Bantha's Glorious WIPS


The Hot Mess
SWRP Writer
Aug 22, 2013
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Planet Profile. Might change it to Mirial for the new timeline.

Name: Shawti
Coordinates: What section of the grid is your planet located in on the Galactic Map? (For example: Corsucant is located at (L9) and Korriban at (R5) on the Galactic Map
Climate: Shawti's axial tilt is maintained at 26°, ensuring there are four distinct seasons during the year for the majority of the planet. Near the equator there are two seasons: rainy and dry. There are only two continents, Sanav (Eastern) and Kosa (Western) separated by the Kanetian sea. Several inhabited islands are found off the coasts of each. The planet does not have polar ice caps, but does have two southern and northern land masses, frozen tundra. They are largely uninhabited and untouched, except for research stations and many large seed banks. Inland seas and rivers are numerous on Shawti's surface, often used to irrigate crops.

Most of the land on Shawti has been put to agricultural use, specific crops varying according to region and climate. Most are careful to use both economically- and environmentally-sustainable farming practices, knowing that stability is more desirable than immediate profit.

In the south-eastern sector of Kosa lies the Jaysoto-Baste wastes. The mountain range around it creates a rain shadow that severely limits the amount of precipitation it receives each year. The only exclusion to this is where the eastern edge meets the sea, where the environment permits cultivation of date palms. The central and western areas are home to copper and salt mines, worked by a combination of slave, prisoner, and droid labor.

Terrain: What type of geography does your planet have? Is there any foliage? Are there any landmarks of note?

Rotation: Does your planet have any day or night cycle? How long is it? Does it have any affect on the planet?

Inhabitants: What organism inhabit your planet? Are there any dominant species? Are any of these organisms sentient?

Resources: Does your planet have any natural resources of value or note? If any resource is exclusive to this planet please provide a detailed description.

Government: Shawti is technically under Hutt rule, though as long as they meet their quotas for exports locals are largely left alone. The only exception to this is Dakib, the desert moon upon which the Desilijic kajidic raise Klatooinian slaves. They have strict control, and the Shawtian government has little authority here.

Originally fully human, there are five “families” that each govern one state like a monarchy. Eventually, as more people from different species immigrated to Shawti the percentage of humans in governing positions has fallen to 84%. The two top leaders of each family form the “Abu Suhyaa Ma'ha al-Tee,” commonly shortened to Suhyaa. It roughly translates to “The Ruling Circle of Elders.” Formerly it was rife with bitter disagreement and assassination attempts, but since the treaty a tense peace has settled.

The Kushapur family :

Economy: Slave trade and agriculture are the mainstays of Shawti's economy. Tea, caf beans, grain, tropical fruits, and raw spices are their major exports. Poverty is rampant in rural communities and some cities. Port/starport towns are wealthier, and the capital city Atil is where many of the wealthiest reside.

Culture: Shawtian society in general is largely patriarchal. Women, while not treated like property, have much less freedom than men. In blood feuds and in court, their lives and testimonies are worth half that of a man's. As a result of this and a shortage of men because of clan fueds/slaving, there is the practice of sworn virginity. Like the name, a woman, of any age, can swear to remain a virgin (or from then on practice abstinence) and take up the social role of a man. This means dressing as a man, fighting as a man, doing “manly” things and in essence is a male except in physical form. If a sworn virgin is marry, it is to another female who is not a sworn virgin. Then the “virginity” point is moot so long as sexual activity remains inside the private confines of the relationship, and the sworn virgin practices abstinence from sexual activity with a man. Because they cannot produce heirs on their own, a couple may choose to adopt children and raise.

Food and Eating Customs
Tea and caf are at the center of every meal and are served at every meeting and event, formal or casual. Black tea is most popular, hot from a samovar . Cream, sugar, lemon, cinnamon, cloves, and salt are offered to go with it, availability dependent on region. Caf is served without cream, sweetened upon request. Espresso and cappuccino are also popular.

