Building Characters Like Ikea Furniture


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
Current Timeline:
Bast R'aef (Jedi)
Fiyero Lassiter (Jedi)
Sav Ires (NPC)

For if a Kiddo Dies
Mikhail Roth (Jedi Knight)

Saving for Future Timeline:
Juul Eles
Jedi siblings
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Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
NAME: Sav Ires
SPECIES: Dashade
AGE: Around 35


Never having an actual education, Sav is 100% illiterate. His contracts are mainly vocal, and if broken, he uses his fists as diplomacy. Furthermore, his desire for knowledge is empty, understanding the universe will not put food on the table. If someone could argue the latter efficiently, then he might crack open a book.

What he does have in abundance is brute strength and an uncanny desire for survival at all costs. Knock him down and Sav will get back up again. To him life as a whole is a constant struggle and facing death is just a normal morning activity.

Sav knows he isn't a cuddly teddy bear and would never pretend to be. What you see is what you get and the entire Dashade species seemed made for nightmares on the surface alone. Sav is a honest guy and his mood changes as rapidly as his morality. For example, on a whole he likes the idea of kids and might even protect one. But if a brat is in the way between him and money, Sav will choose the money without losing a second of sleep that night.

Sav sees no use for being friendly and polite as a mercenary, however he sees no use in antagonizing the hand that feeds you so he remains quiet until provoked. However, like most his species, Sav has a quick temper that is only escalated by his drinking.


Not many become a mercenary because it was their childhood dream since a primary school career fair. Like most in his dangerous but lucrative career, Sav had the correct formula of a bad childhood paired with opportunity. His mother was sloppy prostitute who disgraced Sav more than instilled any sense of love in the boy. His father was a no-show unless you count the greasy bartender that tossed him scraps of food in exchange for errand runs from sun up to sun down.

Sav wasn't bitter as a teenager when he beat the man propositioning his mother to death, but he was now a fugitive. Luckily for him, being a fugitive was a business that suited his species well and he was smuggled out by a band of local mercenaries who took interest in the boy who lacked polish but had some potential.

Life from there went rather easy, he forgot about his mother entirely, not that he had any fond memories to enjoy. And what you can't forget? That's what drinking is for. Now in his thirties, at least as far as his estimate of his own age is, Sav is a well oiled fighter. Mercenary for hire who may or may not beat the money out of an employer if he falls short on payment.

As a mercenary, Sav has been trained in multiple skills of combat. Immediately, he learned that his species was especially valuable to hunt Jedi, a trait that became his specialty. Disarming a padawan with a lightsaber was as easy for him as beating the dead horse is for a Senator. Jedi Knights were a bit harder, and he only had to fight one during a particularly risky crystal protection stint. It wasn't worth it.

His medical knowledge is particularly lack luster, but any place in underground can become a clinic if you're willing to pay for it. He couldn't work a HoloNet or fly a ship to save his life. The employers are responsible for transport and payment, he is responsible for the rest.

Sav prefers to use brute strength but doesn't go anywhere without a pair of blasters, a small blade, and extra ammunition.



Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score

Fiyero Lassiter
[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: Fiyero Lassiter
As per Firrerreon culture, this is a false name
AGE: 15
SPECIES: Firrerreo

HEIGHT: 5'3"

HAIR COLOR: Two tone dark brown and lighter highlights
SKIN COLOR: Golden tan
Firrerreo Traits:
Resembling humans, Firrerreo have highly developed canine teeth, two-tone hair, and nictitating membranes that protect the eyes from intense flashes of light, as well as flying debris.

Firrerreo have gold-colored skin, which would turn silver when angry or frightened; though as a Jedi, Fiyero would find this shameful as the Order instructs inner peace. Therefore, he takes great pains to disassociate himself. When wounded Firrerreo bodies scar over silver. Firrerreo physiology, while similar to human physiology, is filled with enough tiny minute differences that it would baffle a Medisensor if it wasn't programmed for the species. Firrerreo metabolism also requires high amounts of protein, and as a result, Firrerreo often pick the meat out of their food before eating the rest of their meal. Firrerreo are prone to animal like behaviors, from deep growls in the throat, baring of the teeth, snarls, and animal like keening in grief.

