Almos Darius


SWRP Writer
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
NAME: Almos Darius
RANK: Knight
AGE: 19
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Unusually pale white
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Massive bite marks along his right arm.

STRENGTH: Frail and weak, his right arm is especially weak, to the point where it shakes when carrying anything that could be remotely considered heavy
DEXTERITY: Although he doesn't move with an extremely high level of speed, he moves with precision, with no waste, and he's also got strong hand-eye co-ordination, giving him the ability to keep up with those who are faster than him.
CONSTITUTION: Incredibly poor, he's eligible to catch anything from anyone. He has a curiously high pain tolerance for normal wounds, and he can nearly ignore anything that happens to his right arm, because it has little feeling. His physical endurance, however, is excellent, and although he is not capable of fast speeds or lifting heavy, he can maintain a constant fairly easily.
INTELLIGENCE: Clever, analytical, and precise.He is adept at formulating plans, and is also an incredibly quick thinker, jumping to conclusions with almost super-natural haste.
WISDOM: Despite his intellectual standing, he is also wise enough to understand that there's always a good chance he's wrong, and as a result is cautious in everything. Wise for his years, and he is also extremely empathic with those who suffer pain.
CHARISMA: He lacks the ability to charm total strangers, and indeed is so silent and withdrawn from the world that most people think him touched. Those who get to know him, however, learn that under the right circumstances, he can speak shockingly well. It takes a lot for that to happen though.

Force Push
Force Pull
Force Speed


Niman (Form V)

Almos's best strength is his intellect. He's a very methodical, even-handed person. Coupled with that is a great sense of justice, which could be a strength and a weakness. He's also very good at noticing hidden things, both through the force and his five senses, and can fighting in precarious places with an unusual amount of grace. His only other real talent is his intense focus, which allows him to flow through the force in surroundings which would otherwise hinder people, as well as allow him to manage a task for several minutes.

His weaknesses are more numerous, and considerably easier to quantify. His right arm is badly wounded while he was a child, to the point where it never grew properly. As a result, it is almost completely bone with hideous scarring and is also pathetically weak, meaning in combat he can only use one hand effectively. Even his good hand would lose in an arm wrestle to the average person. He also suffers from a poor immune system, and catches ill easily.

GEAR: A Jedi Knight's robe, a blue lightsaber, and a few datapads of his recorded thoughts.


Almos Darius is a cool, logical character. Even during stressful situations he's naturally calm, and when speaking tends to sound incredibly rational, almost machine-like. He's also very much a 'straight and narrow' kind of person, disliking death and treachery. His combat style reflects his personality as well, being a linear, logical style, considering the next step and generally staying out of reach.

Despite his clever mind and sharp analysis, most people tend to, upon first impression, wonder if he's moderately retarded. His social skills never had the chance to develop normally at any level, and he holds a basic mistrust of people. This lends him to hardly, if ever, speaking. When he does speak, it isn't well, and lacks many of the proper social niceties. However, those who can get past this impediment find that when he does speak, it's worth listening to.

Almos also loves food, but never eats very much of it, although he drinks enough water for two. He's also somewhat claustrophobic and nyctophobic (fear of enclosed spaces and darkness), although through meditating he can completely remove those traces of him by forgetting where he is.

Almos Darius was born as part of an experiment of criminals in the underbelly of Corusant. The idea was birthed by a scientist, named Meleen Darius outcast by society for wishing to use children in what was deemed 'an inhuman' way in his 'Darius Project'. His concept was, as it turned out, very simple.

It was a proven fact that, when administer with both carrot and stick incentives, a rat could learn how to get through a maze in the fastest method, a feat a rat normally would have no hope of. Therefor, could people be made smarter by a similar method? His concept was simple. Take children, and teach them something. Then, lock them in a room with a complex version of that problem, and wait until they got the answer. The stick was two-fold; a wrong answer would be responded to by a shock in their right arm, a non-vital spot that required constant use, so wrong answers had lasting consequences. They were also locked in a dark room, left to starve until they managed to get the right answer. When they succeeded in a right answer, they were given as much food as they liked, and anything they wanted.

The experiments failed, for the most part. At an age too young, and they died because they hadn't developed enough. Too old, and they couldn't keep up with the pace demanded, and ultimately starved to death. There were few successes; Almos was almost one of these. He was a success until the second to last test, in which he was given a question to which the correct answer was that there was no answer. He searched for one for days, becoming leaner, and thinner, but he could not submit something, because he was afraid of being wrong. Then he had an inspiration. This test was no directly about the question, but what they'd do. And he was determined to survive. In order to do so, he began to eat his own arm, in a two-fold hope; they'd let him out if it worked, and if they didn't like it, he would have chewed through the sensory nerves that caused the electric shock to work.

It failed. They didn't administer an electric shock. They left him there to starve.

Luckily for Almos, the Jedi had just discovered the project, and were shutting it down, even as he bit down on his own bones. They found him unconscious, bleeding and starving to death. He was the only survivor; the living ones were killed as Meleen Darius tried to use them as hostages. Almos, the nameless survivor, was rushed to the Jedi Medical clinic. He nearly died, but pulled through, and as a result, became affiliated with the Jedi. He wished to become one. He had the talent. After several years of emotional training and counseling, as well as his own studies, he has finally realized his goal. Now, all he can do is proceed down the path he's chosen to walk. His ripped-up arm never would function as well again. He didn't handle enclosed rooms well, nor did he handle the darkness. But their experiment, in a sense, worked. He's grown into a brilliant, logical man.

Just as they wished, but on the wrong side.

Since finally becoming a Jedi, he trained under Jedi Knight Osman Pasha, in order to further his Jedi training. The first thing he was told to do was basic weight training, as well as other physical activity to bring him up to par with the rest of the Jedi. He was also taught the basics of Niman, learning the basic slashing and defensive techniques, as well as more unorthodox combat concepts. After a grueling duel with Master Osman as a sort of final trial, he was knighted. As a knight, he has constructed his own lightsaber, a classic, simple blue one, designed to be rather light, so as to not impede him, and has since continued his training on his own, always trying to learn more.

Notes: Is name is derived from "Almos" which sounds like almost, a pun off all the things that almost happened to him, and "Darius" as he's the last survivor of the project.




The Training of Almos Darius
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