulky and generally less dextrous, allowing him to perform without being as hindered by his size while still having some extra muscle to manage tasks that require a bit more “oomph”. Albeit his height does have its drawbacks.
EYES: Alexander has your standard fair-skinned human eyes that would be classified under the “Hooded” and/or “Almond” shape. His irises are a shade of medium-light grey, almost silver, in color.
HAIR: As with most of his family Alexander’s hair is naturally black in color, and I mean pure black. No bluish-black, no reddish-black, no violet-black, no very dark brown mistaken to be black, it’s pure black. Style-wise Alexander likes to sport a trimmed beard and a “fade” hairstyle with the sides of his head buzzed short and the top of his head left long enough to hang over his brow but not quite down to his eyebrows. However Alex is by no means attached to this style, though it is his personal preference, and readily changes his hair style/color to help mask his identity from time to time
SKIN: Concerning skin pigmentation Alexander would fall under the “fair-skinned” category. He also sports a light tan everywhere apart from his waist down to just above his knees.
CREDITS: Noob’s 1000.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Alexander has a few distinguishing scars to note, though no birthmarks or tattoos to speak of (Uses red warpaint as a non-permanent form of sith facial tattoos), with the most readily seen often being the diagonal cut just to the left of his left eye that runs from just above the eyebrow to his upper cheek. Less readily noticeable scars (pending apparel) include a mildly large puncture mark in his lower left back, four parallel medium-large claw marks on the outside of his right thigh running at a downward angle from the front-side of his thigh to the rear side, and a matching set of claw marks on the back of his left forearm running perpendicular to the skeleton.
With Alexander’s prime physical condition he could easily be considered above average in terms of physical strength when compared to many others, capable of lifting and moving his weight plus some around relatively easily, depending on the circumstances of course, even without using the force to amplify his movements. However, Alexander is by no means a dynamo of physical power hell bent on overcoming any obstacle with brute strength alone, just well above the average human.
When considering all aspects of agility and dexterity Alexander is far from the peak of human mobility, though his training does bring him beyond the average human in some aspects. Alexander does have rather quick reflexes concerning aspects of hand-eye coordination and reacting to his senses, as well as great footwork and balance when it comes to rapidly traversing most terrains in combat or otherwise, but his overall acrobatic capabilities are very poor. Every action of his is precise and efficient in terms of movement, there is very little flipping, twisting, cartwheeling, and what have you.

If he were to even attempt to pull off some erratically precise acrobatic maneuver Alex would likely wind up flat on his face, and his ability to rapidly change directions while sprinting is somewhat limited. At least running/swimming speed wise he is somewhat above par, though not very. On a side note Alexander is also ambidextrous to an extent, though each side has it’s own dominant trait. He favors left hand dominant shooting and hand to hand while his right side is dominant in bladed combat and common day to day uses.
Physically Alexander would be considered a very healthy individual with a fairly deep reservoir of stamina as a result of his various forms of training from a young age. This training has led to respectable “burst” capabilities when it comes to high consumption activities (repeated power blows, sprinting, etc.) but gradual sustained effort is where Alexander’s stamina really shines.

Mentally speaking Alexander performs just as well as he does physically with a fairly high pain tolerance, though nowhere near “human battledroid” level, and a notable resistance to mind altering effects (dizziness/confusion/shock/fear/etc). However he is by no means immune to said effects, just capable of reducing them or resisting submitting to many forms of them as any well trained soldier should be capable of.

When the Force is taken into consideration this reserve of stamina and level of concentration translates well into maintaining and performing various force techniques. However, that being said Alexander’s low level of overall training with the force impacts his stamina rather heavily when using said techniques. You could think of it as a large tank of fuel to perform actions but force actions consume far more fuel than physical, though with training and dedication this can become much more manageable and eventually very efficient.
You could say Alexander is a sort of aspiring “Jack of All Trades” when it comes to knowledge and learning, a man that knows enough to get by in many areas of study but nowhere near enough to do what a true specialist would be able to. His strength in knowledge comes from an innate ability to learn and understand new subjects very quickly when he chooses to apply his keen observational skills, however learning the basics and mild areas of many skills leaves him no time to truly grasp the more advanced or in depth practices of any particular subject. Not to mention that most of what he knows is self taught through the process of reading manuals and watching others on his own time.

For example, he knows how to treat wounds to remove the possibility of infection, relocate joints, set broken bones, and assess general health status but when it comes to performing surgery or prescribing medicine he’s about as good as some random Gamorrean. If you want someone to weld a joint or do some basic repairs Alex is a good man to go to, if you want him to rewire a portion of your ship and repair the mainframe then you’re going to be stuck for a good long while, maybe forever depending on if there’s a manual around. If you want someone that can navigate a computer fairly competently then you could certainly ask Alex, however you’re not going to get anywhere if splicing or coding is part of the deal. If you want to talk to someone that understands how your new compound works then Alex is a good pick, unless of course you want help in producing said compound or what have you.

There are many more examples I could use but in the end they all boil down to the same thing, Alexander has adequate knowledge of many things but little in depth training or knowledge in any specific field, and in order to maintain that balanced spread of knowledge he can hardly afford to spend too much time dedicated to any one area of study lest he lose grasp of multiple others. The problem is that while his ability to observe and understand new information is high Alexander’s ability to efficiently store and recall said information is not. You could think of his brain as compartmentalized but disorganized, there are many areas dedicated to many related bits of information but without sifting through that area or getting a hint in the form of a refresher it takes time for Alexander to find something specific within that area. There are two areas which he does excel in however, combat strategy and survival tactics.
Alexander is surprisingly wise for a Sith acolyte. Sure there’s the basic wisdom that comes with the study of force and standard combat, but Alexander takes things to a different level. His core belief is that reason and logic trump everything and nothing can ever be taken at face value, in other words “Question everything.”. Current interpretations of things may not be the intended interpretations. Rules that have been enforced and followed for centuries, millennia even, can always be interpreted differently and more efficiently in many cases. Aspects of light and dark, whether they regard the force or morality in general, always have multiple viewpoints and there is no “correct” answer concerning anything that isn’t based purely on scientific certainty.