RANK: Padawan

  • Strong ability to influence with the force, especially with animals
  • Ability to see into the ultraviolet spectrum
  • Determination/ High constitution
  • Great hearing/ sensory abilities
  • Rapid healing abilities
    Firrerreons have a tremendous ability to heal quickly, able to survive even a direct blaster shot if the damage didn't harm anything vital to the heart or brain. Most minor wounds took minutes to heal, while major ones took mere hours - with their healing factor being rapid enough that the naked eye could watch a wound close.
  • As a Firrerreon, anyone who knows his true name has power over him
  • Diplomacy
    Having a background that forced him to be highly independant, Fiyero is very aggressive and untrusting. This may not show on the surface, but particularly when it comes down to the wire.
  • Intelligence in practice
    Theoretically, Fiyero has read a lot but struggles with implementing it with practice. As much as he desires to be book smart and reads everything he can get his hands on, Fiyero is a learner from experience by nature. He will initially struggle making the theoretical practical.
  • Great hearing/ sensory abilities
    Both a blessing and a curse. Hearing loud noises would probably be more painful to the padawan than most
Having experienced far more life crisis than a child his age should have, Fiyero has enough experience to give him a level head in tough situations. He wouldn't have survived his ordeals without resilience and a good sense of humor. He is a very mature and caring child, a good friend, and loyal to the Order in which he dedicates his life.

Firrerreon To Farmer

Those who grew up in the colonial fields of Ruan knew better than to dream. After his mother and uncle immigrated from Firrerre, she had a baby boy. Legend has it that a Firrerreon can be controlled by their name, therefore while his mother and uncle used more local pseudonyms, the more common pseudonym to be used in polite conversation was "Firrerreo". Thus, when her baby boy was born and villagers began to ask with good intention his name, and she used the normal pseudonym of their people for safety, which ended up getting mispronounced as Fiyero by the local accent.

The plague of xxxx swept through the nearby farmland of Noss Valley; killing a mother and making an orphan of a six year old with a runaway father. A brief summer with his last living relation marked the end of childhood as most knew of it. Quickly as unfortunate events occur, his uncle’s droid business went bankrupt, he abandoned the boy. However, the last person who knew Fiyero's true name gave him the greatest wish: As per his mother's wish in a world in which they were immigrants, he left without telling Fiyero his true name, thus allowing the boy to live a safer life from being controlled. Yet the boy was left helpless and destitute.

With his uncle went Fiyero's Firrerreon identity.

But Fiyero wouldn’t give up, not yet. The force inside of him grew stronger as the young boy decided that he would have to fend for himself.

Persistence from the boy and compassion on behalf of a landlord earned him a living as a farmhand at a trading port in the Koros Trunk Line, one of the many stops in the greater galaxy’s Agricultural Circuit. At dawn he rose to tend to the fields and remained there until sundown. The boy who thought he was a man forgot weariness and earned his keep. Harvest was his escape, when he would accompany his landlord to the trading port, at times trusted to these trips alone. Reflecting back on his days at the Circut, Fiyero would wonder if some of the better sales he influenced were due to his boyish charm or the signs of the Force within him breaking through. The money from these traders was how Fiyero and his people survived from day to day, but stories of adventure from these galaxy-wide traders showed Fiyero that if he remained on this planet, he would never truly live. His life was unchanging clockwork. After working up more sweat working in the fields than an 8 year old should muster, the boy would light up a lamp and read every book and HoloNotice he could find or received from a kind trader that day until sleep took over him, always haunted by delusions of a life that was not his own. The force was strong in him, and though he didn’t know what the sense was, in his soul he could feel a gravitational pull for a life of something more. That he was destined to be more than the lot life had cast at him.

His dedication did not go unnoticed as the big fish outgrew his small pond. Pulling the money together the following season, Fiyero’s adoptive agricultural village wished him farewell as he boarded a ship to Coruscant: a land of opportunity where he would get his education and become the man he knew he was meant to be.

[fancybox4=""] On Coruscant, the school in which Fiyero lived and learned acted as a catalyst for his ambitions. Yet, the fast train of his world came to a halt. Though his teachers encouraged his engaging questions and restless mind, just shy of his 10th birthday, they found the boy too young for where he wanted to be, and too out of touch for where he needed to be. Just when he thought an insurmountable wall had been hit, hope returned to him in the form of an old Jedi; Master Cassius Sikus. How the Jedi knew him, Fiyero never found out. He was led away from his school and to the Jedi Order where his mind would be tested daily and his limits without reach. Now he had a sense of purpose, he had finally found where he belonged. [/fancybox4]

Fiyero gifs: Here
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Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
The original Bast (not to be changed as RP continues)

Bast R'aef
[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: Bast R'aef
AGE: 15
SPECIES: Mostly Arkanian

HEIGHT: 5'7" and growing

EYE COLOR: Pale blue
SKIN COLOR: Tanned Ivory
  • Arkanians undergo genetic manipulation of their own bodies in order to enhance themselves. Bast was no exception. However, these cybernetic components are internal and no changes were made that largely stand out or hold much importance. Just Arkanian fun.
  • A rather lazy boy, preffering brain over muscle, Bast is rather skinny and lean. He is just fit enough to minimally pass his tests.
  • To combat his average strength, Bast once built himself a cybernetic enhancement for his arm. Finding it "too ugly" Bast tossed it and happily gave up on the idea of being able to physically defeat his fellow students in combat.
RANK: Padawan

