Back on the Road to Ever After

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
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Jhon stirred beneath the warm comfort of a soft blanket, his head nestled up against a feathery pillow in complete relaxation. Still somewhat asleep, he smiled at the feel of it, a rejuvenating rest the likes of which he had not had for a very long time. Between his journey in Imperial space and his return to the spartan environment of the Tythonian Jedi Temple, before the battle that ravaged the planet, creature comforts were not known to him for over a year. That was the Jedi way, of course, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy something better when the opportunity presented itself.

But that was the question he had now, as he slowly opened his eyes to the sights of an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar place. Where was he? How did he get here? Something about it felt pure and safe, like it was a home, but he did not know why. The Force was strong here, with a tinge of ancient knowledge, but what or why that meant anything wasn’t clear. All he knew was that the last thing he remembered, he was with Ebberla -- the same thing that happened when he lost most of his memories from his time in Imperial space.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was drugging me,” he quipped aloud, though there was no one around to hear it.

The old Jedi Master slowly rose from the bed, sliding his legs over the side to stand up, but as he moved his leg he felt a sharp, debilitating pain. He clenched his teeth and resisted the impulse to cry out, still not knowing who or what was around this place. He looked around for something to help him stand, and he noticed a cane that someone left him leaning up against the bed stand. Whoever was here, they were trying to help him, at least somewhat.

Standing up was a struggle. He put all the pressure of his weight against the cane so he could rise to his feet, keeping as much pressure off of his injured leg as possible. Tyrn Lightell did more damage than Jhon thought; he would have expected to be healed completely by now, assuming the people in this place actually did use the Force. Perhaps it was his old age, and the weariness of war combined with whatever it was that Andraste was doing on Coruscant.

Coruscant… Jhon could feel it in the Force. The planet was still there, but not as it once was. So many were dead; life itself was nearly killed during that battle, however long ago it was now. The Force felt different, like it was wounded. That wound had a name. That wound was an Empress who now sat upon a throne made of skull and bone, on the once bright light that served as the capital of peace and democracy in this galaxy. It was a throne that would have to be broken one day.

That’s when Jhon noticed something on the table on the far side of the room. It was a holo-photo, one he had not seen for many years, of him and a young girl smiling outside the gates of the Sage Halls of Empress Teta. That girl, with her long brown hair and the red flower in her hand, was Andraste; pure, innocent, as he chose to remember her. Wherever Jhon was now, they brought him here for a reason. This was no ordinary room, it was his room. But why?

He left this room, looking for someone who might be around, but he found nothing, only the faint noise of a child giggling somewhere deeper in the complex. The sound was eerie, like a ghost, but he pressed onward, limping his way with his cane towards the sound. The halls themselves were cold, made of stone with new metals placed atop them for support. Some passageways were sealed, likely damaged from whatever snowy landscape he assumed this building was in. It still felt ancient, like he was in the footsteps of history.

That became clearer once he entered an antechamber that looked to be the center of the complex. It was circular, with chairs circled around it towards a center gathering place. It reminded him of the Jedi Council chambers, like this was a place where important matters were discussed or lessons were taught. It was much like a place the Jedi would build, but not entirely Jedi. It was something different, something even more ancient-looking than the Jedi he had ever known.

All around him, he saw inscriptions written in an ancient language, the same language he had seen in some pages of the journal that Skhai gave him, from when they followed in the footsteps of Bhikku Bo. Along with the language were numerous hieroglyphics. One of the most prominent was that of a tall human figure, covered in a long robe and standing beneath a ship descending towards the surface. The man sat in Jedi-like meditation, appearing wise and deeply profound.

Beside that drawing, however, was an even more important one, of the very same man. He stood alone, adorned in the armor once used by the Je’daii of Tython during the Force Wars. A halo was drawn above his head, with that same ancient language along with it, but with the ancient words were a translation. It was a name, a name that made his heart skip a beat, that made him sweat in anxiety even despite the frigid temperatures of this place. It was the name Calid Baatch of Alderaan, a name he had heard before from the descendent of this man... from his friend.



SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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The Large Crystavian let out a roar of a yawn as she forced her sore body to relax in the hot, mineral filled pool that was the center focus of her, and her mates chambers. Eons ago this room was most likely a theater pit, filled with students sitting in the circular rows that decended down to a center spot where a teacher gave their lessons. Today however glacier ice had broken in though the ancient stone and filled the theater, leaving only the top platform. After moving into the hidden temple Skhai had claimed this room for herself, placing her bed , and assorted zafu along the platform as well as trunks of her few personal items, the ice was melted down and heating elements installed by the Warden, and JEdi artisan Kiro Hass to create a pool, one that felt very much like a natural hot spring.

About her she could hear the slight giggles and mutterings of the two young girls. Lana, the daughter of Andraste- under the protection of long time companion Jhon, and now herself- and the other child, Reina. The pale skinned girl seemed to be roughly near the same age as Lana; silver trussed with a single red strand covering her round toddler face. Despite her fairly humanoid apperance one thing above all else gave her parentage away, a small, downy set of appendages coming from her back, along them long quills poked out and some showed signs of splitting where strands of creatine like fibers had escaped their confines. The child was growing in feathers.