In the end you simply have to make the best decision you can with the knowledge and resources at hand and simply hope that the action you choose is better than your inaction, or so Alexander believes. That being said his wisdom stems from his logic and reasoning skills, he still lacks experience in many areas of the Galaxy. His “wisdom” is essentially ever changing and adapting to new information, meaning that he is bound to be wrong multiple times before he is right in many situations.
While generally friendly and polite Alexander is far from a charming man, his only true “charm” comes in the form of inspiring the loyalty of those who are already wholly devoted to the Imperium through action and mutual respect. He is a military man born of two military officers, earning the respect and loyalty of one’s crew is one of the core principles of military life Alexander’s parents taught him.

If Alexander was told to use his “charisma” against someone he would very much rather use deception in the form of literal misinformation, indirect conflict, or tactical intimidation than swave conversation meant to distract, and the only edge he has in any sort of diplomatic situations is that he is reasonable and logical. Apart from that power and strategy are his main tools of business, for a silver-tongued devil he is not.
Alexander is both a simple man that many seem to think is far more complex than he appears and a complex man that many think to be more simple than he is. He loves the Imperium and has since he was a child, a military family will do that to you, but believes that it can still be improved. Hell, he believes that everything can be improved. To believe that something is the best it can possibly be is simply ignorant to him. Nonetheless he was raised to be a gentleman and to respect honor and action, as well as the will to do whatever is necessary for the greater good of the Imperium.

Alexander’s politeness and formality when concerning those above his station isn’t necessarily the result of a respect of that station but simply the logical way to treat someone that could potentially ruin your life. Practically all of his actions are controlled by logic and reason rather than raw emotion, ironic for a Sith no? However just because logic and reason are the determining factors of his actions it doesn’t mean Alexander is emotionless, he simply prefers to control his emotions in a manner that allows him to draw power from them without clouding his judgement.

It’s nearly impossible to get Alexander to succumb completely to anger, fear, or lust. He’s simply too logical and calculating. Still, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel those emotions or can’t be somewhat affected by them. Alexander is also fully capable of feeling happiness, love, and affection. He’s not some damaged, twisted, or demented man using the dark side of the Force to gain power for revenge and bloodshed. He’s an emotionally stable loyal citizen of the Imperium that happens to be force sensitive and willing to do whatever’s necessary to gain the power to make a difference towards what he considers a “better” Imperium.

That being said Alexander isn’t in it for completely selfless or patriotic reasons, he has a thirst for knowledge and influence all his own. This thirst for knowledge is almost inhuman in nature. The force fascinates him, science fascinates him, people fascinate him, politics fascinate him, history fascinates him, artifacts fascinate him, combat fascinates him. Essentially the Galaxy fascinates him, a fascination that’s reflected in his broad spectrum of studies and repertoire of skills. He also doesn’t see technology as a crutch, it’s there to enhance one’s capabilities just like the force is for force sensitives.

Alexander is able to tell lies and half truths with the best, though he still has a lot to learn when attempting a false identity, and does so more often than not for varying reasons. Strategically speaking it’s better to keep one’s full hand to themselves, but withholding or elaborating information can both win favor and put others at ease, and save your life. Undue duress is something Alex tries to avoid putting others in as he sees no benefit to it. That being said as long as the benefit is worth it there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do to others.
From another's point of view Alexander usually appears like a normal, level headed, and rather relaxed man. Polite and reserved Alex tends to blend into the background, which is exactly how he wants it. He doesn't brag, he doesn't showboat, and he doesn't pick fights. Unless of course doing so would benefit him in some way. In essence he likes to appear as if he should be there, regardless of whether or not he actually should. Strategic advantage and all. While he does try to blend in and keep to himself, mainly to either train/learn in peace or observe people, Alexander is quite capable of holding his own in a conversation. In all honesty he enjoys conversation, and many types of social interactions, he simply has other things he wants to do usually.
  • Born in 996 ABY into a military family.
  • Both parents are Imperial Navy Officers and couldn’t spend much time with him.
  • Raised by his Grandmother, a retired Imperial Army Commander.
  • Roth family supported the Sith takeover.
  • Grandmother trained Alexander through his youth into adolescence.
  • Foolishly went on a solo survival exercise without notifying anyone.
  • Got caught unprepared by an escaped imported Howlrunner. (The actual creature, not the Stormtrooper unit)
  • Fought knife against claw and managed to kill said howlrunner while sustaining serious wounds of his own.
  • Innate connection to the force helped him survive, even after losing consciousness.
  • Enlisted after recovery at age 19.
  • During Stormtrooper training was chosen to train as a Commando.
  • Sith Sentry was notified of a potential force sensitive, found potential in Alexander during final “exam”.
  • Was approached to become a Sith Acolyte just after graduation from the Stormtrooper Academy.
  • Has four years as an Acolyte under his belt.
  • Current time.
Alexander was born in early 996 ABY to Alexius and Elora Roth, Imperial Navy Lieutenant and Petty Officer respectively at the time, in the medical ward of a military space station orbiting the Imperial capital of Bastion, though in his youth he was raised primarily by his grandmother as military life limited the amount of time either of his parents could spend with him. That being said it wasn’t like his parents abandoned him, they made frequent holo-calls and always came to spend time with Alexander when shore leave permitted.

