Jedi Order Caelum Skylar


SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score


Caelum Skylar


NAME: Caelum Skylar
AGE: 25
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight
HEIGHT: 1.80 m
WEIGHT: 77 kg
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown with a strand of white highlights
STRENGTH: ██████
STAMINA: ███████
WISDOM : █████
CHARISMA: ██████

Born on Dantooine to a mother that died when he was at the age of 3 Caelum was left in the care of his father. He grew up in relative poverty as his father was jumping between jobs as a cleaner and usually had trouble finding employment as many people utilized droids to do the man's work. His father was a good hearted mad but not one that is respected. A strong father figure is important in every boy's life and even though his father was kind to him and Caleum born no ill will towards the man watching your main authority figure be neglected and not treated with respect did have its effects on the boy and possibly was the reason he developed a minor inferiority complex.

When Caelum was 16 years old his father passed away after a struggle with a respiratory disease. In the last year of his life Caelum tried to help get his father spare time to heal and worked odd jobs to sustain the two. After the man's passing he took on jobs that allowed him to leave the planet as he no longer needed to be by his late father's side at all times. He worked as a hired docker, crew member and fixed smaller mechanical issues on the ships. On one of these travels he had learned about a mining colony that employed workers and decided to take on the job and move from his home on Dantooine.

The work in the colony was dangerous to a certain degree but more notably it was monotonous as all hell. Many days meshed in and Caelum killed his time by hanging out in nearby bars, flirting with girls and other day to day stuff. One day a certain mining accident happened where some of the fuel equipment exploded causing many to be injured, some dead and most trapped inside the mines. Caleum who was in the best shape after the explosion tried his best to drag out as many of his coworkers as he could, risking his own life until finally collapsing from the fumes within the mines. It turned out the explosion was an attack by some organised crime group looking to oppress an racketeer the colony and whether by chance or someone's plea for help a Jedi came to the planet few days after the attack. Waking up from a coma he has been in for several days Caelum was greeted by horrible news. The one man, Zadar Wyo he tried the most to save and considered to be his best friend had died due to his injuries while Celum was still in coma.

Still coming to terms with his grief he was approached by the Jedi that wanted to see the brave young man that risked his life for others sake. This was the major turning point in Caelum's life as within the next few days he would discover his connection to the Force and be offered to go meet the Jedi Council for assesement and training. Always having a strong sense of justice, an immesurable disdain for the suffering of the defenseless and a desire to make something bigger out of his life Caelum naturally accepted and went on to join the order at the age of 18 where he trained for the next 7 years.




■■■■■ Slicing
■■■■■ Survival
■■■■■ Tracking
■■■■■ Hunting
■■■■■ Leadership
■■■■■ Invest.


■■■■■ Blasters
■■■■■ Rifles
■■■■■ Misc.
■■■■■ Demo.
■■■■■ H2H
■■■■■ Daggers


■■■■■ Huttese
■■■■■ Rodian
■■■■■ Ryl
■■■■■ Tactics
■■■■■ Politics
■■■■■ Espionage
A passionate boy with a strong sense of justice even as a child Caelum oftenly got into fights trying to protect weaker or younger kids that were getting bullied even if this meant that he'd be the one who's on the recieving end of a beating. Though positive and overall calm fun loving young man one particular trait of Caelum's is his inability to control his anger properly, and though he isn't prone to lashing out frequently if the right buttons are pushed he will eventually burst in a raging fit. These moments are few but are there nontheless, one of the things triggering the man's anger the most is seeing mistreatment and cruelty done to weaker beings, particullary the ones unable to defend themselves as well as slavery. This of course stemming from his inertly strong sense of justice but perhaps twisted due to the boy having known first hand how it is to be on the lower end of things and perhaps even due to the fact that he subconciously associates these people with his own father, a timid man usually trampled on by others with Caelum being far too young and weak to ever do something to help his dad. The other thing relating to his father, his early childhood and their ''class status'' is the minor inferiority complex Caelum's developed from his early years that he tries his best to hide or keep to himself..

Coming off as quite easy going, fun and more relaxed than the usual ''uptight'' Jedi Caelum is quite liked among his peers. He enjoys socializing and is generally perceived as a well rounded Jedi to be and an overall good hearted person that wouldn't blink twice before putting his own life on the line to help someone in need.


Armor —MOD —MOD Weapon —MOD —AMMO Weapon —Mod —AMMO Weapon —AMMO
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