Beneath the Sands

Who Wrecks?

SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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It was true, one did not enter the deserts of Tattoine without knowing exactly where they were headed, or else they would most likely end up dead...and buried beneath the sands. There were places that one could just not reach through aimless wandering, places one must know that they even existed before attempting to venture off towards them....

The home of Jaalh was one such place. This place was one of both ancient sith activity and very dark magic, and it birthed an abomination to the galaxy: Jaalh.

He was the creation of forbidden experiments between both sith sorcery and genetic enhancments...This and years of growing devotion towards a lord he had never seen. The result? The perfect assasin...blind devotion with unmatched strength...