It was something of a regularity for members of the Roth family as the majority of them were staunch Imperial loyalists and worked in or with the military, leaving the retired or non-military members of the family to raise the children of those who served. It had been that way for as far back as they could remember. As with every Roth child the basics of military discipline were instilled into Alexander as soon as he could understand them, as with the general concept of how to be a gentleman, and eventually tutelage of military conduct and the basics of survival came around.

As a primarily military family they knew that any civilian member could be targeted as a weakness by the enemies of the Empire to gain leverage, thus it was common practice to temper and hone their children to defend themselves and be able to resist this “weakness” if they too became military personnel down the line, and Alexander’s Grandmother was a prime candidate to do just that. As a retired Imperial Army Commander she ensured that Alex would be whipped into shape long before he could actually join the military.

While his grandmother set forth to build Alexander into prime soldier material the Sith coup was underway, and the Roths fully supported it. With a cold war beginning Alexander began to hear less and less from his parents, not that it bothered him. It actually made him curious as to what the Sith were planning, hell, he was curious about everything at this point in his life. Nonetheless Alexander’s survival, combat, and general tutelage would continue into his teenage years, which is when the Imperium would finally launch their plans for galactic conquest.

Despire the need for good soldiers at a new high Alexander wasn’t quite old enough in his parents eyes to join the Imperium yet, though they were rather proud that he wanted to. With his tutelage under his Grandmother mostly finished Alex went on to study what he could when he could on his own time, focusing on skills that would help him survive in various circumstances. He even decided to do a bit of a solo survival “exercise” in the Bastion wilderness, without telling anyone of course. A mistake on his part.

For the most part the exercise went smoothly, until the hunter became the hunted that is. Apparently someone decided to smuggle a howlrunner onto Bastion... and then somehow “lose” that howlrunner in the area Alex decided to do his exercise in... which of course was now tearing its way through his makeshift camp searching for food... the cap where all of his tech was left while he went to take care of biological necessities... Needless to say Alexander was in a bit of a rough spot, luckily he had been trained for a situation like this.

Armed with just his intuition and a knife, that he knew of at least, Alexander was able to use the environment to his advantage, tripping the beast up enough that he could eventually catch it by the throat with his knife and sever its artery. However, Alexed suffered quite a few wounds (both claw scars and the puncture one from falling on a rather sharp rock, not to mention a few broken bones) from the ordeal, wounds that were rather deep. He managed to send out an emergency beacon, sterilize the wounds, and cauterize most of them before falling unconscious from blood loss.

Unknown to him that event awakened something in him, the force, which drew from his will to survive to strengthen him just enough to do so. Alexander awoke in a military medical ward of all places, he could only wager a guess that his mother had pulled some strings to get him transferred somewhere that would report on his status as rapidly as possible. Much to his surprise it was actually his father’s doing, apparently he had just gotten some shore leave before he was to be promoted to Imperial Navy Captain and deployed in the Duro Campaign.

As much as Alexius scolded Alexander for his foolish actions he couldn’t help but respect how seriously his son was taking his training, and how he managed to take down a howlrunner with nothing but a regular knife. With his recommendation Alexander enrolled in the Imperial war machine, though unlike his parents he would wind up destined for the Army rather than the Navy. Four years of intense Stormtrooper training, three of which dedicated to becoming a Commando and five months of HOSTEN training, and Alexander was finally ready to join his family in service of the Imperium, as well as use the Imperium to learn whatever he could. Mutually beneficial as far as he was concerned. However, one of his instructors had a different plan for him.

Over the course of Alexander’s training his instructors noted brief instances of inhuman reaction times and bursts of abnormal speed and strength. Normally this would be chalked off to adrenaline but the medical information they were receiving from his suit’s neural collar didn’t add up. In secret the lead instructor decided to send word up the food chain and ask for a “surprise” visit by a Sith Sentry to scout for a potential force sensitive. This visit “happened” to coincide with the final, and most rigorous, exam for Alexander’s class, a live fire simulated mission against droids.

During said mission this Sith Sentry “tweaked” some of the droids to unshackle their capabilities and used them to cut Alexander off from the rest of his squad in the guise of malfunctioning equipment, forcing him into a life or death situation that brought out his subconsciously dormant connection to the force enough to satisfy the Sith Sentry. Of course none of this was revealed to him until after the graduation ceremony, where he was told he had one day to pack his things before shipping of to the Sith Academy on Korriban.

Suffice it to say Alexander certainly didn’t expect that he had a connection to the Force, or that a Sith Sentry would ambush him and give him a mandate like that right out of graduation, but it was something that deeply excited him. The prospect of being connected to the force and what he could learn from it, not to mention that Sith have quite a bit of free reign and resources if they play their cards right. While the “graduation rate” of a Sith Academy isn’t exactly stellar it was a prospect Alexander simply could refuse, and as the first Roth in known family history to be given the opportunity to ascend to the realm of the honored Sith his entire family was immensely proud.