The girls remained mostly quiet however seeing as it was nap time so that the weary Crystavian warden could unwind, though her ears stayed focused on the halls outside, listening for signs that her company had risen from his own much needed rest. She could simply reach out with the force and check on his state, but in doing so she would open herself up too much, she had no idea if Jhon had anyone tailing him, she couldn't risk it, and so opted to maintain muted in the force. A slight stir from the western wings caught her attention and caused her to sit upright in the waters. Again she listened, however a sudden explosion of boisterous glee erupted from one of the girls and drowned out whatever it was she thought she was hearing.

Not wanting to be caught off guard the warrior sage pulled herself from her bath and cursed under her breath at the sudden chill, her crystalline wings chiming slightly as she began to shiver. Had her skin not been already blue- it would have been likely thats the colour she would have taken on. Wasting no time she lightly patted herself down and slipped into her sith special forces shirt she had been given by the dark lord on dromond kaas, and wrapped her towel about her hips to form a lava lava like skirt. That was when she heard her name clearly. A bemused smirk rising to her lips as she shouted in reply

" Quiet down, your suppose to be one of those quiet broody ghosts I thought!"
content at her retort Skhai began to make her way through the icy halls until she could find the source of the voice.

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
That voice… it was Skhai’s voice, but that was impossible. It echoed through the halls like a ghost, like he was being confronted by his past again, but he knew that the source had to be real. It wasn’t in his head, he could feel it through the Force. He wondered if he had died, and this was the afterlife where he would be reunited with those souls of his loved ones who were lost along the way, but he could feel that it wasn’t. Death wasn’t deceptive, and the afterlife meant becoming one with the Force. This was still clearly an earthly domain.

Jhon watched as Skhai emerged from around a corner, but she was the not the Crystavian as he remembered her. Her bright red hair had turned bright white, while her pink skin was now blue, a perfect representation of the chilly world that he now found himself on. The reports said that she died in a shuttle explosion, but that clearly wasn’t the case. She bore the look of someone who had faked her death.

The Jedi Master’s joy couldn’t be contained. His lips curled into a smile, but that smile quickly erupted into a laugh, with happiness pouring out from every note. He managed to stop himself from shedding a tear, knowing her sarcasm would only make her use that against him.

“Rumors of your death have been greatly exaggerated,” Jhon called out, as she was still on the other side of the antechamber. He noticed her shirt, adorned with the markings of the Sith, and said, “I take it you’ve had some adventures while I was gone.”


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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the crystavian wasted no times in closing the gap and embracing jhon in a powerful wookie-hug that rivaled even the ones from whom the term was coined. before setting the aging human down. She was glad his demeanor was bright and cheery, much different than the one he wore before she threw him over a ledge what seemed like eons ago.

" Egh, What can I say- the whole traditional hiding thing was totally overrated, I needed something with more bang. " she mused, her hands running over the shirt she wore at Jhon's comment. " You can say that" she stated with a dismissive grin. " I sorta ruined Vereor's shirt when he made me borrow it to cover up, so I got to keep it, pretty comfy in a jungle, or to frump around the temple in" she added, dangling that story in front of her companion as if a piece of holiday candy before a child during the harvest festival.

folding her arms over her chest the large warrior laughed as the sounds of restless taun taun echoed from even further down the passages, further cementing the fact that the Human found himself in a rather unique situation. " I'd say you had your fare share yourself-" she stated her pale silver eyes falling to the cane she had left for him. " Id focus on healing if I were you though, Ando Prime is not a place to take kindly to weakness...more so where several days by mount from the nearest temporary village."

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
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“Believe me,” he said with a faint smile, musing over what he had been through since he walked out on Skhai all those months before, after he basically tried to kill himself on Coruscant, “I’ve healed in more ways you can imagine.”

He thought back to that night, when she pushed him over the ledge of her penthouse balcony, hoping to see him put up a struggle for his life before she swooped in to catch him, but he didn’t. He remembered an overwhelming feeling of happiness in that moment, like his death would be a release and he could finally escape from the shackles that destiny had placed around his ankles. He thought it would mean he would stop hurting Andraste, that he would stop hurting everyone, but she caught him. The things he said to her that night… it was a wonder she didn’t throw him off another balcony now.

“I’m sorry for what happened,” Jhon said, knowing he didn’t need to specify what it was he was apologizing for. “I was overwhelmed by… well, you know what happened. I guess I had to realize that I never dealt with my guilt over Ardos and Oro Prime like I thought I did. I suppressed it, I didn’t actually learn to cope. So between thinking Andraste was dead and everything that was happening in the war that I declared, it was too much. I broke myself, but now I’m back together and ready to go.”

