Battle of Fenris - Command Center

Bad Wolf

Airborne Ranger
SWRP Writer
Oct 11, 2011
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Fenris a cold desolate world with no natural resources aside from ice, lumber and ice, the winters were harsh and the summers were worse, Jenna had a hand in building the base she now stood in, construction of the new barracks was underway and proceeding according to plan, the Mandalore was paying an unexpected visit to her station, Jenna wasn't sure whether Dani Marren had ever been here before or not.

The new Anti Aircraft guns that had recently been built came alive as did the alarm system, Unknown dropships were inbound, the AA guns trained on them, Jenna grabbed the mic from the CIC station and opened a line.
"Unknown aircraft you are in sovereign Mandalorian airspace Identify yourselves or be shot down."


The Last Mandalore
SWRP Writer
May 22, 2011
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Corden and a platoon of ori'ramikade had been inserted via dropship nearly three and a half standard hours prior to the main assault and had covered the entire distance between the dropzone and the loyalist fortress on foot. It hadn't been an easy task to navigate over such inhospitable and unforgiving terrain, but harsh environments like those found on Fenris were exactly what the ori'ramikade had been trained to overcome. When they had finally reached the mountain atop which the loyalist complex had been constructed, they had immediatly set out to scale the towering cliff face that stood as the final obstacle between them and the objective. Before long, the hardened warriors reached the outer walls of the fortress itself and, climbing within the shadows to avoid detection, managed to locate the open maw of a large, cavernous hangar. Recognizing it not only as the quickest way to gain entry into the facility, but also as a near-perfect opportunity for misdirection, Corden ordered all but six of the ori'ramikade to make for the entrance and proceed inside to commence the assault. They were fortunate. As the last few ori'ramikade lifted themselves up and into the hangar, its massive blast doors began to close. With a loud thump that reverberated through the reinforced durasteel walls of the fortress itself, the doors sealed shut. Even if Corden had wanted to join them, it would be impossible to do so now.

Continuing his climb with the remaining six ori'ramikade close at his heels, Corden made his way toward what he initially thought to be an external exhaust port. As he climbed closer, it was apparent that the exhaust port was actually the open entrance to some sort of maintenance shaft. Nearby, a narrow gangway provided access to the shaft. On the opposite end, a heavy blast door was visible, as were two armored figures. Corden's macrobinocular viewplate adjusted at the blink of an eye, magnifiying and enhancing the image in real time. He could see them clearly now. Light armor, no visible weapons save for an assortment of tools hanging from their utility belts. They appeared to be Human. Both male. Neither of them wore a helmet. Maintenance crew, he thought.

Corden raised a gloved hand and motioned toward the gangway. After a moment, he ran a finger across his throat. The closest two ori'ramikade had already seen what he had. They nodded understanding, immediatly climbing ahead and to the left, making their way to a position just under the gangway. Corden and the other four ori'ramikade kept to the shadows, eyes fixed on the two warriors under the gangway and the two technicians that would soon meet a swift, silent end. Disengaging the magclamps that held them in place, the two ori'ramikade beneath the gangway moved in a blur of speed, lifting themselves up and over the railing. In unison, vibroblades flashed out, finding new sheaths between neck and shoulder. The finely polished blades of beskar alloy withdrew, no longer bright silver, but crimson. The two technicians went limp and as their lifeless bodies were lowered carefully to the floor of the gangway, Corden and the other four supercommandos continued their ascent, eyes locked on the open maintenance shaft that would serve as their entry point.
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Bad Wolf

Airborne Ranger
SWRP Writer
Oct 11, 2011
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"No response from the drop ships Ma'am." Shev Lan her communications specialist informed her as she waited for the reply, sighing she shook her head. "Open fire, blow them out of the sky." The AA guns that had trained on the unknown drop ships opened fire.

Sergeant Vuusen and Corporal Talon came running into the CIC both were in full assault gear. "We have intruders in the main hangar bay Ma'am, I sent 3 squads down there to deal with it, Lieutenant Bishan is leading the counter assault." Bishan in his heavy assault armor and heavy assault Gauss cannon was in the fore front of the 3 squads of rangers the cannon was barking as it fired at the intruders, contrails were visible in the air as round after round fired at a high velocity, soldiers that were missed were lucky as the shots tore large holes in the duracrete floor and walls.

Jenna sighed, and so it had begun, she had hoped that Fenris would have been left alone but that was not to be the case, well she would be damned if she would let her base fall to enemy hands, she was not wearing her armor, simply her Ranger uniform and Duster, walking over to her office she opened the gun locker and retrieved her weapons, pistols, assault rifle and PSP, than walked back into the CIC setting the weapons on the desk in front of her she sat down and started reading over a data pad that had been delivered to her.