  • Force Telekinesis
  • Vast knowledge of cybernetic medical technology and micro-circuitry.
  • 9/10 Intelligence
    Extreme intelligence (Largely because he is Arkanian). He is thankful for this, he knows very well had he been born in different circumstances, the personality cards the force delt him would have made him an even more miserable creature than he already is. Unfortunately, this "realization" made him truly believe (with help from Arkanian dogma) that the Arkanians are truly superior to all other species.
  • Laziest Jedi in the Galexy
  • Narcissist
  • 3/10 Lightsaber & Any physical task
    Bast has much to learn it the ways of anything physical. In fact he borderline hates physical exertion. He can barely use a lightsaber, often he makes up for this by using the force to cheat during lightsaber training. If you told him a whole town had been murdered, Bast wouldn't blink; but if you continued that in order to save himself from their plight he had to run up a mountain, Bast might actually shed a tear at the unfairness of life.
Bast has an extreme lack of empathy. However, this is almost to be expected given his species. If someone were to say the young Bast was difficult to like, they would be making the kindest assessment of the situation. The stereotype is arrogant and intelligent, and Bast doesn't fail to please in either aspect.

Bast was born as the son and heir to a very wealthy investor in Adascorp (The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania). He never saw his parents as they were too busy with work, however this never bothered him. His education was from the best tutors his parents could afford though he paid just enough attention to pass his tests, which as an Arkanian, is quite a feat.

He grew up in a world where all his needs were met, but he was never doted on. In fact, if he presented any misgivings he was immediately taken away for cybernetic experimentation. Bast learned quickly not to bring up concerns with others. Not that enhancement was a painful process in any way, just that it would interrupt his beloved daily schedule of lying down and staring at the ceiling. This learned trait of bad communication luckily became buried during his Jedi training, but sometimes slips out when he doesn't have the common sense to share vital information.

When he turned 6 his sister was born. However, Bast never saw her since she was always undergoing enhancement, nor did he care to see her. In his mind, he wondered how useless she could possibly be if she was always undergoing changes and wondered in awe that they even kept her around if she was that troublesome.

Bast was always largely bored as he was hardly allowed to leave the facility. Mainly he spent days lost in his thoughts which unknowlingly to him, enhanced his connection with the force via extreme periods of meditation (Though he would not call it that).
For his relationship with the force, boredom led him to stare at a lightswitch as he was too lazy to get up and turn it off. After about 20 minutes of thinking about this and imagining it would, the light switch turned off. Rather than feeling any sort of amazement at this, Bast took in in stride and fell asleep. Small instances of telekinesis continued as Bast had the time and the curiousness to stare at objects throughout the day uninterrupted.

Things took a turn when Bast was 12. In one intriguing episode involving a Jedi Knight, an alarm clock and too much talking for one day, Bast was whisked away to a Jedi temple. There he learned the ways of the force for three years and then was deemed ready for the trials. The first trial was the easiest, all it took really was memorization of the Jedi code and he could spit the verse of the Jedi at them until he mentally wore out. The third trial also went smoothly, he got the job assigned done. Yet, it was the trial inbetween where he strongly reconsidered his decision to join this order. To get his crystal, Bast's trial was highly physical and it was a miracle in itself that he made it out of the cavern in time.



He has no friends.

He had droids back home and became faimilar with their parts as he dismantled and rebuilt them out of boredom.

He had a pet as a child, he forgot to feed it though and it quickly died. He gave up on the idea of pets after.

None unless you count his pet.


From Conor Mclain to Leebo Freeman
Sebastian Aged 20



Sebastian Aged 23

Sebastian aged 30


Starter Tropes:
Dr. Jerk
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Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score

Mikhail Roth


NAME Mikhail Roth AGE 33 FACTION JEDI - General

Physical Traits




______[HAIR COLOR]

______[EYE COLOR]
[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Male[/td][td]1.8 m[/td][td]77 kg[/td][td] White [/td][td] Pale Blue [/td][/tr]




[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Arkanian[/td][td] Unkown [/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Single Blade: Blue[/td][/tr]

Arkanian Traits
Firrerreons resemble humans aside from highly developed canine teeth and nictitating membranes that protect the eyes from intense flashes of light, as well as flying debris.
Fiyero has golden-tan skin which, as a Firrerreon, would turn silver when angry or frightened. As a Jedi, Fiyero would find this shameful as the Order instructs inner peace. Therefore, he takes great pains to disassociate himself.


Having experienced far more life crisis than a child his age should have, Fiyero has enough experience to give him a level head in tough situations. He wouldn't have survived his ordeals without resilience and a good sense of humor. He is a very mature and caring child, a good friend, and loyal to the Order in which he dedicates his life.


