Location Bar-Bar Drinks


Beyond Measure
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Nov 29, 2010
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Bar-Bar Drinks
Bar-Bar Drinks was a cantina and sabacc parlor located near Mos Eisley's junkyard on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine. Owned and operated by Katerine Lavont, it is neither the most popular, nor the most profitable business ventures on Mos Eisley. Unlike some other establishments, the Bar-Bar Drinks cantina's doors were open to all and patrons were not discriminated on the bases of gender, species, or sentience. This was partly because of its new owner, Kate, being fairly open minded, and partly to welcome back any and all sort of business after the previous owner got himself infected with the AMS and went on a rampage in the cantina and nearly infected multiple patrons, turning away much of the cantina's regular clientele.


Bar-Bar Drinks is a modest establishment, with sections closed off because Kate does not yet posses the means to hire enough hands to keep the whole place running. A single story, sandstone structure, the cantina consists of a single bar area, a dedicated power generator in its own room, a booth area converted into a small stage for bands to perform from, and a small office for Kate behind the bar.

Seating consists of tables scattered across the establishment along with private booths along the outer walls. As a more old school establishment, there are no menus or displays at the bar, patrons can request whatever they like and the bartender does his best to provide what they ask.

There is also a basement below the cantina, a large structure that runs the length of the cantina and is used mostly for storage and more private meetings if and when the need arises. While the basement has a lot of square footage to offer, Kate has neither the money, nor the manpower to use it as anything more than a cellar to store food, drinks, and some equipment.

The cantina is run by Kate, with her former Rodian co-pilot Gill acting as both her eyes and ears and as a bouncer. A horrible co-pilot, he's somehow worse at being a bouncer, and often starts fights instead of stopping them. A human bartender by the name of Jabe works behind the bar while Kate's cousin Lola is the only other employee on the floor. Two barely functional server droids round up the staff. Ever so often Kate will hire a local band to perform in the cantina, though it is not a regular occurrence.

Bar-Bar Junk

Located behind the catina property is the Mos Eisley junkyard, and though not owned by the proprietor, it is seen by many as a part of the establishment. Used by patrons to resolve altercations at the famous out-back setting, it is used by the catina staff to dispose of junk, to find parts required to repair the few droid servers working at the cantina, and even to toss out drunk patrons at the end of the day. Waking up blackout drunk in the junkyard is a rite of passage for many a Bar-Bar Drinks patron, a remarkable feat given the watered down swill that is purchased by most of the cantina's clientele.

To set up a personal lore article for a character's base of operations and to provide another in-universe location as a setting for stories for anyone that might want to use it.

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