And so fell the Blade of Darkness...


SWRP Writer
Apr 29, 2016
Reaction score
Location: Dantooine​

It was close to late evening as the sun is setting just above the western horizon. Painting the sky in a scarlet red with the clouds looking like ripples of water painted in light pink. The sounds of the wilderness washing over Asen's hearing with the additional hearing of the gentle breeze combing across the plataeu. The slope of these small hills and cliffs are quite comfortable to Asen's feet as he's walking. Asen is clothed in his usual short sleeved snowflake colored shirt and his midnight blue pair of pants. As his amber eyes scan across the area that he's in, Asen's hair is being carried lightly with the breeze as his hair is pulled up into a ponytail with his bangs framing his face.

Asen had gotten a day off from work today and even though his family wanted to spend time with him the young man felt like he was being pulled by some unseen force. All day Asen has been hearing whispers and just last night Asen had dreamt of a tomb that had a large stone door. The fact that it was a dream wasn't disturbing to him, but it was the fact that Asen is able to recollect all of the sights, hearing, and even touch. However Asen remembered that there was a sphere in the middle of the door and he can only assume that was the key. Inside of this tomb was a dark corridor, or at least it seemed to be dark until Asen could see it clear as day. Asen remembered walking down the corridor what felt like an hour or so as he could hear the once whispers getting louder and louder inside of his mind.

It seemed that he had reached the end of this dark path because that was when Asen had woke up from his dream. Ever since then he's been hearing these whispers of temptation; beckoning Asen to come and follow the voices. It took Asen roughly six hours of hearing that before he finally gathered his things into his backpack and decided to take a 'walk'. This 'walk' that he took as taken him outside of the Garang city and deep into the wilderness where there's little to nothing being discovered. However Asen seems to know exactly where he's going for he's just following the voices for it tends to get quiet when he's going the wrong way and louder when he's going the right way. There has been a few Banthas and other creatures that Asen has spotted during his travels, but he's able to avoid them as he doesn't wish to deal with confrontation by a beast that wants to kill him.

Though that might not be possible for him to avoid it now. For he has found this tomb as there's a set of stone doors that has an indentation shaped like a dome curved inward into the stone. The cliff serving as the roof of sorts as it would have protected the door from rain since the cliff is hanging out about three meters away from the door itself. In essence this is very much like a dimly lit cave that's quite small. Only one problem, well two actually, but the main problem is that Asen has stumbled upon the resting place of a large crocodilian beast with thick scaly green hide and a long tail. Low slung and muscular, its eyes are rimmed with prominent horns and its currently watching Asen like prey.

This creature is known as a Hssiss, otherwise known by Jedi as Dark Side Dragons, and the fact that this creature is lingering here means that this place is tainted with the Dark Side. However it seemed to be cloaked somehow to where Asen didn't really feel the cold, hollowed energy of the Dark Side until he stepped near the door as the Hssiss was laying down right in front of the door. A reptallian hiss erupts from its purple like tongue as it stood up on its four feet that each is equipped with five razor sharp claws. Asen's breathing was starting to quicken a bit as he was feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. In truth he's scared out of his mind right now, yet at the same time he feels excited and thrilled? In fact he pictures himself fighting this thing even though he himself doesn't know what it is nor knows why its here other than its probably the lair of this creature. It was quite the standoff as Asen took a step back as the Hssiss took a step forward at Asen's direction while Asen was actually initiating the one Force technique he's ever learned and that was the technique of how to ignore pain to focus on his task.

Asen's main hand is gripping firmly on the hilt of his sword sheathed on his belt while he drops his bag next to the mouth of the cave so that he can move around easier. However about three seconds later Asen's technique was put into effect and now he can really focus on the task at hand for it has been a little over thirty seconds now even though time seems to have slowed down to Asen's eyes. The dragon suddenly lunges at Asen as it opened its jaw to reveal a single row of jagged and razor sharp teeth that would have bitten down on Asen's chest. Except that Asen had quickly spun around the Hssiss while simultaneously drawing out the single edged sword in a quick and blurry manner that struck on the creature's hide. But the skin proved to be too tough for his plasteel to cut through in a single swing. It did however made its mark on the hide of the dragon as it finished its missing attack before it spins around using its tail to smack on Asen's left knee. Which does cause the young man to buckle a bit, though its just from the force of the blow and not the pain for he can't feel the pain right now. Instead Asen instantly retaliated as he drove his sword to pierce into the tail and pins the pierced tail into the ground.

