Independent Beto Lorsoni


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
Beto Lorsoni

Name:Beto Lorsoni
Age:42 Corellia rotations
Height:179 centimeters
Weight:84 kilograms
Faction:Corellia Crime Families
Force Sensitive:No


Beto Lorsoni, Corellia, age 41

[Holo-log #295]

Just did four years on a FWA prisoner ship for getting caught with a shipment of spice. Penthouse on Corellia confiscated, lost the fake job at the shipyards and I'm pretty sure the Twi'lek I was screwing moved offplanet to be with someone else. No biggie, though. You see, my late father's older brother is the boss of the Lorsoni Crime Family. I might not be in line to inherit the throne, but nobody forces me to pay for anything I don't want to pay for. That's what it means to be an established family out here in the Core.

We trust family. My uncle trusts me and my brother to expand our operations on Coruscant. The notorious level 1313 has some empty space that could fit a medical dispensary or a dance studio, if you catch my drift. Personally, I would've gone even lower, work out a deal with the Zaa Fenn Crime Family that controls the levels 1000 to 1300, but my uncle says there's too big a target on the Crymorah Syndicate right now. Maybe's he's right, what do I know, right? I just spend four years driftin' out there in isolation.​



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