  • Ability to see into the ultraviolet spectrum
  • High Hearing/ Sensory Abilities
  • Adequate at most common trader languages
  • Rapid Healing: Small cuts heal quickly, can survive attacks that do not harm vital organs.
  • Force Influence: Particularly Fiyero has a strong connection with animals
  • Determination/ High constitution: Fall down 7 times get up 8
  • As a Firrerreon, anyone who knows his true name has power over him
  • Diplomacy: Aggressive and not trusting. May not show on the surface, only when it comes down to the wire.
  • Needs Experiance: Though he tries very hard to be book smart, he is not. Time is needed to make the theoretical, reality.
  • Great hearing: Hearing loud noises would probably be more painful to the padawan than most


The Arkaiins are a group of semi-nomadic Arkanians. For generations, they have traveled through Adascoplis’ eastern hills. The tribe which Mikhail was born to consisted of three households and about 50 reindeer in a rather commune-like sustainable community. Trudging through the snow drifts and blizzards, the Arkaiins lived a mainly disconnected way of life that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. As such, his family believed in archaic gods such as the sun, the sky, the earth and the underworld. Most importantly, as their way of life evolved around them, they believed in a reindeer god. One of the reindeer in which the family owned would be considered sacred. Presumably the incarnate of this reindeer god. Mikhail was always skeptical of this one particular factor of their haphazardly organized religion; as when the sacred reindeer died, his grandmother would just peruse through the herd and pick a younger reindeer that looked vaguely like the older one. If someone argued that another reindeer looked more like the recently deceased one...then the chosen reindeer would be quickly changed without much more fuss than a bit of grumbling to make sure.

Aside from their nature as hunters and gatherers, the tribe survived by herding these deer with the help of Arkanian dogs, a domesticated version of the Arkanian tundra wolf. Usually, deer would be consumed freshly raw, warm blood and all. This resulted in horrifying cultural mishaps when as a padawan he attempted to go hunting on Tython. After receiving a thorough and unrelenting talk-to from a young fellow padawan who he had rather strong feelings for, Mikhail went entirely vegetarian up until the day he set off for his first undercover mission. However, after years as a Jedi instead of an arctic nomad, it is unlikely that his stomach would still be able to digest raw meat today.

From Arkanian Nomad to Glorified Galactic Nomad

At 12 Mikhail and Cal would go hunting for the family. They would, as the kids like to say, leave all the other newly learning hunters in the frozen dust. High-fiving and laughter abound, Mikhail and Cal connected more than the others of their tribes group. It only further isolated them that the elders treated them separately as well.

Jealousy was a dangerous word. But it was that could explain the behavior of the other children in their tribe who loathed to go play with the cousins who could climb better, dodge snowballs faster, throw them farther and seemed to have the adoration of the tribe. So the groups separated. Mikhail and Cal against the others.

Like the pair of assholes they were, the two boys never even noticed. So caught up in their own world of childhood fun.

Not to mention they didn’t have school. They were nomads. All they did was play and help the family with chores.

This would severely affect Mikhail’s literate abilities as a padawan, but certainly increase his abilities to pretend he knew what was up.

Speaking of chores, Mikhail and Cal gained a reputation for his fearlessness and tracking to bring game back to the family. No ice was thin enough, no mountain steep enough, to blizzard heavy enough that the 12 year olds would feel phased. Then again, it’s far easier to do something foolish at that young age when a friend is there to do it with you. Though the tribe still won’t let the time go when they had to Mikhail and Cal went the opposite direction in a snowstorm all the way to a different city all because they one thought they were just following the other. It was rather embarrassing.

By the time he was 13 Mikhail was known as a one-hit wonder, never missing against the unsuspecting bird and beast that chanced upon his radar.

“Aye, lucky shot”

His uncle used to say with faux skepticism. Every time actually. Mikhail would plop a couple plucked bird corpses into one of his mother’s pots. “Lucky shot” he would repeat back to his uncle with a smile. Luck wasn’t far off the mark. In the stillness of his breath and the quiet of his thoughts, Mikhail could feel himself connect to the world around him. As he would slow down, so would the universe. Call it instinct or luck, but Mikhail was soon to find that the pull he felt in his heart that guided his finger against the trigger was really the R.

Padawan Years

On Coruscant, the school in which Fiyero lived and learned acted as a catalyst for his ambitions. Yet, the fast train of his world came to a halt. Though his teachers encouraged his engaging questions and restless mind, just shy of his 11th birthday, they found the boy too young for where he wanted to be, and too out of touch for where he needed to be. Just when he thought an insurmountable wall had been hit, hope returned to him in the form of an old Jedi. How the Jedi knew him, Fiyero never found out. He was led away from his school and to the Jedi Order where his mind would be tested daily and his limits without reach. Now he had a sense of purpose, he had finally found where he belonged.