With a parting gift from his family Alexander was taken to the academy on Korriban, a whole new world of knowledge at his fingertips, and despite being rather humble he settled into the “dark” quite well. Over the course of four years Alexander developed his skills, spending his time researching, training between the Korriban and Ziost Academies, and using the money his family gave him to hunt down lightsaber materials. Unlike some of his fellow Acolytes Alexander didn’t care so much about promotion and getting out of the academy. He wanted to learn, what rank he was considered while doing so never mattered to him and to this day it still doesn’t.
  • Force Cloak: While Alexander would very much like to master the ability Force Cloak has been a rather illusive talent for him, the most he has ever been capable of doing is blending slightly better into already dark areas for a maximum of a minute or so while standing still and concentrating heavily. Mastery is a long way off.
  • Force Empathy: Surprisingly enough for a Sith Alexander actually has a mild natural affinity for Force Empathy, which he attributes to his constant reading of people and situations to ensure efficiency and avoid danger when possible. While he still has a long way to go Alexander is capable of reading most general emotions of those within close range to him fairly easily, at least those that aren’t skilled at hiding them.
  • Force Sight: The most important core ability for a force wielder as far as Alexander is concerned, and the core ability he is most adept with. Trained as a soldier situational awareness is everything for Alex, a force technique that enhances this awareness and allows for potential negation of illusions and other mind tricks is an absolute must. Alex has spent more time honing this technique than any of the others in his repertoire, even so it is still only at an adept proficiency. While he can efficiently maintain it for a fair amount of time the scope of his vision suffers depending on how he’s using it. Range is very limited when focused in multiple or all directions and while focusing in a particular direction he lacks sight in others.
  • Force Speed: A useful ability but one with select uses for Alexander. He cannot yet apply both aspects of this technique at once, it’s either slightly slowed time perception or a taxing burst of speed. Namely this technique is used in “do-or-die” situations that require a bit of perceived time dilation to effectively counter or avoid a lethal attack or that extra inhuman burst of speed to survive, and even then its effects are only minor as of yet.
  • Force Stealth: Alexander is mildly proficient with this core technique, though there are certain aspects of it that he is better at than others. It’s relatively easy for him to mask his force alignment to others, partially because he doesn’t consider himself to be aligned with one side or the other just the force in general, even if he does lean towards the dark. Even so he has trouble with hiding his alignment from those that are fairly skilled sensors. As for his entire presence Alexander is only capable of hiding himself from those who are absolutely terrible sensors, or slightly reducing the impact of his presence on those who are averagely skilled.
  • Telekinesis: Another core ability Alexander considers extremely important, mainly due to his desire of balance in combat. While he isn’t as skilled as he’d like to be at this stage in his training Alexander is still fairly proficient in basic telekinesis and simpler derived techniques. He can lift and move light objects pretty well and medium to medium-heavy objects with heavy concentration, though the latter two are heavily taxing as well. The only derived techniques Alexander has had any success with are Force Push/Pull and Force Jump, Push more so than Pull and Jump somewhere in between.
  • Telepathy: Try as he might the core ability of Telepathy currently escapes Alexander’s grasp, regardless of how much he desires it or how hard he tries.
  • Breath Control: Due to breath regulation training as a soldier Alexander has picked up on the art of Breath Control fairly well, currently able to hold his breath for upwards of fifteen to twenty minutes while in stressful situations and an hour give or take if he is able to meditate and remain concentrated.
  • Center of Being: While Alexander has been able to tap into his instinctive reactions to an extent when using Center of Being it is not something that he personally likes. Relinquishing control over his actions and reactions to the force is not something that sits well with him. However, from a meditative point of things it does allow him to clear his mind and erect a mind palace to some extent, allowing him to reflect on recent or well remembered bits of information in a personally controlled mental environment.
  • Magnify Senses: A useful technique when applied properly Alexander has spent a fair amount of time in learning the art of temporarily enhancing the five human senses with the force. Currently he is capable of enhancing any single sense to a mild extent with a bit of concentration allowing him to hear quieter noises or tones normally unhearable by humans, track things through enhanced smell, feel for extremely subtle vibrations, taste specific ingredients in complex foods, and see as if peering through a pair of standard binoculars or even read microfilm.
  • Tapas: To a minor extent Alexander has been subconsciously using this technique for many years, granting him a minor resistance to cold and allowing him to easily survive in climates just above the freezing point of water with light or no apparel. Now that he has learned that this ability is actually a force technique Alexander has been able to apply it slightly better, but he is far from capable of surviving climates that are far below zero without the addition of somewhat appropriate gear.
  • Trakata: While not technically a force technique or a saber stance it is a Force user technique, and one Alexander finds very promising. However despite his curiosity on the subject Alexander hasn’t spent much time honing the actual technique, and in its current stage it is unfit for actual combat practice.
  • Tutaminis: Out of all of his techniques, save maybe Force Sight, Alexander believes the art of Tutaminis to be one of unprecedented potential, especially considering his desire for a balance of force and physical elements in combat. However despite this belief Alexander’s training in Tutaminis has struggled to move past the basics. He is capable of siphoning a small amount of electrical or heat energy from anything that touches him, his armor, or his weapons then applying that energy to his telekinetic techniques, namely Force Push. That being said this takes quite a bit of concentration and by no means protects him from major damage. A direct hit with a blaster shot is still a direct hit with a blaster shot, so on and so forth. If anything he might be able to prevent superficial burns and electrical shock to a small extent.
  • Weapon Training: As a Stormtrooper Commando graduate Alexander has extensive training in many different forms of weaponry including blaster pistols, carbines, rifles (assault and sniper), LMGs, detonators, and knifes/vibroblades. In addition to Commando training Alexander has also received a fair amount of HOSTEN training, translating to adequate knowledge of flamethrowers, harpoons, chemical grenades and other environmentally specific or hazardous weaponry. That being said Alexander isn’t a master with any particular weapon in combat, his true strength as a combatant is his expertise with many different weapons. Just like every other soldier he has also been trained in the general maintenance of these weapons.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Just as a soldier must be proficient in varying forms of weaponry they must also be able to fight with the lack of one should they ever get disarmed. Just like the rest of his fellow Stormtroopers Alexander has undergone extensive hand-to-hand training in a form of survivalist combat specialized for the field. This form of combat focuses around swift, accurate, brutal, and underhanded tactics to take down your enemies with the greatest chance of survival. (Essentially Krav Maga for the Star Wars universe.) That being said this form of combat isn’t always as efficient against true martial art specialist forms as it is designed for survival when unarmed rather than a primary form of offense or defense.
  • Centurion Class Heavy Armor Training: As the name implies Alexander has been taught how to practically live within the SAU8.v1 Centurion full body armor set as if it were his second skin, as well as do standard maintenance and repairs to it.
  • Combat Maneuverability Training: As with his fellow Stormtroopers Alexander has undergone extensive training in the art of grappling, repelling, and zero gravity movement while under combat duress.
  • Languages: Galactic Basic is Alexander’s primary language, but he does have some knowledge of a few other languages. He knows basic Binary, enough to understand most droids and send basic signals; enough Bocce to get by; a basic understanding of Shyriiwook; same goes for Huttese; a mild understanding of Twi’leki; and as of late an adequate understanding of Sith. Though in the end he prefers to let technology do the translating, but “just in case” preparedness is never bad. While not technically a language Alexander is also proficient with Imperial military terminology and code.
  • Survival Expertise: Partially in part to his childhood through adolescence and partially due to his HOSTEN training Alexander is an expert of survival in many climatic zones and other hostile environmental conditions including high heat, sub zero temperatures, and hazardous breathing conditions. He is a natural hunter-gatherer with knowledge of most safe and unsafe foods for the more traveled worlds and it very capable at erecting temporary shelters or setting up traps, providing the environment has materials to use that is. Alexander is also capable of going mostly “off grid” in various urban environments and knows how to cover his tracks pretty well, making him difficult, but not impossible, to find if he doesn’t want to be found
  • Piloting Skill: While there are many areas Alexander is capable in Piloting is not one of them. Short of basic and common land speeders and transport craft he has a very limited amount of training on the subject.
  • Medical Knowledge: Alexander may be more proficient with medicine than vehicles but his degree of knowledge would only stand out in certain situations. Overall he is no substitute for a real medic but Alex knows how to prevent and treat infection, treat lesser burns, relocate a joint, tunicate a limb, cauterize a wound, brace a broken bone, and assess immediate health risks, and other quick field “fixes”. All part of being that much better of a well rounded soldier.
  • Form I/Shii-Cho: As an Acolyte Shii-Cho was the first form of saber combat taught to Alexander, and he picked up the basics rather well. However it didn’t take long for Alexander to desire a form that was less “wild” and more balanced, leaving his knowledge and undertaking of Shii-Cho at the basic level.
  • Form VI/Niman: While a few forms appealed to Alexander only one caught his eye as the most promising for a solid and efficient base on which he could build his skill as a saber combatant, the form that balanced the basic ideas of just about all that came before it. Balance was important to Alexander. He believed one should be prepared for as many circumstances as possible, and no form accomplished that better than Niman.

