Ask Any Means Necessary

Jayna Thorne


Character Profile
Nov 29, 2022
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To say that Jayna was feeling nervous was a severe understatement. For weeks, the Thorne heiress had worked to establish herself on Empress Teta - aiming to expand her own influence and reputation within the Deep Core system. Despite the absolute authority of the Imperial family and nobility, it was no secret that the true power on the nine colonized planets lied firmly in the stands of the Mining Guild.

And it was precisely them who Jayna intended to undermine - to her own benefit.

Fat and satisfied with their position in the system, the Mining Guild had control over almost every mining operation and refinery in the system - pulling trillions of tons of Andris Spice and Carbonite in profit. If she was ever going to properly expand into the region, gaining a foothold within the industry was almost a requirement.

Fortunately, the Thorne heiress had a plethora of resources at her fingertips - namely the Slicer hired for this most recent job. She had briefly caught a glimpse of the Slicer in that nightclub on Gw’enee, and later found their card stuffed into her purse. A bit of Dark HoloNet digging and research, and the Heiress decided the slicer was worth the risk - assuming they were capable in their job.

Rather than the hotel she’d been staying, Jayna opted to meet the Slicer aboard her own ship in the Cinnagar spaceport. Having Emryc for a father meant that the heiress was particularly paranoid - especially due to the nature of the job ahead. The Nubian Yacht was expensively decorated on the interior, with a multitude of potted plants and expensive artworks decorating the walls. Security droids were abundant, with a single droid waiting for Envy to arrive in order to escort the Slicer inside.



Character Profile
Nov 8, 2022
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To say Yvon was paranoid was an understatement. The prospect of walking right into a potential employers ship had them nervous and the actions they had taken to prepare for it accounted for that nervousness. A small bolt hole had been located near the spaceport, nothing fancy, just a storage facility with an easily rented storage room that they had prepped before arriving to the meeting.

There was of course plenty of information out there on the holonet about Jayna Thorne, daughter of the ISC President. Not much of it was relevant to the slicer however, public information only told so much about a person. Clearly there were layers underneath, seeing as she had reached out to hire Envy.

Meeting in a clients personal ship, in the middle of a spaceport, was an oddity for the slicer. The client's station gave them an undue amount of influence on the meeting which Yvon would much rather prefer at a neutral, private location. It also meant that the chances that Jayna was planning to backstab the slicer were likely slim. At least not directly. High profile individuals rarely opted to do their own dirtywork. No. If there was a knife it would come later.

Unfortunately unarmed, Yvon made their way through the spaceport in a non suspicious fashion. They wore simple clothing that blended in with the local styles. A hood covered most of their hair, which was worn up. Yvon hadn't figured out how to remove the hair extensions they had gotten done on Ralltiir yet. The low rimmed collar of their coat covered enough of their face that any cameras would have a hard time catching a full glimpse as they passed through.

Arriving at the Thorne heiress' hangar, Yvon's eye twitched at the number of droids that patrolled and watched and waited. It was almost anathema-tic of the slicer to walk into a snakes den. There was little security in being surrounded, unarmed, and uncertain. Either way, the client was offering good money and so far there was no evidence of betrayal. Yvon proceeded to follow the droid that escorted them inside that luxurious Nubian yacht.


Jayna Thorne


Character Profile
Nov 29, 2022
Reaction score
Jayna didn’t particularly care if the setting made Envy uncomfortable. The Thorne heiress was raised by one of the most paranoid people in the Galaxy, and it was only natural that she took the necessary precautions when inviting a stranger into her circle - to complete a job that carried the potential for both substantial risk and profit to her. The details, of course, were kept confidential until Envy was actually aboard her yacht to begin discussions.

By the time the slicer was escorted into the Nubian yacht, Jayna was seated behind a desk of sleek chromium - glancing over a datapad one hand. Silver eyes flicked up to stare at the Echani - regarding them in silence for a moment or two.

“Welcome,” Jayna said, gesturing for the Slicer to have a seat just on the other side of the table. “You will forgive the security. One can never be too careful here on Teta.” She said with a wave of her hand. It was a planet known for ruthless politics, assassination and cutthroat individuals rising to the top. Jayna was under no illusions that her activities on the planet would eventually make her a target.

“If you don’t mind, I will get right to it.” She handed the datapad off to Envy, folding her own hands together on the table.

Pulled up onto the Datapad, Envy would find a full detailing of the job that was being requested. They would find a detailed reported on a Carbonite executive, who’s company operated under the umbrella of the mining guild - Talik Vist - alongside news articles linking his operation to multiple civilian deaths and hazardous working conditions on Teta and its colonies moons.

“You’ll find the offered pay at the bottom which is negotiable.” She tapped her. “Vist has long an example of precisely what is wrong with the Mining Guild presence on Teta - but he is smart enough to cover his tracks. I would like to go create enough rope to hang him,” False evidence of embezzlement, a scandalous affair with an intern, Jayna really didn’t care. “So long your work is concrete.”