As ambitious as they come, Fiyero's progress in the temple was rapid and restless. Driven by a need to prove himself, Fiyero would always be first to arrive and last to leave. "No" was not a solid occurrence in his vocabulary as the boy would forgo even his mealtimes in order to help a fellow student practice training and was infamous by his teachers for never turning down a sparring match. For once though, Fiyero could balance work and play, frequently going out and exploring the woods and shrines nearby the Tython temple with his friends. At one point, he and some other troublemakers found a "secret passage" out of the temple and frequently used it for moonlit adventures. By age 12 he had passed his initiate trials and became a padawan under Jedi Knight Falcon Redwing. During his time with the knight, Fiyero gained a tough skin from sparring, but in particular grew in his connection with animals. Fiyero's ability to influence was often with the more dangerous types of creatures such as Raptors, Shyracks, and Kath Hounds. However, the boy was a keen animal tracker and observer, content at studying the smallest beetle to the most vicious carnivore.



On Coruscant, the school in which Fiyero lived and learned acted as a catalyst for his ambitions. Yet, the fast train of his world came to a halt. Though his teachers encouraged his engaging questions and restless mind, just shy of his 11th birthday, they found the boy too young for where he wanted to be, and too out of touch for where he needed to be. Just when he thought an insurmountable wall had been hit, hope returned to him in the form of an old Jedi. How the Jedi knew him, Fiyero never found out. He was led away from his school and to the Jedi Order where his mind would be tested daily and his limits without reach. Now he had a sense of purpose, he had finally found where he belonged.


As ambitious as they come, Fiyero's progress in the temple was rapid and restless. Driven by a need to prove himself, Fiyero would always be first to arrive and last to leave. "No" was not a solid occurrence in his vocabulary as the boy would forgo even his mealtimes in order to help a fellow student practice training and was infamous by his teachers for never turning down a sparring match. For once though, Fiyero could balance work and play, frequently going out and exploring the woods and shrines nearby the Tython temple with his friends. At one point, he and some other troublemakers found a "secret passage" out of the temple and frequently used it for moonlit adventures. By age 12 he had passed his initiate trials and became a


padawan under Jedi Knight Falcon Redwing. During his time with the knight, Fiyero gained a tough skin from sparring, but in particular grew in his connection with animals. Fiyero's ability to influence was often with the more dangerous types of creatures such as Raptors, Shyracks, and Kath

Hounds. However, the boy was a keen animal tracker and observer, content at studying the smallest beetle to the most vicious carnivore.

The Return of the General

On Coruscant, the school in which Fiyero lived and learned acted as a catalyst for his ambitions. Yet, the fast train of his world came to a halt. Though his teachers encouraged his engaging questions and restless mind, just shy of his 11th birthday, they found the boy too young for where he wanted to be, and too out of touch for where he needed to be. Just when he thought an insurmountable wall had been hit, hope returned to him in the form of an old Jedi. How the Jedi knew him, Fiyero never found out. He was led away from his school and to the Jedi Order where his mind would be tested daily and his limits without reach. Now he had a sense of purpose, he had finally found where he belonged.

As ambitious as they come, Fiyero's progress in the temple was rapid and restless. Driven by a need to prove himself, Fiyero would always be first to arrive and last to leave. "No" was not a solid occurrence in his vocabulary as the boy would forgo even his mealtimes in order to help a fellow student practice training and was infamous by his teachers for never turning down a sparring match. For once though, Fiyero could balance work and play, frequently going out and exploring the woods and shrines nearby the Tython temple with his friends. At one point, he and some other troublemakers found a "secret passage" out of the temple and frequently used it for moonlit adventures. By age 12 he had passed his initiate trials and became a padawan under Jedi Knight Falcon Redwing. During his time with the knight, Fiyero gained a tough skin from sparring, but in particular grew in his connection with animals. Fiyero's ability to influence was often with the more dangerous types of creatures such as Raptors, Shyracks, and Kath Hounds. However, the boy was a keen animal tracker and observer, content at studying the smallest beetle to the most vicious carnivore.
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Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score

Bast R'aef
[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: Bast R'aef
AGE: 15
SPECIES: Mostly Arkanian

HEIGHT: 5'7" and growing

EYE COLOR: Pale blue
SKIN COLOR: Tanned Ivory

"The Arkanians developed a bad reputation as mad scientists, and it is not entirely undeserved"
-Gormon Vandrayk

  • Arkanians undergo genetic manipulation of their own bodies in order to enhance themselves. Bast was no exception. However, these cybernetic components are internal and no changes were made that largely stand out or hold much importance. Just Arkanian fun.
  • A rather lazy boy, preffering brain over muscle, Bast is rather skinny and lean. He is just fit enough to minimally pass his tests.
  • To combat his average strength, Bast once built himself a cybernetic enhancement for his arm. Finding it "too ugly" Bast tossed it and happily gave up on the idea of being able to physically defeat his fellow students in combat.
RANK: Padawan