    While many who dedicate themselves to Form VI do so because they want to focus more on the force, academics, or even branch into Jar’kai Alexander desires to one day master the art of single saber Niman, leaving no weaknesses to be exploited while allowing for him to easily blend force combat with saber combat using his off hand. That is his long term plan anyway, currently his skill level would be considered in the adept area. Nothing overly special as of yet but the promise is certainly there.
  • Athletic: Alexander is a well tuned machine that balances many different aspects of athleticism.
  • Inexperienced: While he is highly trained and very perceptive Alexander lacks field experience, he was recruited from the Imperial Army before he could actually get deployed and is still an Acolyte after all.
  • Highly Trained: Unlike some of his fellow Acolytes Alexander was already a trained killing machine before he joined the Sith Academy, as well as fairly learned, combine this with the training he has undergone since then and you have one highly versatile warrior.
  • ”Learnaholic”: With his desire to learn just about everything he possibly can Alexander has a tendency to spread himself too thin too quickly and mentally exhaust himself in the process.
  • Dedicated: Alexander is a man dedicated both to bettering himself and the Imperium as a whole, whatever the cost.
  • Fear of Inability: Alexander fears the loss of his ability to act and react, whether it be through stasis, paralysis, coma, disease, or otherwise. Even if he lacks in strength Alex has always had intuition to fall back on, this fear is based around removing his ability to use that intuition.
  • Deceptive: More often than not Alexander bides his tongue and plans in secrecy, even if his thoughts would be supported by those around him. He is never one to show his full hand and prefers to mislead with partial truths or whole lies, this is part of his strategic process. To him you can never truly know who’s listening in, where waning allegiances lie, or how others will react. Whether this is a positive or negative trait really depends on your point of view, but it does mean that even friends, family, lovers, mentors, and comrades will likely never completely know the real Alexander.
  • ”Jack of Many Trades”: Alexander’s high degree of versatility and intuition works both for and against him. It makes him a desirable candidate for many different types of operations from assisting archeological searches, raiding a known pirate or smuggler den, accompanying a diplomatic endeavor, and practically everything in between. However, his lack of specialization severely restricts his ability to spearhead many operations, Alexander is far better in a support position than a leading one.
SAU8.v1 ’Centurion’

Stormtrooper Assault Uniform, Version 1, ‘Centurion’, Commando Variant

The Centurion-class Assault Uniform represents the Imperium Army perfectly. Powerful, versatile, and infinitely adaptable, Centurion armor functions well across all battlefields. From biting cold to burning hot, there’s no environment a trooper in Centurion armor can’t tackle, and no foe he can’t tangle with, for contained within Centurion is bleeding-edge technology purposely developed for Imperial Stormtroopers.