Dinner can be elaborate and lengthy affairs, not from food or etiquette but because of socialization. At the end of the meal, it is customary to say in Huttese, “May there always be plenty at your table,” or , “Twoos pa reeta bah flootah.” Religion
Na-Ahknin, or the Church of the Goddess, is the only official religion. The government and population is tolerant of other organized religions, being more opposed to variation and deviance within Na-Ahknin. It is an inward-focused religion demanding cleaning one's life of "dust," which will allow one's spirit to ascend to a higher plane of existence in the afterlife, and be a higher status if reincarnated. There is no concept of sin, merely what is prohibited or forbidden, mandatory, preferred, and neutral acts. Scholars have added to what the original commandments
Shawti has a deep tradition of folk saints, which despite staunch opposition by the Na-Ahknin church, is deeply embedded into its culture planet-wide. Two of the most widely worshiped are Ry'ni and Nahyia, the Twins. They are the patron saints of the dead, associated with protection, healing, justice (or vengeance) and guidance to the Netherworld. In some (often rural) communities where the Church has less of an influence, twin girls, especially red-haired/red-furred, are considered sacred.

It was once said that language is the heart of its people and it is an excellent reflection of a culture. Shawtian holds no different. It’s writing systems (four, to be exact) are complex, often a daunting task for foreigners to learn, and there are special rules dictating when, how, and where each system may be used. The grammatical structure is has many contradicting rules and regulations. The sentence pattern can change dramatically based on the speaker and social context. In general, however an object-verb-subject pattern is used.

A traditional greeting is, "Long days and pleasant nights," with the receiver replying, "May you have twice the number."

Technology: Galactic standard, especially advanced with farming practices and genetic manipulation of plants.


Dakib: a small, arid moon with liquid water, type 1 atmosphere and standard gravity. Currently inhabited and controlled by the Desilijic kajidic who use it to breed Klatooinian slaves.

Nula: a small rock of a moon. Lacks atmosphere. The Ammere controls the orbital shipyard, the only facility of it’s kind in Shawti space.

460 ABY: Treaty of Consolidation
462: Abu Suhyaa Ma'ha al-Tee’s authority solidly established.
The Hutts used to use this wolrd exclusively for the breeding of Klatoonian slaves, long before the arrival of humans and other species. The immmigrants claimed the planet as their own, drawing into bitter conflict with the Hutts until they were forced out to Dakib. This is where they remain, in exchange for a cut of exports.

The planet had peace for a time, but as the nature of man is they developed their own cultures tied to their geographical areas. The “Us and Them” mentality was rampant. Small, isolated conflicts were aplenty for decades following the Hutt’s retreat as there was no central government to instill order.

The wars to end all wars, known simply as the Pandemonium, lasted for several years as prominent Families, with all their mutual-defense alliances, were drawn into militarized conflict. About 460 the war was put to an official end with the Treaty of Consolidation, creating a unified ruling force called the Abu Suhyaa Ma'ha al-Tee made up of the heads of each Family. It drew up the definite territories, one single currency in addition to the credit, and a single official language. It also set the standards of behavior between regions, hopefully avoiding potential conflicts in the future.

Notable PC's: Tsukihana, Ivaris

Intent: A possible RP spot, and to finally fill in the void of player-created Hutt planets. I felt that in order to let others know why my characters act the way they do, such as why Tsukihana choses to be fanatically modest, I had to explore where they came from. It’s fun to see how a character can have customs from their homeworld and take them wherever they now live, letting it become a defining feature of who they are to others.
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All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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This is pretty WIPping

*ROlls away(


The Hot Mess
SWRP Writer
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
A profile place holder. For new timeline, obviously.

D'taka Jann's:

Alternate coding. I think I like this better. Not so hideous to edit when I need to update it.