  • Force Telekinesis
  • Vast knowledge of cybernetic medical technology and micro-circuitry.
  • 7/10 Force Telekenisis
  • 6.5/10 Force Sense
  • 9/10 Intelligence
    Extreme intelligence (Largely because he is Arkanian). He is thankful for this, he knows very well had he been born in different circumstances, the personality cards the force delt him would have made him an even more miserable creature than he already is. Unfortunately, this "realization" made him truly believe (with help from Arkanian dogma) that the Arkanians are truly superior to all other species.
  • Laziest Jedi in the Galexy
  • Narcissist
  • 3/10 Stamina
  • 3/10 Any physical task
    Bast has much to learn it the ways of anything physical. In fact he borderline hates physical exertion. He can barely use a lightsaber, often he makes up for this by using the force to cheat during lightsaber training. If you told him a whole town had been murdered, Bast wouldn't blink; but if you continued that in order to save himself from their plight he had to run up a mountain, Bast might actually shed a tear at the unfairness of life.
Bast has an extreme lack of empathy. However, this is almost to be expected given his species. If someone were to say the young Bast was difficult to like, they would be making the kindest assessment of the situation. The stereotype is arrogant and intelligent, and Bast doesn't fail to please in either aspect.

Bast was born as the son and heir to a very wealthy investor in Adascorp (The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania). He never saw his parents as they were too busy with work, however this never bothered him. His education was from the best tutors his parents could afford though he paid just enough attention to pass his tests, which as an Arkanian, is quite a feat.

He grew up in a world where all his needs were met, but he was never doted on. In fact, if he presented any misgivings he was immediately taken away for cybernetic experimentation. Bast learned quickly not to bring up concerns with others. Not that enhancement was a painful process in any way, just that it would interrupt his beloved daily schedule of lying down and staring at the ceiling. This learned trait of bad communication luckily became buried during his Jedi training, but sometimes slips out when he doesn't have the common sense to share vital information.

When he turned 6 his sister was born. However, Bast never saw her since she was always undergoing enhancement, nor did he care to see her. In his mind, he wondered how useless she could possibly be if she was always undergoing changes and wondered in awe that they even kept her around if she was that troublesome.

Bast was always largely bored as he was hardly allowed to leave the facility. Mainly he spent days lost in his thoughts which unknowlingly to him, enhanced his connection with the force via extreme periods of meditation (Though he would not call it that).
For his relationship with the force, boredom led him to stare at a lightswitch as he was too lazy to get up and turn it off. After about 20 minutes of thinking about this and imagining it would, the light switch turned off. Rather than feeling any sort of amazement at this, Bast took in in stride and fell asleep. Small instances of telekinesis continued as Bast had the time and the curiousness to stare at objects throughout the day uninterrupted.

Things took a turn when Bast was 12. In one intriguing episode involving a Jedi Knight, an alarm clock and too much talking for one day, Bast was whisked away to a Jedi temple. There he learned the ways of the force for three years and then was deemed ready for the trials. The first trial was the easiest, all it took really was memorization of the Jedi code and he could spit the verse of the Jedi at them until he mentally wore out. The third trial also went smoothly, he got the job assigned done. Yet, it was the trial inbetween where he strongly reconsidered his decision to join this order. To get his crystal, Bast's trial was highly physical and it was a miracle in itself that he made it out of the cavern in time.



He has no friends.

He had droids back home and became faimilar with their parts as he dismantled and rebuilt them out of boredom.

He had a pet as a child, he forgot to feed it though and it quickly died. He gave up on the idea of pets after.

None unless you count his pet.


For when planets with young suns make him blind as a bat

Cybernetic Enhancements
Right arm from bicep down is completely cybernetic.

  • Defensive shield against weapons indluding blasters/lightsabers
  • Added strength in right arm
  • Aesthetic skin on top will break like normal skin
  • As per tech rules for all lightsaber resistant tech: Resistance is limited
Padawan rank robes

hilt | Blue blade


Current Timeline Threads
Kids Are The Worst (At 8 years old, Bast meets young Colrey and serendipity ensues)
12 year old Bast Gets Picked Up From Arkania
Padawan Training (14 year old Bast learns how to spar with a lightsaber) +lightsaber abilities
Archaeology (Bast meets Jedi Knight Alex and discovers an old Sith library; literally cursed with empathy) +empathy - 1 limb
Arkanian-Grade Cybernetic Right-Arm gained + strength + 1 artifical limb + lightsaber resistance
Cold Planet, Cold Body (Bast *learns to fly a ship ) + piloting
Ability to Navigate through asteroid field gained
Mechanical Mishap (Bast is sent with Red and Tamara to deal with racers and gangs) +piloting
The Force and Holochess (Bast "befriends" an Acolyte)
What The Force (Bast goes on a fun Jedi adventure ) +piloting
Breaking News (Reaction of potential Jedi war)

Update: Bast has seen a lot of sh*t in the two weeks he's been active and it is becoming increasingly hard to keep him as ignorant and selfish as he was posted.


