Brandon Blake


SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Composition and Appearance:
Blake is a tall, fairly built man. Standing just above 6 feet tall and weighing 185 pounds, he has dark black straight hair cut off just below his eyes. With brown eyes and fairly light skin, his appearence doesn't stand out that much in many places in the galaxy. When around other humans of course. He doesn't shave that often anymore, after it prooved that facial hair could change ones appearence easier than any extreme method. Although you won't see it, Blake has a deformed-looking area on his shoulder, where he went through surgery once to repair a broken collarbone and torn several torn muscles, but today it doesn't seem to affect any physical aspect other than looks. His appearence gives him off as a good looking, nicer kind of guy, hiding the sick mind within him, he looked like someone you'd be able look up too, but someone most civilians wouldn't mess around with anyways. He's not usually distinguishable from common people as a Jedi or Sith or anyone. 21 years old, and most people could guess pretty close to it.

Blake is very headstrong, and takes things his own way.. It's hard to shake him up mentally or make him derive from what he wants to do or what he beliefs in. His personality will vary often from being loyal to being determined on his own thoughts frequently. He'll often do something good if it will be in favour for making things even worse in the end, such as saving a man so he could defeat an enemy. A mind of his own, not easy to control, except for the strong, he does his best, and he would be the man who would die to complete a task.

Likes and Dislikes:
Racing became one of Blake's favourite sports as an adult, the thrill of racing when his life became slow or bored..It kept him in his zone, much like sword fighting..

Strengths and Weaknesses:
Blake has very strong willpower when it comes to making his own decisions and can never be stopped when he wants to do a task, but his hand-to-hand capabilities is what he focuses on, improving every aspect of his melee combat is his lifeset, to become the best, and stay the best. Although he has a long way to go to even consider accomplishing that goal, he is a fairly good opponent to come across outside the jedi and sith world.

Blake is honestly a man who could say he had no past..His mother and father ditched him as a teenager on the streets, never really knowing why. His father smuggled drugs planet to planet, and his mother..Was just never home. Going to his one and only option, Blake had to make friends in gangs, and spent every aspect of his life in the gang that took him in in that hell-hole Coruscant. Being one of the smaller gangs, Blake had no real life, but doing whatever everyone else did..

At one point in time, some of the smaller gangs that held alliances with eachother had gotten into heated fights..Half of the gangs split to one side, and the other half to another over territory, the only thing everyone had. Blake had officially become one of his gangs interrigators, retrieving information from captured men on where a gang would try to kill them off, and how. At one point in time, Blake and a group of men were sent out to jump a small group of men of an opposing gang, after learning that these men had information regarding the status of this so called "territory war", to keep the enemies confused on their own progress when surveying the war from there home turf. Mid-way through jumping this group of men or aliens, the fight was interferred by a man who was so fast he could kill a God, and with a red blurr of light, Blake's comrads were dead, along with the enemy. Maybe by luck, or just destiny, Blake was not killed, he became a pawn too the man, a Sith Knight, nameless to Blake, he was just known as his Master..

His new Master had beat and tortured Blake till the verge of death, just to let Blake find a way of survival from being in such a terrible condition.. The first time was the hardest, he was alone and dead to the world, but his mind was his only true friend that brought him back to the world, becoming strong once again, and letting his anger build with each strike his Master laid upon him. The ridiculous beatings and constant horror forced Blake's mind to shield itself in a place without fear.. Fear was no longer an issue to Blake, no matter the circumstances, his body could fight till the death without a single thought of doubt, his one weakness which he would never realize, he didn't have a line to stop at, which will one day be his death. The fear in his mind was replaced with a terrifying anger that could cause the winning swing in war.. All of his emotions transferred into anger..Striking his Master with a blow that would stop the beatings over time.. Blake's Master had taught him his one and only power..Rage, his body fed a terrifying Rage which in the worst circumstances, would give him a tremendous boost, prooving to be an unstoppable feat that Blake had in command, his hidden but tremendous feat..

Without knowing why, the so called Master had brought him to a dark place, a place that the man said could kindle Blake's mind into something powerfull, into something deadly.. Perhaps, it was planned to happen after his Master had formed him into such a fearless opponent, but only time would tell Blake's future..



I've been out of RP for a while so don't bitch about it..Just tell me whats wrong and I can fix it..