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Unraveler of Mysteries
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Jan 28, 2016
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”I fear we have awoken a sleeping dragon…”
- Initiative scientist


Full Name: Azarael (previously Admiral Kastor Lurtz)
Age: 450+ years (exact age unknown)
Species: Human
Homeworld: Unknown

Height: 6'6" / 2 m (floating)
Weight: 180 lb / 82 kg
Force Sensitive: No

Faction: The Accord
Position: Skyline Dragons, Clearance Level 4
Voice Example: Lazarus the Dire
Theme: Jon Hallur - Below the Asteroids



When he was reawoken through Dr. Rhaid’s initial testing of the IKELOS operation, Azarael immediately realized he had been asleep for a long time, and began to gather as much information as he could. He quickly learned he was residing in the home base of the Accord. Upon further research, Azarael discovered that the Accord’s Crucible contained several members of the Skyline Dragons, a group that rebelled against and ultimately defeated the Skyline Cartel. He realized that his old faction was no more, and that all their great conquests had ultimately left little mark on the galaxy. He then resolved to give up his old Cartel ways and assist them as best he could.

Now, he has been dormant in the Void’s mainframe for almost four years. Being passively aware in the system for so long has left its mark on his personality; he has lost touch with his more human traits, and often finds it difficult to show emotion. However, this does not mean that he cannot express them, and he is also not a sociopath by any means. Azarael has still retained his sense of right and wrong; he just finds it difficult to portray his feelings correctly.

Azarael has become very observant of others, and has relaxed from his previous habits as commander of an entire fleet. He realizes he has had a tendency towards violence in the past, and instead learns from the other members of the Accord, quietly respecting them greatly for their honourable deeds. Taking on a more mentorship role, he will provide insightful information when he deems it useful. He remains calm and collected in even the most stressful situations, guiding others’ actions with cool and focused direction.



Legend speaks of the great Admiral Kastor Lurtz, who commanded a strike fleet in the early years of the Skyline Cartel. His might was great, his wrath swift; none could stand against him and live to tell the tale. Some have said that it was his rule that brought the Cartel to its peak. While many stories exist of this man, one thing was for certain: he was a tactical genius in the battlefield, and few could hope to outmatch his strategies.

However, during a raid in the waning years of the Skyline Cartel’s glory, Admiral Lurtz’ flagship was shot down and his escape pod damaged in its descent to the planet below, leaving him barely alive in the wreckage. His companions, wishing to save the Admiral but not having the technology to do so, froze him in a cryopod, hoping that one day he could be revived. And so he has passed into legend, his true whereabouts a mystery…


LOG ENTRY 01: At long last, I have acquired the cryopod said to hold the remains of Skyline Cartel admiral Kastor Lurtz. Those Initiative dimwits gave it up easily enough; hell, they think it’s just some poor sod iced up inside it. They’ll regret their decision, in due time - better, they’ll be begging me for my expertise.

LOG ENTRY 02: What kind of half-brained Tusken conducted these experiments? Centuries of scientific and medical advancement to work with and that’s the best they could do? This data is rubbish - I need to scrap it all and start over. Must I do everything myself?

LOG ENTRY 03: My research has led me to an entirely new discovery. This process, which I’ve dubbed the “IKELOS” operation, can potentially save anyone from the brink of death. It’s similar to what I’ve achieved with IG-0R; an obvious upgrade, of course. It’s ingenious, really - we use this kind of technology every day. We can connect a brain to any cybernetic enhancement through nerve connections...using the same logic, why not an entire body? A battle suit? Hell, even an entire starship? I’m almost surprised nobody’s come up with the idea before. Almost.

LOG ENTRY 04: I’ve begun testing my theory by initiating computer connection with the subject. Results were overwhelmingly successful; not only is it working smoothly, the subject is actively pushing its boundaries within the--

LOG ENTRY 05: Despite my efforts to contain it, the subject managed to gain access to the entire Void’s mainframe. I dare not tell Bria or Austin - the bumbling idiots would shut down the project for sure, and I’d lose all my progress. I can’t stop now; I’m on the verge of a breakthrough! Those high-and-mighty fools can’t even begin to comprehend the implications of my work.
From what I can tell, the subject seems to be scanning data files for now - perhaps learning what’s changed since it’s last been awake? No matter. There are other areas of this operation I must experiment on.

LOG ENTRY 06: The subject has adapted to its new neural environment faster than I could have ever anticipated. Not only has it infiltrated the Void’s entire system, it has managed to gain complete control without alerting a single antivirus mechanism. Currently it seems to be modifying and improving automated defensive system codes. Pity, really. Given the subject’s previous reputation, I half expected it to just gain direct control and massacre the populace; it sure would’ve been a lot quieter once it was all over.

LOG ENTRY 07: The Void just lifted its bloody lockdown after a Blue Skull Buccaneer raid. I don’t know who I hate more, this rock’s officials for making such a stupid procedure that would shut me out of my lab, or the pirates for creating the apparent need for it. Interestingly enough, the subject was extremely active during the raid - filling holes in the Void’s defenses, operating turrets and enhancing systems that would normally be automated. A nice gesture, to be fair, but whether it will be so benevolent for long remains to be seen. In any case, the subject has gone completely passive now. It’s for the best, really - now I can focus on final touches of my IKELOS project without petty distractions.

