Ask Serenno And So The Sun Sets...

Lissa Blackhand


Character Profile
Apr 13, 2023
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The Forest surrounding Carannia City

2032 Hours

It was weird how the quiet could make even the faintest of thoughts near deafening. So many people went through life surrounded by darkness and death, the potential to die at any moment from disease, murder, or even something as simple as eating a bad piece of food or being in the wrong place at the wrong moment. It was easy for many to let those thoughts remain as they were - thoughts - while others needed to drown them out with distractions. Knowing that she was the latter (at least she is now), Lissa couldn't help but wonder why she decided to seek some solitude outside the city instead of just going to a bar and getting drunk off her ass. It wasn't like she needed to stay away from the city, the Purple Rose would be finished and all shiny again by tomorrow, that wasn't changing.

She looked down at the small bucket of bluefish and blackfish she'd plucked from the river, sighing at the sight of the dead amphibians. Why the kark had she decided to kill them? She could've just let them go again after catching them but instead she's gonna let them line her stomach tonight. It all felt so needless, for all she knew those fish had families of their own, maybe kids or wives Lissa shook her head and closed her eyes tightly. Thinking about Teddy wouldn't bring him back, and reminiscing on what you took from him wouldn't ease your guilt either - it was months ago Lissa, move on!

She pushed herself up against the tree she was sitting against and grabbed her fishing rod, reeling it in. That is, she tried to, but it seemed to get stuck on something, a branch maybe? She grumbled a little to herself before wading into the knee-deep water, hands plunging to the depths to find the wayward hook. She was starting to wonder if she was really cut out for bounty hunting if killing one civilian unsettled her so much, but then again, it's not like Bounty Hunters had to be cold-blooded. Sure, Cad Bane, the Fetts, the Haxion Brood mercs, they were killers whenever they wanted to be, but that wasn't her. Maybe that was why she was doomed to fall into obscurity, staring morosely at the plump corpse mirrored in her watery reflection...