The SAU family of armored suits are semi-powered, as opposed to the traditional non-powered armor utilized by conscripted soldiers and volunteer forces across the galaxy. A lightweight muscle suit worn beneath the armor bears the entirety of the armor’s weight and nullifies perceived bulk, while simultaneously providing the operator with enough additional strength to allow him to move as if wholly unencumbered. This muscle suit incorporates a neural collar; a specialized device that acts as a neural interface between the suit and its wearer, without the need for invasive surgeries and costly implants. The neural collar allows the suit to perfectly mimic the wearer’s movements, granting enhanced agility on the battlefield even while carrying a full combat load.

The armor itself is some of the finest produced in the Empire. Eschewing risky experimental alloys and expensive exotic compounds, Centurion armor instead relies on a few time-proven standbys. Armorweave lines the back of the suit‘s armor panels and covers the joints, defending against shrapnel and stray blaster and slug pistol fire. The armor plates are flexible, and are built from vast arrays of hexes made from sandwiches of titanium and ceramics, and are held together in a stretchy biopolymer framework for maximum durability and flexibility.

Centurion’s composite panels are remarkably flexible, which enables individual armor plates to give slightly under an impact. This serves to absorb kinetic energy from projectile weapons and physical strikes, and increase operator survivability in close-contact situations. In addition to this, it helps reduce injury caused by shockwaves from explosions and concussive devices. These panels are coated on both sides with a layer of plasteel, which offers extra protection against both energy weapons and projectiles. A thin ablative coating covers the entire suit, and when struck with an energy weapon, this layer vaporizes and works to partly diffuse the incoming bolt.

As the suit is built to maximize operator survivability and lethality, it boasts a number of features that increases the effectiveness of the average Stormtrooper. First and foremost is the muscle suit worn by the operator; rather than requiring a secondary undersuit to be worn, the designers incorporated a variety of survival features into the muscle suit. Thin biopolymer armor panels, originally designed for use in combat cyborgs, pad the muscle suit and provide enhanced protection against shrapnel and handguns, though blaster rifle fire is highly effective against the thin paneling. These panels are segmented into bands mimicking the wearer’s muscles, and ‘sheath’ each band of synthetic muscle in the suit, giving solid all-round protection. The chest, belly, elbows, knees, and spine feature extra armor panels, though these guard mostly against kinetic blows and impacts from sharp objects to reduce the chance of severe injury.

As for the helmet, its optical sensors are crafted from armor-grade transparasteel, while the entire thing is made from a variation of the same titanium-ceramic-titanium sandwich as the rest of the armor panels, with a plasteel and ablative shell and armorweave spall liner to provide the same level of protection as the rest of the suit. A kinetic-absorption gel liner is squished in between two layers of armorweave in the helmet’s interior, and not only allows the helm to ‘ride’ very comfortably without jostling the wearer, it takes some of the shock out of concussive blasts or physical strikes.

Secondly, the muscle suit doubles as an environment and pressure suit. Once a helmet is sealed into place over the suit’s collar, it becomes a fully capable space suit. A small air reserve built into Centurion-class armor’s ‘backpack’ allows for up to an hour of operation in underwater environments or in hard vacuums, while the seals allow for operation in NBC environments - that is, environments with nuclear, chemical, or biological threats. Provided the wearer has enough air in reserve or filters up to the task, that is.

The suit also features a self-applying tourniquet system. If a major injury is sustained while in combat, the suit will allow the user to apply a tourniquet to himself with a simple neural command. In the event that the operator is unconscious, the suit can activate the tourniquet itself. For additional survivability, the muscle suit is also programmed with Anti-Choking and CPR functions, which allow it to compress the wearer’s chest and stomach in order to deliver medical aid. Due to concerns over hacking, these features can only activate if the suit detects that the wearer is suffering from a medical emergency.

As for Centurion itself, it possesses its own survival features. A nutrition system is present within the helmet, to allow the wearer to eat and drink during prolonged operations in hazardous environments. This consists of little more than a retractable drinking tube built into the helm’s chin, through which the operator can consume water from his suit’s built-in hydration pack, or from canteens and calorie-dense ration drinks issued to remove the need to carry traditional ration packs, which are bulky and heavy by nature, albeit far more palatable.

The helmet also boasts a full breath filtration system, able to filter out most toxins and irritants from the air. The filter packs are good for a full week of operation, and swapping them out is as simple as ejecting the spent filter cartridge and pressing a new one home - a process that takes a trained soldier under a second. As the helmet is fully sealed, it possesses external speakers and audio pickups, while the interior possesses a high-definition audio suite that allows the user to hear just as well as he would without a helm. The tinted lenses are actually purpose-built optical sensors, tied to a holographic display inside the helm. These sensors not only afford a wide field of view, equal to that of the average human, but also allow ‘dim’ functions to dull the effects of bright light, low-light vision modes, and an IR vision mode to allow the operator to see infrared lasers and lights, which are ordinarily invisible to the naked eye. A high-power tactical light is built into either ‘cheek’ of the armor, allowing the user to see and work in nighttime conditions in the unlikely event that his helm’s low light vision functions are disabled.

