Ask Brothers in Arms

Etr Wyara


Character Profile
Jan 29, 2020
Reaction score
L'ewvan did his best to provide suppressive fire for his father and the Wren warrior, through the scope of his E-11, he could see them trying to close in and he feared they might be in danger. He rose from his posisition ans attempted to make his way down to the other Mandos. He ran as quickly as he could, trying to offer up blaster fire while he nagotiated the rocks. Suddenly, he felt a hot sensation in his mid section, followed by another in his right shouldee and another to his knee. He lost his balance and screamed as the hot pain shot out and spiraled beyond these points, it was as though his insides were on fire! His helmet came flying off his head as he tumbled and crashed beyond his line of sight. He could at once smell the blood as his came from his nose and mouth. His face was pelted by stone after stone until finally he came to rest just behind his father and River. He laid very still, every movement was more painful than the last.
"H-h-help me..."
he wimpered, then reaching into his gun belt he removed a small brass case, within small syrettes of morphine were lined up.he selelected one, grasping it between his fore finger and thumb and injected himself with the item. The pain begsn to fade though he wpuld remain inactive for the rest of the battle