Mission Pack Black Sun Down


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Apr 18, 2015
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After the events of Redemption, where the Black Sun tried to undermine and kill Preef Callo, the Zaa Fenn Crime Family has opened its purse. Although the rodian gunslinger that once lead the entire Crymorah syndicate has a track record of killing crimelords of galactic repute, this time he wants to make sure that his enemies stay down and he is not afraid to levy his entire fortune.

[Ask] The Fallen Council (Thread)
On the planet Mustafar stands a great fortress. Not that of the former Sith Lord, Darth Vader, but of the Falleen nobles that rule the Black Sun behind the scenes. Xar might be its most notable member and the public face of the galaxy-spanning criminal syndicate, but he is away on business. A perfect time, then, to strike. Take ten of the Zaa Fenn HMP Gunships and use them to fight your way inside. Then massacre the present council members.
Participants: @Lissa Blackhand and @Vyr Zenos

[Ask] Black Peggats (Thread)
While the other group is busy assaulting the fortress to cut off the head of the snake, your group will also take ten of the Zaa Fenn HMP Gunships and a light freighter to the Black Sun Vaults inside a natural cave system underneath the fortress. The cave systems will have openings, created by the continuous flowing lava near the surface, outside the fortress but they are heavily guarded. Take out the guards, get access to the caves and blow a hole into that vault large enough to take the entire content with you.
Participants: @Pellios and @Vako Yizok

[Ask] Next Level (Thread) -- Finished
Rumors of Preef Callo having one foot through death's door are getting more common by the rotation. Everyone in the syndicates knows that the once powerful Zaa Fenn Crime Family is protected by the cartel solely because the old rodian still commands respect from the Supreme Mogul. The last time Preef died his entire syndicate crumbled. The Zaa Fenn -unbeknownst to the rodian- has another task that pays well: The Black Sun Fortress has an ancient library with books on the era of Consiliul de Sapte. They need you to find a trace of the mythical Siphoning Dagger. Be on you guard. These secrets are probably more heavily guarded than the council.
Participants: @Maeve and @Z'Kair

General Notes
All independent characters are welcome. It's first come, first serve. These threads were initially [Open] because it is officially a Sith Order planet, but their FL agreed to them being [Ask] as they'll get a cut.​

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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@Pellios can participate in mission 1 if there's room otherwise he can help bring down his old employers in mission 2.


Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
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@LadyRen and I talked about mission 2 so it could have 3 of us probs


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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I know @Eccles has left the site for awhile, I don't know if he's coming back eventually but I wanted to still say that Black Peggats is completed by @Vako Yizok and @Pellios .

I'm going to have one of my other characters (@Iviinyc Eldar ) along with Vako pick up and finish the Fallen Council thread A.K.A. The Event Horizon started by @Lissa Blackhand and @Vyr Zenos . The writers of both characters have been contacted already through discord with Panda has given the go ahead so far.

This way the mission pack can still come to a decisive end and have an impact IC on the Black Sun's operations going forward even if the Zaa Fenn Family isn't very prolific presently or in the future. I still want participants that are currently active to still get paid and recognized for doing their part.