The helm’s HUD also projects a wide range of information for the soldier. His health status is displayed, along with the status of his squad mates. An ammunition counter is displayed for both his primary and secondary weapon, and a targeting cursor appears whenever he picks up a weapon equipped with smartLINK, a system designed to allow seamless synchronization between weapon and HUD. The suit’s ammunition pouches are similarly equipped, and so the HUD is capable of displaying reserve ammunition - even grenade count is displayed! The HUD is capable of displaying any hostile target or objective that has been ‘painted’ by command units, while a holographic compass is projected along the bottom of the user’s vision, with a mini-map of the local area tucked off into the bottom left corner. All HUD functions are controlled through the suit’s neural collar, allowing the wearer to bring up or ‘hide’ any display at any time for any reason. This allows for a soldier to maintain a completely uncluttered field of view for combat, while enabling him to easily pull up information about his status, his mission objectives, and the status of his squad or platoon as a whole.

The system also allows squad leaders to paint targets and set objectives, which further streamlines the battlefield and allows for seamless integration of squads into a local battlenet; that is, a network between Centurion suits through which targeting data and individual status can be shared, allowing a commander in the field to easily track and observe the progress of the troops under his command. A tiny helmet cam built into each helmet even allows a commander to personally ‘peek in’ on a soldier’s progress, giving him an up-close-and-personal view of the battlefield through his men’s eyes.

Lastly, the suit features a small selection of built-in weapons and utility devices. The first of these are classic standbys from the days of Palpatine’s Empire. Two grappling hooks with several dozen meters of high-strength cable are tucked into pouches on the trooper’s utility belt. A tiny fusion torch is provided in the belt, to enable him to cut through locks and thin doors. Two meters of thermal detonator tape is issued as well, to allow him to breach thicker doors or walls. Two quarter-pound low-sensitivity explosive charges, very similar to SC40 explosives used by the GA, are carried as well. These function as impromptu grenades in a pinch, with a 1-meter kill radius and 5-meter wounding radius, but more importantly they allow a trooper to demolish or disable important equipment and to provide a little extra ’oomph’ to his detonator tape if it proves incapable of breaching a target.

The belt is also issued with a backup comms unit, in case the helmet’s encrypted tactical comms unit goes down, and houses a secondary IFF unit in case the main transponder in the helmet dies. An emergency beacon is issued, and serves in two roles; in the ‘rescue’ mode, it emits a distress call recorded by the soldier and sends for a search and rescue team. In ‘designation’ mode, it pings artillery units and starships on station, and calls for a fire mission on its location.

Also housed in the belt is a small medical kit, enough to treat one soldier suffering from moderate but non-critical wounds, and a pouch containing a week’s worth of compressed ration pills and water purification tablets, along with a tiny water filtration system. A survival kit with a ‘space blanket’, signal flares, waterproof matches and a magnesium firestarter, and a bit of fishing line and a fishhook is also included. While rarely, if ever, used outside of training scenarios, these features combine to maximize a soldier’s chance of survival and recovery in the event he is stranded on a mission.

Lastly, the belt contains a single hold-out blaster in one of its many nondescript armored boxes, with primitive iron sights and a short range of 20 meters. This blaster is somewhat underpowered and only holds enough energy for seven shots, but two reloads are provided. Both armor plates for the calves also contain concealed slots for 6-inch fighting knives, while the bracers contain retractable vibro-daggers. These daggers slide forward on neural command, giving the wearer extra punch - literally - in hand-to-hand fighting.

Class: Semi-Powered
Proof Against: Blaster Pistols, Slug Pistols, Primitive Weapons [IE Bows]
Resistant To: Shrapnel, Blaster Rifles, Slug Rifles
Vulnerable To: Heavy Weapons, Incendiary Weapons
Operating Environments: Any
Weapons: 2x Calf Knives, 1x Holdout Blaster, 2x Punch Daggers in bracers.
Utility: Survival kits,
Systems: Low-Light Vision, IFF System, HUD with ammo display/battlefield information displays.
-|As a rule of thumb Alexander does most of his Sith training without the assistance of his armor, that way his suit enhances his overall capabilities rather than reduces them while suitless|-​
K938 ‘Canine’ Heavy Blaster Pistol

Rivaled only by the E75 in terms of popularity, the Canine is a compact and powerful blaster pistol in service with all branches of the Imperial Military. Its titanium-composite frame features a comfortable textured grip, complete with micro-electromagnetic panels to allow power armor users to easily maintain control of the weapon. Its safeties are fully ambidextrous, and it features a small ‘READY’ indicator in the form of a status light at the back of the ‘slide’; a steady red light indicates enough power for at least five shots, while a blinking red light indicates less than five shots remaining. A solid blue light, accompanied by a slight vibration of the weapon’s grip, indicates that only one shot is remaining - features that have saved the life of more than one soldier embroiled in a lengthy shootout.

The pistol’s sturdy frame boasts a built-in tactical light and laser assembly underneath the muzzle of the weapon. It is able to project both Infrared and visible lasers, in addition to infrared or visible light from its tactical light. The taclight is more than capable of temporarily blinding a foe if caught at point-blank range, while the infrared function of the laser and light can be used to allow night vision-equipped personnel to sneak close to a target and keep it painted without giving away their position.

Perhaps most notably the K938 uses ‘Omnicell’ technology. This allows the weapon to draw power from any high-density cell the user can fit into the gun’s grip; even E75 power cells can be used! Unfortunately, Omnicell technology isn’t terribly efficient in pistol-grade firearms; the high-density power packs required only provide 12 shots in the Canine. Even a E75’s power pack will only provide 12 to 15 shots before being depleted; getting off more than 16 shots with the weapon is absolutely unheard of. Still, 12 rounds is quite a bit of ammo in a heavy blaster pistol, and the ability to scavenge ammunition from most any high-drain power cells more than makes up for the technology’s relative inefficiency.

