

New Member
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score

NAME: Andalusa
RANK: Acolyte
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dirty blonde
SKIN: White, but tanned slightly due to exposure to the sun.
CREDITS: 1,000 credits
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Andalusa has a moon shaped scar on his forehead, and a tattoo of a snake spiraling down his left arm, with the head resting on the bark of his hand.

STRENGTH: 6/10 slightly above average due to long hours hauling animal carcasses
DEXTERITY: 7/10 very quick and nimble, due to having to move through a forest world
CONSTITUTION: 9/10 fighting multiple forms of wildlife has made Andalusa very durable
INTELLIGENCE: 5/10 average intelligence due to his past in a private corellian school.
WISDOM: 6/10 having to think ahead to escape, or kill wildlife has given Andalusa a bit of an ability to think ahead.
CHARISMA: 2/10 living on a jungle planet for years does little for ones social skills.

N/A yet

Andalusa is very adept at tracking, and is extremely resourceful with his surroundings. He can also a fairly skilled tanner, being able to craft cloaks, and fur pelts with great ease.

N/A yet


Strengths: Resourceful, quick thinking, determined, and passionate.

Weaknesses: Easily becomes envious, sometimes a little too quick to act, can be reckless, and impatient.

Andalusa carries a standard field pack, including emergency rations, a survival knife, a length of rope, a small first aid kit, water, a translator, and a vibroblade. He wears light clothing, as he has a preference for it after withstanding the humidity of Felucia, and has
a pair of black pants the reach down to the tops of his boots. He wears a black tunic and keeps a dark robe in his camp, although he never wears it due to the weather of the planet.

He does not have a personal ship.

He does not have any pets.

Andalusa is a headstrong young man with a core belief that the end justifies the means. He is generally a smart ass to all but his superiors, however he will help his allies if the need arises. He is vicious in a fight, using a balance of strength, speed, and agility to quickly overwhelm his opponent. He is rather impatient, generally wanting to get things done as quickly as possible so that he can move on to the next challenge. He does not care about whether or not he has "friends" as he only cares about getting stronger and realizing his true potential, whatever that may be. Only one thing was odd about Andalusa, and that is the fact that

Andalusa was born on corellia to parents whose names he can't even remember, he only knows that they were both smugglers, generally keeping low so the republic could not find them. They did however get him into a private school by using fake I.D.'s they acquired to get away from republic troops. After they got him into the school they abandoned him there, hoping that they could get off scott free if they weren't hindered with a child. As such Andalusa was taught well at the school for several years. However, he was quite unsociable in his time there, never having really been able to fully assimilate to a life in one place, being as his life had been with his parents. He grew to hate them, and, as he grew older, came to loathe them.

This raw, seething hatred of his parents edged him into a rebel, and, at the age of 12, he left the school he had attended for the past 6 years, and found solace among the trackers and hunters of Corellia. Over the next years, his hatred would ruminate, and his knowledge and behavior would grow and better develop. By the time he was 15, Andalusa was one of the best Hunter/Trackers on the planet. However, this was also due to his sensitivity to the force, something he discovered and developed when he was in the worst of moods. It was the only thing that gave him a sense of control. After so many years of hauling animal carcasses and tracking and hunting, he had accumulated enough money to get aboard a smuggler ship to another planet.

He honestly didn't care about location, he just wanted to leave the place he had come to love to hate. So, without hesitation, he left the planet, along with two others, both of them smugglers. Not long after the start of their trip, they were attacked in an attempt to be raided. Hit by oncoming blasters, the ship went down on Felucia, in the middle of the forest. Due to his Force sensitivity, Andalusa managed to lessen his impact and keep himself alive, but just barely. As luck would have it, the ship crashed close to the home of a rouge Felucian, who sensed the Force within the adolescent. With his help, Andalusa was nursed back to health, and, as both were more in tune with the Dark Side of the Force, taught to better control his prowess and power. However, only months after he came upon the planet, the Felucian died, having been aged and sick long before Andalusa had gotten there. With no one to care for him, the young boy spent the next three years doing what he did best; Hunting, tracking, and moving on. At the age of 18, Andalusa was saved when a smuggler ship landed on the planet to hide from a republic patrol. Andalusa helped the smugglers hide until the patrol passed and in exchange they gave him a ride to Naboo. Here the smugglers left him with 1000 credits.

Now, with the knowledge of his being force sensitive, Andalusa wishes to learn how to wield the force and use a lightsaber. However, he does not wish to learn the peaceful ways of the jedi, they would see him too violent to join. It was among the shadows that Andalusa heard of the Bogan, a sect of dark jedi hidden somewhere amongst the galaxy. Andalusa began trying to find these dark jedi to learn how to use his powers.




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Aluminum Falcon

Republic AFL
SWRP Writer
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
I think you have to come up with a reason to have joined the Bogan, because I think they are currently like "In hiding" or something. Other than that profile looks purdy gewd.