"So it begins, Talon, Vuusen take up guard positions to my flank Lan stay on the communications go to encrypted channel 976-Xray, find out which squads we have in the base and what their current status is, Tavos I want you to be ready with that med pack of yours incase we'll need it, and I want all of you to know it has been an honor serving with you." she stood and saluted her squad, each of them snapped to attention and saluted back, sitting back down Talon and Vuusen moved to Jenna's flank and took up guard positions, Lan sat back down at his communications console and Tavos went and collected his med pack.


The Last Mandalore
SWRP Writer
May 22, 2011
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It hadn't taken Corden and the six ori'ramikade long to navigate through the maze of maintenance shafts within the massive complex, though the cramped confines of the shafts themselves had slowed thier progress considerably in the beginning. They had been very fortunate. Before their deaths, the two technicians they had killed had unsealed the heavy durasteel panel that normally covered the shaft entrance and prevented intruders from gaining access. In addition to that, the shaft had widened after a scant hundred meters or so, allowing them more room to manuever.

Using penetrating radar, Vesh, Corden's pointman, was able to locate a main corridor within the first ten standard minutes and a turbolift shaft in just over twenty. They had used the turbolift shaft to move between levels, eventually finding the one they sought. If not for the sensor jammers attached to their armor, Corden was sure they would have been discovered by then, but as it stood, they had managed to find the command center without a single Loyalist run-in. Again, Corden was reminded of their good fortune thus far, but he wouldn't count on it to help them in the moments to come... Vesh was the first to unseal a heavy duraplast panel in the wall and slip out into a narrow, brightly lit corridor. As soon as Vesh had given the all clear, Corden had followed him out, quickly bringing his Hettyc'bev about and raising it at the ready. It was a loud, destructive weapon; one unsuitable for operations that required stealth. However, Corden knew the moment they made contact with the enemy, stealth would no longer be an option and he preferred to have a heavy hitter when osik hit the turbine.

A dozen or so meters ahead, the corridor curved to the right. Behind him, the remainder of the corridor had been sealed off by a heavy blast door.

A rough voice, most likely Vesh, whispered in his earpiece, "They're on full alert now. Lockdown protocols are probably in effect... beyond this blast door is the entrance to the command center, but we'll have to loop around, 'cause this thing is way too thick for breaching charges... I think I've got us an alternate entry point about fifty meters after the curve in this corridor. Looks like the command center shares its wall with the corridor. It's just as thick, but the corridor half isn't blast resistant like the inner portion lining the command center. Dex?"

Another voice, the Concordian accent immediatly identifying its owner as Dex, the demolitions expert of the group, spoke up almost immediatly, "Yeah, I can punch a hole through that, tat. Too easy."

"Let's do it, then... move out. And watch for security cams." Corden added, signaling Vesh to move ahead.

A third voice, Vamorin, slicer and tech expert, joined the others on the comlink channel, "There's one cam ahead, boss. I can jam it as soon as we make the turn. They'll see a static image. No movement."
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Bad Wolf

Airborne Ranger
SWRP Writer
Oct 11, 2011
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Jenna was watching the the security cameras from her command terminal, one went to static but the visible ones in the hall were the obvious one's the cameras built into walls and panels were a different story, she punched in a security code, silent count down, no alarms, no lights, 5 minutes, and quickly went through and input the wrong code three more times locking the system out, having switched the communications to the encrypted frequency she switched on a subvocal mic incase others were listening in with audio equipment.

"this is commander Wolf to all units in defense of this base, we are over run by superior numbers, you have 5 minutes to evacuate, I suggest you do so."

A response came back from Brishen "Sorry Ma'am we hold this line, we will not let this base fall to the enemy, It's been an Honour Ma'am." With that he signed off and continued firing the Heavy Assault Gauss cannon at the invading commandos.

the rest of her squad each turned and saluted her, she saluted each in return and sat back with a bottle of brandy waiting for Corden Vencu and his invaders.


The Last Mandalore
SWRP Writer
May 22, 2011
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"Uh, boss..." Vamorin broke the almost palpable silence as Dex and Vesh continued to line the corridor wall with shape charges, "Just intercepted a broadcast to all Loyalist forces... we need to get the haran out of here. Now. Al'verde Wolf just gave the order to evacuate... said they were overrun. I think she's blowing this place sky high, boss. We've got five mikes to beat it."

Dex jumped up from a crouch, abandoning two unprimed shape charges on the floor at his feet. "Osik. Never easy, is it?"