The dragon lets out multiple hiss as it tries to flail its tail around trying to break the sword free while dark green liquid drips from the wound. Asen cups his hand into a fist as his gauntlets begin to glow with electrical discharging occasionally before Asen punched the base of the creature's tail that sends an electrical discharge throughout the dragon's body. Causing it to briefly stop moving so that Asen could wrench his blade free without worrying about getting smacked again. In doing so however, Asen wrenched his blade out sideways that slashes through half of the tail in width wise. Once the blade was free, Asen had quickly backed away a couple of meters so that when the creature recovered after six seconds had passed it would turn around and try to attack him again. With only one thing that's a bit odd for the dragon to do is that it swings its tail again even though it's not close enough to strike Asen yet. Instead Asen sees the rest of the tail snap off from the base as it comes flying at Asen's direction.

Due to his sharp eyes on noticing that just before it flung the biological weapon at Asen's direction, the young man managed to react by slashing downwards to deliver a clean cut straight down the middle as the remnants of the tail sails past him. In doing so however seemed to be a feint of sorts on the Hssiss's behalf as it followed up by charging straight for Asen and trying to bite at Asen's leg now. Of course Asen had been keeping an eye on it, so he had followed up on that by starting to roll his body forward and leapt to where he's performing a front flip over the attack. When Asen came down to the ground he actually landed on top of the dragon's maw closing its mouth while driving the tip of his sword through the dragon's yellow eye. Only to watch the other eye gets pierced as well due to the fact that Asen just rammed the sword down to the hilt in its eye where the blade had most likely pierced through its brain as well.

The Hssiss slumps down to the ground remaining motionless after that had happened and Asen managed to wrench his sword out from the creature's head. Asen's sword is now covered in dark green liquid that he could only assume is the blood. Frowning at the sight, Asen wipes the blade clean with a clean cloth before sheathing it back into its scabbard. Asen walked back to the mouth of the cave and picked up his bag to sling it over his back again before he walks up to the door again. The door looks like smooth stone that has a tiny crack like the doors open in a normal fashion. However when Asen goes to try to push on it the doors doesn't even budge no matter how much Asen tried. Little did Asen know that the dark energy coming from this tomb was slowly corrupting his mind and influencing him to think of creative yet inhumane things such as biological experiments. Still, the fact that he's being drawn to this place is something that he would have to determine why this place is calling to him. Perhaps the Jedi could have sensed this dark place as well? Though if that was the case then they most likely wouldn't leave this place intact.


SWRP Writer
Apr 29, 2016
Reaction score
Once Asen had the time to calm his adrenaline as he sought an inner source of himself to calm his mind. Somewhat like through meditation, except Asen pictured of himself sitting down in the midst of a wheat field that stretched as far as the eye could see while feeling the energies of life surrounding himself. In doing so he lowers his defense of the mind as he feels a constant ache on his left knee that occasionally throbs and is heating up pretty bad. Asen lifted part of his left pant leg to see that he has a nasty purple bruise on his left knee and can only imagined that if he didn't put that barrier around his mind to ignore pain he would be too busy wallowing in pain from that tail attack. Additionally Asen finds himself to have quite the headache that feels like it's throbbing on his face. This sudden sensation of pain occurring to his mind caused him to feel a bit dizzy as he slid down on the dirt with his back on the stone door.

Asen would recognize this pain for its the same thing that always happen when he brings that shell up into his mind. The only exception is that it was never this bad before, and he's never used it in combat either until now. He's only used it on rare occasions when something is hurting him especially when he's working and his back feels like its going to snap in two any minute he brings this defense up to focus more onto his work. That was all he used it for, and even then he would only get light headaches after he lets the mind calm and lower the defense. Placing his hand on the side of his head so that Asen could begin rubbing gently on his temples trying to soothe the headache as much as possible. He doesn't know how much time passed before his headache subsides to just a minor version, but the sun has covered itself from the horizon yet is still lightly painting the skies with its scarlet glow.