Range: 75M
Rate of Fire: N/A
Fire Modes: Semi-Automatic
Damage: Low-Medium
Bolt Color: Red
Ammo Capacity: 12 Rounds
Sights: Tritium-illuminated Combat Iron Sights; IR Laser/Tac Light Combo
Attachments: N/A
-|Usually holstered on his upper left thigh close to the waist. Tries to carry at least four ammo packs per ranged weapon on person|-
E75A1 Blaster Rifle

The E75A1 is, simply put, the Imperium’s workhorse weapon. It is compact, it is lightweight, it is rugged and reliable to an extreme, and it offers incredible firepower for its diminutive size. At its heart, it is little more than a modernized E11 blaster rifle; visually, the rifles are identical. Internally, all components have been thoroughly modernized. The rifle itself adheres to new requirements for modularity issued by the Imperium; this means that the E75 is built from modular components, allowing the rifle to be quickly upgraded with a minimum of tools or experience. Likewise, it allows the E75 to be very quickly repaired in the unlikely event it sustains damage.

The rifle’s modular design necessitated relatively simple circuitry and cooling systems; indeed, the weapon’s foregrip is little more than a perforated jacket to facilitate air cooling! Remarkably, this simplicity has lent itself well to enhancing the rifle’s ruggedness. The E75 is notably resistant to virtually every environmental condition imaginable; from the fierce heat and windswept sand of deserts, to the driving rain and choking mud of jungles, to the bitter cold and creeping ice of ice worlds, the E75 is guaranteed to function. Soldiers frequently claim that the rifle ‘doesn’t care’ about environmental conditions, and they’re right; if a soldier can fight on a world’s surface, than the E75A1 will function there.

Unfortunately, its simplicity did come with a drawback. Its ‘dumbed down’ circuitry and cooling systems sharply reduced its range, leaving the weapon with an optimum range of a meager 250 meters, and a maximum range of 300. Of course, most troopers don’t consider its short range a true flaw as much combat takes place in dense urban environments at ranges under 200 meters; such engagements are perfect for this compact little rifle, where its low weight and excellent ergonomics allow soldiers to move quickly and easily about the battlefield.

Range: 250M
Rate of Fire: 750 Rounds per Minute
Fire Modes: Semi-Automatic, Automatic, 3-round Burst
Damage: Medium
Bolt Color: Red
Bolt Velocity: 1,600 Feet per Second
Ammo Capacity: 40 Rounds
Sights: Iron sight backups; 1-3x Holographic Sight
Attachments: Folding Stock as standard.
-|Typically holstered at the small of his back with the stock to his left. Tries to carry at least four ammo packs per ranged weapon on person|-
Alexander’s custom made lightsaber is a gift from his family, rather the currency to gather the materials was, after learning that he would be the first known Roth to become one of the honored Sith, or have the opportunity to earn the title as Acolytes aren’t technically considered Sith yet. It is of a simple design, at Alexander’s preference, and has taken him four years to finish. As the majority of his family’s gift money went into obtaining the necessary crystals, as well as technology for his occupational precautions and tactical desires, the only efficient option left was to have the casing and many internal components forged from durasteel with a matte black finish rather than a cortosis or phrik alloy that Alexander desired.

In its entirety the hilt is 11.5 in (29.21 cm) allowing for a comfortable two-handed grip for a man of Alexander’s size without being too encumbering for a single-handed one. He chose a matte black finish in order for it to match his Commando variant Centurion armor without drawing too much attention while on his utility “belt”, it’s actually designed to look like a tactical flashlight to the untrained eye, just without the lense and bulb. The matte black finish also limits reflection during nighttime operations.

The aforementioned occupational precautions/tactical desires include a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse, so he can use the lightsaber underwater in the off chance that it becomes necessary (better safe than sorry as far as he’s concerned), and a dual-phase setting for two different blade lengths. The blade itself is the standard “Sith red” due to a basic synth-crystal and can be switched between a 42 in (106.68 cm) length, usually used for single-handed and close/rapid combat, and a 60 in (152.4 cm) length reserved for surprise reach enhancement and two-handed combat.
-|Always “sheathed” opposite of his blaster, usually on his right waist|-
Alexander is a man of practicality and strategy, traits heavily reflected in his usual sets of apparel for different occasions. While relaxing or researching/training anything that isn’t related to combat he usually wears mildly formfitting plain grey or black shirts, some with the logo of the Imperium on the back others completely blank; dark grey or black combat pants tucked into the boot; and durasteel-toe black combat boots. For formal military occasions Alexander prefers the formal Imperial Army Private’s uniform rather than the robes and garments most Sith and Sith Acolytes decide to go by for whatever reason.

Concerning formal social occasions Alexander would likely choose to wear the same uniform as he does for formal military occasions, or two piece suit if necessary, though for informal social occasions he may actually dress a bit more casually. While training in the arts of combat Alexander prefers to wear a grey and black light combat suit reinforced with synth-leather at the joints for a light, flexible, and basic wear and tear resistant outfit. As stated before Alexander prefers not to train in his Centurion armor, he already knows how to wear it like a second skin so adapting what he learns outside of it is very easy.
Apart from weapons and apparel Alexander is known to commonly carry around a few items. A military grade "all-terrain" pocket sized datapad, with up to date Imperial encryption. An earpiece that syncs with said datapad, as well as the helmet of his Centurion armor set. A tamper resistant necklace wallet containing his credit chips and his Imperial credentials. And a small rectangular case, usually attached to the belt, that usually contains two small metallic spheres. (Essentially baoding balls)
SHIP: Alexander relies on military and public transport, namely military due to his familial naval connections.



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