Independent Cassiopeia


belfast's sweetheart
SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2021
Reaction score



► 87
► Morellian
► 5'10"
► It's rude to ask.
► One Brown (organic), One Blue (cybernetic)
► Black and Red
► Morellia, currently on Coruscant
► She, Her, Hers
► Independent
► Arena Matron/Slave Trader
► No


Cassiopeia is the owner of the Nightclub 'The Mistress of Pain' on Coruscant and the Arena Matron for the club's dark secret - the fighting arena known as The Blood Pit. From this location she runs a myriad of illegal activities. Her main scheme being the kidnapping of citizens and forcing them to fight in her pits - with patrons to the arena being able to place bets on who they think is going to win.

She became to Matron to this arena after she killed it's former owner in one on one combat. It was a major upset as he only challenged her because he assumed she was a weakling but his hubris allowed her to get the upper hand and kill him. As per the rules of this dirty, bloody venue, she then became the new Matron.

She has been running the club for just over two years now and since then it changed from a small little scheme to a much more organised and profitable location and Cassiopeia herself has even started to gain a reputation to those in the criminal underbelly as a bloodthirsty and incredibly shrewd business woman.


Usually cool-headed and calm, Cassiopeia is a business woman first and foremost. She views everything as a transaction and asset - even sentient lives.

She is a sociopathic narcissist and does not really see people as people and instead sees them as objects to be bartered and traded to benefit herself as much as possible. Such is a trait that one develops when in her line of work. However she does understand how other people see emotions and often uses this to manipulate those currently in her possession by treating them kindly and motherly when they're good and horribly vicious when they're bad.

She has a sadistic nature and thoroughly enjoys watching people fight to the death in her Blood Pits and even occasionally fighting in them herself. She is incredibly proud of the little business she has developed in the underbelly of Coruscant and will defend it ferociously. She is also incredibly vain and values keeping ahead of the latest fashion trends and will take any insult towards her appearance as a direct threat and she will retaliate - if not now then in 10 years when you least suspect it.


Business is Booming - Cassiopeia is a shrewd business woman and keen negotiator and seems to know exactly what to say to make sure that any bargain she enters in benefits her more than anyone else.

Blood Sports - It's a dog eat dog world in the underbelly and Cassiopeia knows that being a good talker is not enough. You have to be able to fight too. And fight she can. Cassiopeia is an excellent brawler and a great shot. She's a tough cookie too, able to withstand a large amount of pain before becoming incapitated.

Brutal Creativity - Cassiopeia has come up with a number of different devices designed to 'motivate' those in her arena the best. She is an master of coercian and can often work out exactly what facet of somebody's life to target in order to convince them to do as there told, be it praying on their phobias or threatening their families. Or the flamethrower room. The flamethrower room is typically the best motivater.

+ ODS Mauler Slugthrower
+ Neuronic Whip
+ Metal Nails
+ Cybernetic Eye


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