Skills and Abilities
Azarael has gained a great deal of knowledge about the many aspects of nearly every kind of strategy and battle tactic, both in space and planetside.​

Piloting: Azarael’s skills and knowledge in flying and navigating spacecraft are nigh unmatched. Though not necessarily a mechanic at heart, he knows not only the strengths of his own ship, but also the weaknesses of his enemies’, and is guaranteed to be a formidable opponent amidst the stars.

Computer Navigation: Having been integrated early into a computer system in the early stages of the IKELOS project, Azarael was forced to become familiar with it. That being said, he does not particularly enjoy working with coding and programming.

Strategy: The Skyline Cartel’s quick rise to power is often entirely attributed to Azarael’s tactical genius. Though not entirely true, underestimating the ex-admiral’s strategic prowess would be absurd in the highest degree.

Marksmanship: While no sniper, Azarael knows his way around firearms, and is perfectly capable of firing accurate groupings at close to medium range.

Swordplay: Legend says that one would be hard pressed to find Admiral Lurtz without a blade at his side. Though he knows when to use ranged weaponry, he always revels in the rare circumstances to utilize his extensive knowledge of bladework when it is required.​

  • Two sets of armour, both of which have the same stats as the UAI-19, both with full, tinted visors and fitted with an EMP-resistant mesh in the helmet.
  • The gauntlets are both reinforced with Phrik, and both are equipped with missile hardpoints. The left has a flamethrower, and the right has an extendable electroblade from the wrist. Attached to the forearm of his left gauntlet is also an EMP-hardened datapad that he can receive messages on as well as control his explosives’ detonations.
  • Both suits have AFMs built in, set to neutralize Supernova grenades and concussion/sonic weaponry.
  • The cloth sections of both armour sets and various parts of the metal plates are coated in Scatterweave
  • The suits are also fitted with Repulsorboots.
  • A DGL clipped to his belt.
  • A custom Harlaw Heavy Carbine, with two additional mags besides the one loaded in the gun.
  • A custom Thunderbuster, with two magazines.
  • Two Electroblades, one much larger and a shorter one for backup.
  • Various explosives that he will swap out depending on the task at hand. He can set them to detonate on specific timers, on impact, or remotely through his datapad.
  • A customized Brambleback-class gunboat, named the Midnight Exigent. Preferring missiles over regular laser armaments, he has replaced two of the turreted laser cannons with two additional missile pods.

Roleplay Experience

When Experiments Go Wrong - Concluded
Bria Tsuani and IG-0R venture into the secret lab of Dr. Janseek Rhaid, revealing his ultimate project. Azarael is awoken and placed into his frame. He is immediately recruited into the Accord.

Sabotage! - Ongoing

Echoes of the Past - Completed
Azarael and Doctor Wolfe investigated an old Skyline Cartel base on Roon. The two uncover and extract coordinates to Cartel resource caches.

Stolen Pride - Completed
Azarael and Niwal confront Allemn Holdings, successfully negotiating the Accord’s takeover of the company and its assets.

Ice Breaker - Ongoing

Long Far Gone - Ongoing
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All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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(also cool character < 3)


SWRP Writer
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you! I worked hard to make it so. :)
You know I'm a big fan of epic, otherworldly, larger than life characters.

I'd love to do something with him and Vereshin.


Unraveler of Mysteries
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
You know I'm a big fan of epic, otherworldly, larger than life characters.

I'd love to do something with him and Vereshin.
Sure! Just send me a message when you've got something in mind.

Nova Elgrin

space princess
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2016
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Damn, you got Great Taste for Music (Ori), you create even greater characters, I'm tempted to prefer you over @Vosrik :D

Nova Elgrin

space princess
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2016
Reaction score
I know you're twins that was the whole joke :D
Anyways wonderful character!!! Let's rp some time <3


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Very interesting character. Nice template too. May steal it for Andredd.


Part-Time Flesh Lump
SWRP Writer
Jan 19, 2014
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Hey yo. SO I am not meaning to cause more problems, I promise, and since I have no EMP in my armament I can't use this against you or anything in the thread we are in, but I noticed you have an EMP mesh. I am pretty sure that would require a writeup though, so I just figured you might want to submit one for that. I am sure it could be approved, but it might require a writeup.


Unraveler of Mysteries
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 28, 2016
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It's basically one of these surrounding his vital areas. It in no way would keep an EMP grenade from shutting down most of his suit's capabilites (like the HUD, the AFMs, etc), it's literally just there to keep him from instantly dying if he gets hit by an EMP grenade.


Part-Time Flesh Lump
SWRP Writer
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
It's basically one of these surrounding his vital areas. It in no way would keep an EMP grenade from shutting down most of his suit's capabilites (like the HUD, the AFMs, etc), it's literally just there to keep him from instantly dying if he gets hit by an EMP grenade.

Oh, my mistake. I think that ought to be okay, though you may still want to ask. Sorry!


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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And here i was hoping for someone for W3SK to bond with and then you go and make this character. dang it @Shalken , where was he at the start of the TL? (yes i'm looking through all of your characters...again...cuz i have nothing better to do)
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