"Find us an exit, Vesh." Corden ordered calmly, concealing his sudden sense of unease. A second later, he had already abandoned his sector of fire and was rushing down the corridor that they had only just entered moments before, "Iviin'yc!" Quickly!

"On it..." Vesh spoke between deep breaths, sprinting up ahead of Corden to lead the way, "Left here, then straight up the corridor to the end. There's a waste disposal chute that should drop us right off the side of the mountain... I hope you can fly, Mand'alor. That's the only way we're getting out fast..."

"Flak's too kriffing thick to call a gunship in to retrieve us." There was a bright flash and the distinctive sound of a blaster discharge. Someone shouted, "Haar'chak! Dex is down!"

Corden had raised the Hettyc'bev, taken aim, and fired a single projectile before he even realized it. It was all reflex; muscle memory he had gained from years of training and actual combat experience. The corridor exploded with a bright flash of light and he could feel his very bones reverberate from the sheer force of the discharge. He struggled to maintain his balance as he continued to sprint ahead, only catching a glimpse of his torn and bloodied target through the haze of smoke. A quick glance to the side allowed him to see that Dex had been retrieved without incident. Their demolition expert was being carried over Vamorin's armored shoulder, his limp body bouncing awkwardly from side to side with each step. Vamorin was keeping pace for now, but he couldn't hope to carry Dex for much longer at a dead sprint and in full armor.

"Here it is!" Vesh shouted, raising his blaster and firing several high-powered shots at a section of metal grating, "Inside! We've got less than a minute!"

Corden ushered the others forward, then fell in behind them after one last glance back down the corridor. Satisfied, he turned and jumped in boots first. As they slid down the chute, they were engulfed in darkness. A rank odor crept its way through Corden's rebreather and he fought the reflex to gag. Trying his best to ignore the foul stench and remain upright, Corden pulled a gray cylinder from his utility belt and twisted a cap off one end with haste. Were it not for the darkness, Corden knew a metal barb would be visible on the end he had uncapped. The whole team had gray cylinders just like this one and although the idea of a grapple launcher seemed perfect for such a situation as they now found themselves faced with, these things were hit or miss. The launchers only contained a single grapple: one shot. If any of the ori'ramikade missed or the barbs failed to find purchase, they would plummet to their deaths. Corden vowed that he wouldn't miss.
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Bad Wolf

Airborne Ranger
SWRP Writer
Oct 11, 2011
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Jenna made sure her entire team had regrouped before moving out and down to a turbolift, heading to the top most flight deck where a drop ship and shuttle were waiting she boarded, watching as several of the troops boarded the drop ship, she climbed aboard the shuttle and headed to orbit in time to watch as the base below exploded sending shrapnel and debris everywhere, Fenris was lost, she would regroup with her uncle for a bit and possibly go off the grid, no one wins in a civil war and she was tired of fighting men and women who were supposed to be brothers in arms.

she didn't care about this war anymore, she would find a place to settle down and hold up until this war was done, hell she might even return to Fenris later on, her shuttle docked with the Kittyhawk, she watched as the drop ship landed in the main hangar bay, making her way to the CIC, she hoped simply that people believed her dead, maybe later she'd surprise them with a strong come back, maybe she would get back in this war and kill the traitors, but for now she needed a break.

She stood by at the CIC command console as the ship made the jump to light speed, she'd make a couple of jumps before reaching her final destination, she just wasn't sure where that would be yet.
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The Last Mandalore
SWRP Writer
May 22, 2011
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In a sudden blur of light and motion, Corden and the six ori'ramikade exited the waste disposal chute. As Corden attempted to twist himself around in midair to fire the grappel, something hit him hard across his back and left shoulder. His vision darkened around the edges and he fought desperately to stay concious. He heard what sounded like a grenade going off next to his eardrum before his helmet's audio suppression system kicked in, blocking out the loud noise completely. He was in sensory overload and he could barely breath.

Corden finally realized he was laying on an even surface and he struggled to a seated position. The abrupt impact had forced all the air out of his lungs and it took great effort to steady his breathing. Looking from side to side, he could see the others nearby, stunned as he was. Apparently the chute had dropped them on a wide ledge. Corden couldn't help but laugh aloud at the odd turn of events and how fickle a friend good fortune had become.

"We must be the kriffing luckiest chakaare alive..." Dex's voice rung out. He had obviously regained conciousness. He was one tough Mando. A gaping hole was clearly visible in the center of his left most chest plate. The wound itself wasn't visible, but Corden suspected it had caurterized instantly after the bolt impacted. There was no indication of bleeding and as their demo expert took his helmet off, Corden could see he was grinning from ear to ear. Stims.