He shifted how he stood, taking more weight off of his bad leg, as he said, “And besides, I don’t have time to wait around for my leg to heal. There’s something that I need to do, something that I need your help on. We…”

She was alive. Lana was alive. Jhon had become so used to the idea that she was dead, that she died in the explosion with Skhai, that seeing Skhai alive didn’t even shake that belief. But now, now he had a second chance. Everything he thought about destiny, with him, and Andraste, and Lana, was exactly how he thought it was again. This girl he promised to care for, that he promised his old apprentice he would care for, wasn’t dead. He could still fulfill his promise. He could still fulfill his destiny.

“Where is she?” he shouted. “Take me to her!”


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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The large Crystavian nodded as Jhon spoke, never loosing her smirk. Despite the fact Jhon was- in all reality much much younger than Skhai, the ravages of time acted differently on his species than her own. Before her was a much older looking individual, yet it was times like these when he seemed once more to be nothing more than a child himself. The youthful sparks showed through more times than not, and where quite comforting to the winged woman. It was the Jhon she remembered best- the Jhon she would keep in her minds eye even long after he was gone- that was assuming they didnt meet their demise at the same time while on one of their- usually fairly suicidal misadventures. The sudden shift in his focus as he remembered the child Lana didnt help change that, even that sudden shift in focus had a certain childish flare.

" She's fine" Skhai whispered reassuringly patting the human on the head, " she SHOULD be taking her nap for the day, but they....they dont seem to like napping anymore." The Crystavian's shoulders sagged slightly in a show of fatigue before turning on her heels and leading the way back out into the partly frozen corridors, headed back in the direction of the two master chambers. Along the way Skhai took the time to point out little updates they made to the temple, some passages and rooms still in useable but continued upgrading and repair, several of them having floors with detailed stone work depicting something, a mark of the temples previous owners, a primitive but recognizable eight pointed star encased in a circle.

" .... But other than the occasional Wampa attracted to the taun taun sent roaming outside its been secure, we've managed to come and go as needed, or taking trips into town, nobody here thinks much about anything unless the swoop races are back for the season...people tend to want to stay off the glaciers , let alone venture down into one.... " She said finally, having recounted all the notes on their current living situation and security measures. " To be honest I didnt even know of this place until Kiro told me- she was told by Dalharil, and even Dal's knowledge was minimal, only a tiny footnote in some record buried under a ton of clutter dating back a long long time ago, so safe to say this place does not exist to the greater galaxy. "

As it was now the pair stood outside a icy wall, the duro steel door littered with stickers. before her hands could swipe over the controls to open it once could hear the sounds of feet scampering across stone, and Skhai's shoulders tensed and a sigh escaped her lips. Jhon had not been around Lana for a good while, had not seen that leap from infant to late toddler- she was unsure if he even knew what to expect... but she did....odd silence, scampering feet....they were up to something, and one who looked at her could easily think she expected to find something horrid on the other side.

With a sharp hiss the door slid away, and instantly a glowing object buzzed Skhai's face causing her to bat at the object- which harmlessly seemd to pass through her, and swim away blissfully unaware of her. It was a holo fish, one of several that swam about the room, coming from a single holo aquarium projector, bubbles also filled the air, the source was a rather comical depiction of a Selkath dressed in outlandish colours and face paint, swaying side to side as if to music. though there was no sound beyond the servo motors of the large toy. Other things litterd the floor, colouring tools, assorted foam insulation tubing made to resemble lightsabers,

across the room was a table sized for a child, upon it colouring pads lay open, and two chairs pushed back and knocked over. the two remaining chairs were occupied by Lana's stuffed jawa, and the last spot was taken by a depressing site. Blips, the squid like companion droid belonging to Kiro Haas hovering inches above the chair, tilted slightly forward in a defeated manner, his hull plating brightly coloured by finger paints, and a large sun hat placed upon the top of his psudo dome. The Droid turned to the pair and let out a mournful whistle and turned back once more looking at the table.

" I have a bad feeling about this" Skhai mutterd as she stepped cautiously over the toys to open a set of curtains with a loud " AAAHAA!" - greeted with nothing but two beds, both in a unmade state as if someone hastily threw the sheets back and made their escape. Biting her lip the Crystavian moved around the room opening toy boxes and other curtains, only to find nothing. She seemed to be making a game of it herself, the smirk on her lips broadened , intentionally skipping over a storage closet several times, and looking in silly places one could obviously tell were not suitable hiding places . " Oh I guess I'll never find them" Skhai stated musically, " Guess I'll have to go tell HK he can throw away all those treats we made earlier! " after which she paused, and grinned widely at a muffled squeek before coming and opening the closet

there, huddled together over a plate of devoured Uj Cake sat two small little girls, one pale in skin and hair, her mostly featherless wings twitching, the other, a darker haired human girl, covered in twice as much of the mandalorian syrup than her crystavian partner in crime; Lana, both girls looking out at the adults with wide eyes , not sure if they should panic or laugh at how long it took the silly grown ups to find their super secret spot.