NAME: D'taka Dyolan Jann


RANK: ---

SPECIES: Mirialan

AGE: Mid-twenties

GENDER: Agender; neutral pronouns


HEIGHT: 5'10"

WEIGHT: 146 lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Charcoal Black

SKIN: Light Green


DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Traditional chin tattoo, chest tattoo



STRENGTH: Excellent. Naturally about the same as a very fit human male; amplified through cybernetics and the force.

DEXTERITY: Good enough. Fast reflexes and they're no klutz, able to stay light on their feet when it counts. But no extreme Ataru acrobatics, and no inclination to dance around, recreational or otherwise.

CONSTITUTION: High. Sturdily built and strong, rarely gets sick. Doesn't heal particularly fast. High pain tolerance.

INTELLIGENCE: Very good. Not academically inclined, but sharp in other ways. Shows aptitude at strategy.

WISDOM: Moderate. Won't sit around meditating on greater force theories, but does operate from a certain 'code.' Their best teacher has always been the school of hard knocks.

CHARISMA: Meh. Not especially gifted with words and would only attempt at a rousing speech if they were particularly drunk.


As a slave almost all her life Fen has been brought up to consider her own desires and wants as but inconveniences, risky to even consider let alone indulge in. What matters is doing what you are told, doing it well and never asking for anything. If given a gift, even if an torturous one, accept it with great honor. As such she has little direction of her own and if left to her own devices can quickly become lost and finds it hard to find out what she herself actually wants. She is lucky in as much that her job has become has passion, learning more about the universe from a safe distance is what she spends most of her days doing. However she misses a lot of context, what has been dead for thousands of years seems just as real as what happened yesterday for as much as it effects her. When working she is methodical, reliable and patient. Without much thought she can lay out a plan of where to gain information required, how to learn it and make use of it. When she needs to she can spend entire days doing this with barely a break if vital.

When interacting with other slaves she is normally polite but at the same time, she is allowed and expected to order them around should she need to. Her work is more important than their own, likewise they know to disobey her will likely earn them punishment. Her place is an odd one at best, above almost all the other slaves but little freer than they are. She must also always be on her guard and ever vigilant against her own failure, once her status is gone she is fully aware she could easily be killed or worse. This leaves her somewhat cold. While she wishes no one harm, failure to do what you are expected deserves punishment, nor would she keep a secret if she could be implicated. However if she is safe from the fallout she might turn a blind eye, or help another in need as long as it was safe for her to do so. All of her actions are calculated for her own survival, followed by that of her master, upon which she depends, luckily they two are almost always one and the same. As such she would lie, cheat, steal from those less well off or even destitute if ordered. That is the way of the universe as she sees it and would expect nothing more from anyone should it happen to her, though she avoids inflicting any undue suffering if she can. For example, a boy caught stealing food deserves a week of starvation, he will either learn to withstand it, become a better thief or die. That is not to say she is devoid of pity, but no one has ever shown her the benefits of giving it.

Far from heartless, on occasion when she might have a free hour or two, she is happy to teach those who are interested in the slave quarters. Stories of distant places, maybe some rumors of the outside world, still nothing that would get her in trouble. She is also not friendless for her distance from the others in station, some look to her with awe, hope that if they do their job well there would be rewards. These free moments are few and far between more so now with new duties, they are the closest thing however she has to a social life.

When speaking Fen is very proper using full titles and a polite tone. Her stance is normally cool one which tends to make threats and accusations she must give a haunting weight when used properly. Never does she speak of herself when by her master's side, it is always "My master does not believe you," "My master knows your are lying." Both to convey that she is but a mouthpiece and to protect herself in her head from their possible reaction.

Post Slavery Forecast:

Humble and shy to an extent until she is more comfortable with the outside universe. Finding it hard to separate personal and impersonal interactions, even taking criticism badly since she is unused to it. It is hard enough for her to work out how she feels about most things at first let alone explain those feelings to other people and talk about them. Making pent up reactions to many things almost certain. She is going to be at rather a loss at how many things in the world work, from shops to law enforcement to why people enjoy putting hats on tiny fuzzy creatures and taking holovids of them.