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
BB code playpen
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Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score

Fiyero Lassiter


NAME Fiyero Lassiter AGE 15 FACTION JEDI - Padawan

Physical Traits




______[HAIR COLOR]

______[EYE COLOR]
[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Male[/td][td]1.6 m[/td][td]63.5 kg[/td][td] Dark Brown[/td][td]Brown[/td][/tr]




[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Firrerreo[/td][td]Falcon[/td][td]Yes[/td][td]Single Blade: Green[/td][/tr]

Firrerreon Traits
Firrerreons resemble humans aside from highly developed canine teeth and nictitating membranes that protect the eyes from intense flashes of light, as well as flying debris.
Fiyero has golden-tan skin which, as a Firrerreon, would turn silver when angry or frightened. As a Jedi, Fiyero would find this shameful as the Order instructs inner peace. Therefore, he takes great pains to disassociate himself.


Having experienced far more life crisis than a child his age should have, Fiyero has enough experience to give him a level head in tough situations. He wouldn't have survived his ordeals without resilience and a good sense of humor. He is a very mature and caring child, a good friend, and loyal to the Order in which he dedicates his life.


  • Ability to see into the ultraviolet spectrum
  • High Hearing/ Sensory Abilities
  • Adequate at most common trader languages
  • Rapid Healing: Small cuts heal quickly, can survive attacks that do not harm vital organs.
  • Force Influence: Particularly Fiyero has a strong connection with animals
  • Determination/ High constitution: Fall down 7 times get up 8
  • As a Firrerreon, anyone who knows his true name has power over him
  • Diplomacy: Aggressive and not trusting. May not show on the surface, only when it comes down to the wire.
  • Needs Experiance: Though he tries very hard to be book smart, he is not. Time is needed to make the theoretical, reality.
  • Great hearing: Hearing loud noises would probably be more painful to the padawan than most

Firrerreon To Farmer

Those who grew up in the colonial fields of Ruan knew better than to dream. After his mother and uncle immigrated from Firrerre, she had a baby boy. Legend to some and fact to others has it that a Firrerreon can be controlled by their name,; therefore while his mother and uncle used more local pseudonyms, the more common pseudonym to be used in polite conversation was "Firrerreo". Thus, when her baby boy was born and villagers began to ask with good intention his name, and she used the normal pseudonym of their people for safety, which ended up getting mispronounced as Fiyero by the local accent.

The plague of xxxx swept through the nearby farmland of Noss Valley; killing a mother and making an orphan of a six year old with a runaway father. A brief summer with his last living relation marked the end of childhood as most knew of it. Quickly as unfortunate events occur, his uncle’s droid business went bankrupt, he abandoned the boy. However, the last person who knew Fiyero's true name gave him the greatest wish: As per his mother's wish in a world in which they were immigrants, he left without telling Fiyero his true name, thus allowing the boy to live a safer life from being controlled. Yet the boy was left helpless and destitute.

With his uncle went Fiyero's Firrerreon identity.

But Fiyero wouldn’t give up, not yet. The force inside of him grew stronger as the young boy decided that he would have to fend for himself.
Persistence from the boy and compassion on behalf of a landlord earned him a living as a farmhand at a trading port in the Koros Trunk Line, one of the many stops in the greater galaxy’s Agricultural Circuit. At dawn he rose to tend to the fields and remained there until sundown. The boy who thought he was a man forgot weariness and earned his keep. Harvest was his escape, when he would accompany his landlord to the trading port, at times trusted to these trips alone. Reflecting back on his days at the Circut, Fiyero would wonder if some of the better sales he influenced were due to his boyish charm or the signs of the Force within him breaking through. The money from these traders was how Fiyero and his people survived from day to day, but stories of adventure from these galaxy-wide traders showed Fiyero that if he remained on this planet, he would never truly live. His life was unchanging clockwork. After working up more sweat working in the fields than an 9 year old should muster, the boy would light up a lamp and read every book and HoloNotice he could find or received from a kind trader that day until sleep took over him, always haunted by delusions of a life that was not his own. The force was strong in him, and though he didn’t know what the sense was, in his soul he could feel a gravitational pull for a life of something more. That he was destined to be more than the lot life had cast at him.
His dedication did not go unnoticed as the big fish outgrew his small pond. Pulling the money together the following season, Fiyero’s adoptive agricultural village wished him farewell as he boarded a ship to Coruscant: a land of opportunity where he would get his education and become the man he knew he was meant to be.