However being in this small cave it looks like its already night as the veil of darkness cloaks over Asen's body. Soon a familiar beeping sound can be heard from Asen's left wrist which caused Asen to wince a bit from the sound, but he twists his wrist to look upon his chronometer to see that its already 20:00 which is generally when he needs to start heading home. Unfortunately when Asen tries to stand up his left knee screamed in agony at the young man for trying to stand up. Thanks to Asen resting his adrenaline had also gone down and thus is now feeling the full effect of what that creature did to his knee. Its not like he can't walk though for he can still stand up with some decent amount of effort and using the door as his brace, but he's guessing that he can't really go very far in his condition.

Even so, Asen bares his teeth down as he summons up the strength to attempt to walk again. Only to figure out that each step he takes is causing waves of pain to course from his knee and up. Asen could always bend the fabric of reality in order to ignore the pain, however Asen refused to do that because he would face the greater drawback of a migraine if he did that now. So the young man just kept his eyes open and tried to walk without putting too much weight on his left leg. Which proved to be effective for it lessen the pain to where its just a mere nuisance to him now as carefully made his way back to Garang. Once he had reached back to the city, Asen made his way back home where he had actually snuck inside of his house as he went straight to his room and crashed dead asleep onto his bed.

Unfortunately what he dreams next is something that he most likely shouldn't have dreamt. He finds himself to be sitting a rather bland room that had large sandstone blocks that serve as walls. The only light source that he could find is a sun shield that seems to be powered up by an outlet. Underneath him is a simple bed that's neatly made and only has one pillow and a thin blanket. However laying on the floor next to the floor is an interesting creature that he's never seen before, but it gives off the same feeling like that other creature did. It looked like hound except that it possessed a set of horns, it was almost the height of his waist if it stood up, and the creature possessed a tail that's equipped with a barbed stinger.

Just by letting out a low whistle from Asen's lips the hound lifted its head up with its gleaming red eyes looking into Asen's mirror reflection of his soul. A smile crept on Asen's face as he reached out and petted the creature almost like it was his own pet. It didn't back away, but when Asen touched it the entire scene evaporated into complete darkness and he felt like he was floating in space. "I honestly can't believe its taking you this long to be able to hear me. I swear this is probably the greatest mistake i've made so far." An unknown male voice spoke that seemed to be coming from all around Asen. So the young man couldn't determine where it was coming from. "Who are you?" Asen asked while trying to look around as if it would hopefully bring some light to his eyes. However its too dark for him to see anything no matter where he looks. "That's none of your concern, but what is going to concern you is that you need to seek the Sith out. Train yourself in the arts of the dark side, and help contribute to this war between light and dark."


SWRP Writer
Apr 29, 2016
Reaction score
"Join the Sith? But... why me? Why do i have to do it? I'm sure that there's someone more suited to this than me." Asen responded while still looking around in the darkness. Coming from this unknown voice is what Asen can assume to be a sigh of sorts. "Because if you don't go seek them out and let them train you then you'll eventually get swallow up by the call. It almost killed you when you came to my tomb. You're definitely lucky to be alive considering that you were having trouble dealing with just one Hssiss."

Asen raised his brow as his interest grew more curious about what was going on. "Hssiss? Is that what those things are called?" A grunt of annoyance was the only response that Asen got for the moment. "Yes that's what they're called. If you wish to learn more about those things and a lot more of the creatures like Hssiss then you'll be able to learn more at Korriban. Tread carefully though Acolyte. Not many people are too happy when people goes to Korriban or any of the Sith controlled worlds." That Asen can mildly understand for in truth he probably would have been one of those people if he hadn't become intrigued with the dark side of the Force.

"I wonder if there's any vessel heading towards Korriban..." On that note Asen hears the voice snicker a bit before chuckling lightly to itself. "I honestly wouldn't know child, but you best get going for they're not exactly the patient type. Also if i were you fake your death or something to make it easier to move around. Or just sneak out of the planet and travel to Korriban yourself." With that being said all Asen hears was the familiar sound of fingers snapping and all of the sudden Asen wakes up from his 'dream'.