"To be a slave, is to have your life in the hands of another. That makes a great many things very simple, if you want to eat, please your master. If you want to drink, please your master. If you want to live, please your master. Do this small thing and you need never worry about your next meal, a home, those troublesome social horrors, that you will go on, exist and find your own happiness," ~ Slave Master Tolom

Almost as far back as she could remember Fen had been a slave, there was a time she was not. A hazy memory of her father, his family. He was tall, broad chested and laughed, she liked his laugh. What happened to him, those other faces, she couldn't remember. Her mother she never knew but her own reflection could tell her back that. Alive or dead, they were gone now and her life did not have them in it.

She was schooled with a multitude of other "interests" roughly her age by a droid, a cold grey thing that creaked when it moved and moaned when it talked. Unlike the other children though, she excelled in these lessons and while they were put to work in their masters kitchens, pits, mines and workshops she was given more and more things to study. By the time she was ten she was given charge of organizing the masters library and more and more often translating for him. It was by then also apparent that she could sense a falsehood when told, something she focused on training as she grew. Her usefulness grew and with it her station, while still a slave she had her own chambers, clothes, meals with some of the lower officers and bureaucrats. When he held his meetings or his court her master would have her nearby, his favorite pet when it came to business.

His palace and the race occasions he left it where her entire world, while she could read about anywhere she wanted and she did. Distant wars, legendary heroes and villains, planets so beautiful as to make one cry. Places and things that enthralled her but yet also she was safe from. While her life hung by but a thread, she could easily say it was a happy life. Enjoying her work, taking pleasure in pleasing her master, that his success was her own.

Fairly recently she has also been ordered to review all intelligence information gathered by her master's agents after her predecessor met a messy end. It is something that she is still new to but is working hard towards, though she so far has no idea what a target it has made her to the galaxy she knows only so much about.​


Force Sense: Truth Sense: When a lie is told a person's body acts differently slight, subtle ways and it also ripples in the force. Sensing these ripples means that more often than not, Fen can tell when a person is lying though not what about. It only works when she is focused on the person in question and they are talking or writing.​


  • Bocce
  • Durese
  • Huttese
  • Rodese
  • Sith
  • Galactic Basic
  • Scattershot Historian: Smatterings of histories recent and long past,
  • Amatuer Watcher: The principles of underworld commerce are far from unknown to her, in fact she as detailed knowledge of multiple underworld operations and organizations,
  • Fast Leaner: A harsh mistress makes a fast student, the threat of death faster still,


  • Primary: D'jem So/ Shien
  • Secondary: Niman -- Classical Jar'Kai focus


    • Book Smart: In a wide range of fields she might actually have something useful to say on the topic.
    • Intelligent: While she doesn't know a great many things, she can find things out fast given access to a computer or even just a few books.
    • Negotiator: Used to talking in front of very violent people about very violent things makes her rather a cool head at the table along with knowing how to use threats, rewards and lie, like her life depended on it.
    • Truthfinder: Using the Force without knowing it she knows when a person is lying and is fairly good at working out the context and how to use that to her advantage.
    • Unassuming: Despite the colour of her skin she doesn't stand out, she just doesn't seem like a threat.

    • Weak: Never needing to run, lift heavy things or even walk a huge amount means she gets tired easily and is physically less than average. She will push herself until she physically drops but even that isn't terribly far compared to most beings.
    • Sheltered: Billions of every day things in the universe are brand new to her, as such she makes numerous mistakes. She also often talks about recent events as if they are the distant past.
    • Listless: Without being given a goal to work towards, its almost impossible for Fen to work out what she should do. Just spending days failing to come up with any sort of useful plan.
    • Not a fighter: Her knowledge of fighting is pretty much that she can make a fist, she has never thrown it, nor does she have any idea how hard you should hit a person, if she even could.

    • Datasticks,
    • Data Tablet,









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