The Jedi Order

On Coruscant, the school in which Fiyero lived and learned acted as a catalyst for his ambitions. Yet, the fast train of his world came to a halt. Though his teachers encouraged his engaging questions and restless mind, just shy of his 11th birthday, they found the boy too young for where he wanted to be, and too out of touch for where he needed to be. Just when he thought an insurmountable wall had been hit, hope returned to him in the form of an old Jedi. How the Jedi knew him, Fiyero never found out. He was led away from his school and to the Jedi Order where his mind would be tested daily and his limits without reach. Now he had a sense of purpose, he had finally found where he belonged.
As ambitious as they come, Fiyero's progress in the temple was rapid and restless. Driven by a need to prove himself, Fiyero would always be first to arrive and last to leave. "No" was not a solid occurrence in his vocabulary as the boy would forgo even his mealtimes in order to help a fellow student practice training and was infamous by his teachers for never turning down a sparring match. For once though, Fiyero could balance work and play, frequently going out and exploring the woods and shrines nearby the Tython temple with his friends. At one point, he and some other troublemakers found a "secret passage" out of the temple and frequently used it for moonlit adventures. By age 12 he had passed his initiate trials and became a padawan under Jedi Knight Falcon Redwing. During his time with the knight, Fiyero gained a tough skin from sparring, but in particular grew in his connection with animals. Fiyero's ability to influence was often with the more dangerous types of creatures such as Raptors, Shyracks, and Kath Hounds. However, the boy was a keen animal tracker and observer, content at studying the smallest beetle to the most vicious carnivore.

Honorable Mentions
"He’s just like a squirrel" - GABA, 4/18/16
"Attack squirrel is more like it" - Bauren 4/18/16


If he lives long enough

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Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score

[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: A
SPECIES: Arkanian
GENDER: Female


EYE COLOR: Pale blue
SKIN COLOR: Tanned Ivory

FACTION: The Exchange
RANK: Underboss

  • Vast knowledge of cybernetic medical technology and micro-circuitry.
  • 9/10 Intelligence
  • Meep Moop
Meep Moop

Bast was born as the son and heir to a very wealthy investor in Adascorp (The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania). He never saw his parents as they were too busy with work, however this never bothered him. His education was from the best tutors his parents could afford though he paid just enough attention to pass his tests, which as an Arkanian, is quite a feat.

He grew up in a world where all his needs were met, but he was never doted on. In fact, if he presented any misgivings he was immediately taken away for cybernetic experimentation. Bast learned quickly not to bring up concerns with others. Not that enhancement was a painful process in any way, just that it would interrupt his beloved daily schedule of lying down and staring at the ceiling. This learned trait of bad communication luckily became buried during his Jedi training, but sometimes slips out when he doesn't have the common sense to share vital information.

When he turned 6 his sister was born. However, Bast never saw her since she was always undergoing enhancement, nor did he care to see her. In his mind, he wondered how useless she could possibly be if she was always undergoing changes and wondered in awe that they even kept her around if she was that troublesome.

Bast was always largely bored as he was hardly allowed to leave the facility. Mainly he spent days lost in his thoughts which unknowlingly to him, enhanced his connection with the force via extreme periods of meditation (Though he would not call it that).
For his relationship with the force, boredom led him to stare at a lightswitch as he was too lazy to get up and turn it off. After about 20 minutes of thinking about this and imagining it would, the light switch turned off. Rather than feeling any sort of amazement at this, Bast took in in stride and fell asleep. Small instances of telekinesis continued as Bast had the time and the curiousness to stare at objects throughout the day uninterrupted.

Things took a turn when Bast was 12. In one intriguing episode involving a Jedi Knight, an alarm clock and too much talking for one day, Bast was whisked away to a Jedi temple. There he learned the ways of the force for three years and then was deemed ready for the trials. The first trial was the easiest, all it took really was memorization of the Jedi code and he could spit the verse of the Jedi at them until he mentally wore out. The third trial also went smoothly, he got the job assigned done. Yet, it was the trial inbetween where he strongly reconsidered his decision to join this order. To get his crystal, Bast's trial was highly physical and it was a miracle in itself that he made it out of the cavern in time.



He has no friends.

He had droids back home and became faimilar with their parts as he dismantled and rebuilt them out of boredom.

He had a pet as a child, he forgot to feed it though and it quickly died. He gave up on the idea of pets after.

None unless you count his pet.

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Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
Potential Children to take up slot three

Gender equality: Boy or Girl


If Fiyero dies _____________________________________________________If Bast dies

Mikhail Roth
Age: 32
Rank: Knight
Species: Arkanian (Nomad)

Vari Ruroa
Age: 14
Rank: Indie (Potential Jedi)
Species: IDK, not human
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