
Bastilo Marshall

Rising jedi (:
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
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Affiliation: Black Eye, for all smugglers within the outer rim

Ownership: Tango Jorl

Intent: For self defense purposes and for close range and medium fighting as its for smugglers and crminals only

Model: BO-67 Burnout

Type: Rapid fire blaster

Size: Medium pistol.

Composition: Duralium, durasteel, durite, aluminum.

Range: Optimum; 35 Meters. Maximum; 50 Meters.

Ammunition Capacity: 5-10

Description: The BO-67 Burnout which is made by a Black Eye, which is a corporation that sells illegal lethal weapons for criminals or smugglers. The weapon is made for quickly taking down multiple enemies/targets in a quick succession of 5 shots or less. Black eye created this weapon for the destruction of multiple targets at once to keep the unbalance of the galaxy.

The weapon was made carefully from much research with the right metals combined. Durasteel and Durite are the basic metals for the weapons as this increased the pressure against the force of a blaster shot. If the Burnout feature is activated it will blow up the weapon. For that reason aluminum and Duralium to reinforce the 3 metals to allow the gun to stay in its condition with major overheat. It was shaped to fit a loose holster so it can quickly be pulled out and fired.

The gun was made with a feature that allowed it to fire 5 blaster shots in a quick succession manually. Pulling back a small trigger on the barrel of the gun will charge it and when the trigger on the handle of the gun is pulled it activates the feature and pulling the trigger 5 times quickly fires. The blaster shots are to that of a heavy blaster due to the compacted energy in one shot when the feature is activated. After this feature is activated it will overheat the barrel of the gun and take a short bit to allow normal pistol fire again. While normally the gun can fire 10 shots without using the burnout feature, the burnout feature is more effective.
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Best Pupper, Resident Werewolf
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
So what I'm gathering from this is a 5 shot burst pistol? I'm a bit confused by the logic for ammo, and a few other things as well. For the ammo capacity it's 5 for the burst and 10 when shot normally. How would the clip be cut in half solely by being shot at a faster rate? How would recoil affect the viability of the weapon? How is it stronger than a heavy blaster? The description spends a paragraph and a half entirely on fluff lore for the weapon and only one dedicated paragraph on functionality which is a bit lackluster of a description.

I feel like you could expand upon the intent and description sections quite a bit, since as it stands the whole of the write-up can be summed up by "5-shot automatic pistol for a criminal/smuggler self-defense weapon" and not much else.

Also, just something of note when it comes to tech rules if you take a look at rule 9 for weapons it says quote: "Machine Guns and Repeaters are the only weapons capable of having an automatic fire mode.", which may throw a wrench in the whole writeup. When tech mods see it it may be archived purely for that, if not also for balance reasons when it comes to being "stronger than a heavy blaster" seemingly for little reasoning at all. Heavy blasters are just that, heavy blasters that have the downside of being harder to carry and whatever else. For all of a sudden there to be a pistol that is on their level if not greater is a big no-no.
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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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The gun was made with a feature that allowed it to fire 5 blaster shots in a quick succession automatically. Pulling back a small trigger on the barrel of the gun will charge it and when the trigger on the handle of the gun is pulled it activates the feature and fires quickly while the blaster shots are to that of a heavy blaster.

As far as I know burst fire (in the first sentence) isn't allowed. Not even with 2 round burst.


Tech Admin
Sep 29, 2011
Reaction score
Blatantly violates fire rate restrictions. Nonsensical power rating. Weak intent. Old template.
