Tabloid BREAKING NEWS!Brentaal leaves the New Republic and joins ISC

Lîsabé Hanivel


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Sep 8, 2021
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BREAKING NEWS!Brentaal leaves the New Republic and joins ISC

Hello, my darlings! Did you miss me? After some months own vacation I’m finally back writing the best news of the Galaxy! To celebrate my return, I'm going to tell you about the latest scandal in the political scene.

The government of the rich planet of Brentaal announced that they are leaving the New Republic and joining the Independent System Consortium! They claim to be dissatisfied with the situation in the Republic, which is suffering economically due to the disastrous decisions of Chancellor Emil Ro. After a meeting between Senator Sibyl Lassiter and Governor Galek Ordalos from Indupar, the planet decided to join the Consortium.

However, some of my sources say that the reason why Senator Lassiter, now being called Governor Lassiter, was so eager to accept the offer to defect was that she had argued with the Chancellor, ending their relationship and her participation in his harem. They also say that the cause for the fallout of this relationship was due to the rumors that Ro was arranging a meeting between his lover, the centenary Jedi Grandmaster Alexandria Voran, and the recently elected Prime Minister of the FWA, Korre Belasi. Apparently the Chancellor planned to have his Jedi Lover recruiting the Prime Minister to join his harem. It seems that Lassiter couldn’t stand Belasi. Others believe that during their meeting, Governor Ordalos seduced the Brentaalan representative, making her more willing to accept the offer.

Anyway, with the rich Brentaal leaving the NR is expected that the government’s economy will suffer even more. Meanwhile, the economy of the ISC will increase now that they have direct access to the Core. With one of the prestigious Core Founders leaving the Republic, it is expected that other planets will start to rethink their participation in the NR. We wonder how the Chancellor will react when he starts to lose more political members of his harem!