Armor Anai's Inquisitor armor


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
Reaction score

Anai's inquisitor armor

Like all other inquisitors, Anai now requires of an armor that she's allowed to use whenever she is out in the field as an inquisitor, rather than a normal sith champion. Hiding her from head to toe and changing her voice, not only does it camouflage her identity but also make it look like she is from the opposite gender, an effort made in order to fool anyone that would even try to find her real identity.


While there is not any function that makes it particularly illegal, using this suit as a member outside of the inquisitorious is punishable by death in the Sith Empire

Type and Coverage

Coverage: Medium armor

  • Head: Front and back of the head and neck.
  • Torso: Chest and abdomen.
  • Back: Upper and lower back.
  • Upper Arms: Front and back of upper arms, elbows, and shoulders.
  • Lower Arms: Hands, wrists and forearms.


Function 1: Voice Scrambler

  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.

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