"Gotta be." Another voice, Vesh, spoke up after a short bout of coughing, "Let's not jinx it, eh?"

"Alright..." Corden finally joined in, taking a deep breath, "Vamorin, get on comms... have 'em send a gunship this way ASAP."

Vamorin nodded assent, "You got it, boss."

"Tell them Wolf took everything down with her. There's nothing left... high enemy casualty rate... very few survivors as far as we know. If any."
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The Role Play Houdini
SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2010
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Danielle coughed. She was going to gut Jenna if she was still alive. What the hell was she thinking!?! Dani punched the wall of the transport. Glaring down at the deck of the craft, she pondered what she was going to do. just wasn't Mandalorian. Things were all wrong. If this is what Mandalorians were now, Dani decided she didn't want to be part of it if this continued. Brother against brother? This just wasn't right...Vode An.Brother's All.

Dani opened a communications line. "This is Mandalore the Avenger with an order to all Loyalists. Stand down, this is also a message to the Separatists. I wish to meet with you in peaceful terms. Corden. We need to talk. I'll be at grid lock Alpha 4-1, Yayax 3-1, and we will not fire upon you if you decide to meet me. It's a small plain, not a lot of cover. We'll be on equal ground. That will be all."
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The Last Mandalore
SWRP Writer
May 22, 2011
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When Corden heard Marren's voice broadcasted over all frequencies, he had immediatly shifted closer to the cockpit of the Cabur gunship that had retrieved him and his men just moments before. Marren called for a cease-fire, but Corden knew the Mando'ade on the ice field would not so easily abandon their battle. Too many had already died. Brothers and sisters, vode an, lay scattered about, their bodies riddled by shrapnel and blaster fire. For them, it had become personal. They wanted vengeance and Corden wouldn't deny either side their right to that.

"Pilot, bring us around." Corden spoke through his helmet comlink as the wind batted at him and his men in the open troop compartment. Corden could see and feel the gunship turning slowly to one side as he gazed past the crew chief, who stood cradling the repeater mounted to the ramp, "Make for those coordinates. It's high time the two Mandalores met."

Five minutes later, they were hovering above the clearing and as the gunship came to an abrupt rest on the packed ice and snow, Corden made his way past the crew chief and down the remainder of the ramp. He could see Marren's shuttle some fifty meters away, straight ahead.

"Careful, boss." Vamorin said casually, slapping Corden on the shoulder, "Given recent events, I wouldn't be all that surprised if it's standard issue for every Loyalist to have some sort of self-destruct on hand."


In high orbit, unseen and of little concern to the warriors in the thick of the battle raging far below, Battle Group Shereshoy moved into a defensive formation. Kar'ta be Beskar, the massive Separatist carrier, sat at the heart of the formation alongside the flagship, Mandokar. Both vessels were surrounded by a variety of starships, all clustered together to form a defensive perimeter. Having successfully micro-jumped from the fringe of the system and maneuvered into position above the planet, a swarm of starfighters and gunships were deployed to support on-going operations on the surface and ensure air superiority.
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The Role Play Houdini
SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2010
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Danielle stood in the clearing, adjusting her weight from one foot to the other. Not due to nerves or the cold, no her armor kept her warm. She flexed her prosthetic arm, drumming the fingers against her leg. There he was, Corden Vencu. The two Mandalorians that flanked her were suddenly alert, but Dani placed her hand on the one next to her good arm. "Udessi, Udess." she said in Mandalorian, and turned to face her counterpart.

"Vencu, you traitorous bastard!" she cried through her helmet, but not without a bit of humor thrown in.


The Last Mandalore
SWRP Writer
May 22, 2011
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Corden trudged forward cautiously, his macrobinocular viewplate allowing him a near-perfect view of Danielle and her two companions. His eyes darted to the shuttle behind them, scanning it over briefly. Discounting Marren and the Mandalorians flanking her, Corden couldn't see anything overtly hostile or suspicious. He took several more steps toward them, then halted. He was just over twenty meters away now. He waited for her to meet him there in the middle.

Not too far behind him, the ori'ramikade had filed out of the gunship at some point while he walked. He didn't need to tell them to stay put and keep alert. They stood off to each side of the gunship, weapons at the ready and heads on a swivel. They had left a clear view of the ramp and the crew chief who still stood vigil there.

"That's something else coming from you." Corden retorted, his voice amplified by his helmet vocabulator, "Tell me, Marren-- was it you who gave the order for Wolf to kill herself and everyone in that fortress or did they choose mass suicide over fighting all on their own?"