
dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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The Centralized Communitarian Communalist Party (CCCP)

The CCCP (also known as Communalists) is a major political party within the Galactic Senate, with representation across the New Republic and the Free World Alliance. It is represented by a star rising up to represent progress as worlds united among space.


The Communalists are an old group, inspired by an ideology pioneered by a large number of authors scattered around the Galaxy. Despite its variety in interpretation, communalism has a basic core tenets, revolving around power for the lower classes of the Galaxy wherever they were, unity as a collective among all worlds, and fighting back against oppression. Communalists were part of the more ideologically-centered parties of the Senate, as opposed to the more centrist ones that were focused on administrative things.

The Communalists believed that the upper classes were unfairly retaining property from those below them, which should belong to the Galaxy as a whole. They were very determined in their belief and this was observed in communalist groups in the Outer and Mid Rim, who were not averse to using violent methods to fight back against oppression. At periods in the Core's history, communalist cells even engaged in small-scale subversive activities against the government in a struggle to topple a corrupt system. Few times were they successful, but every time the Republic returned and they were banned. After the fall of the Empire, a heavier emphasis was placed on absolute democracy, where all sorts of beliefs and ideologies were welcomed. The Communalists were included.

The Communalists were among the first to fight back against the Republic before it became an Empire, opposing government actions even became it was revealed that the Chancellor was a Sith. They were persecuted by the Republic and then by the Empire, and were forced largely to the Outer Rim, where they took refuge on worlds and spread their message with the citizens. Many Communalists joined the Rebellion, and produced a great amount of artists and intellectuals in the army. Communalist war songs are still well-known, with a message revolving in a bond of souls between soldiers that inspired camaraderie. They produced a few drinking songs as well.

In the Galactic Senate, the Communalists are a fairly new party in the contemporary era, though they have a great history on Coruscant and through the Galaxy. They are a group that is largely non-interventionist, socially progressive, and supportive of total regulation of the market to ensure equality.


As vast as the Communalist history is, so too, is their list of critics. The Communalists have been called a great number of names, ranging from the gentle--"Idealistic" and "Immature"--to the scathing--"Terroristic" and "Extremist." Regardless, they hold steadfast in the declaration that they as a party are willing to collaborate with the rest of the Galactic Senate and disapprove of any revolutionary activities. So far, this has held up, though separate groups in the Outer Rim have been operating cells for years, which regularly engage in activity ranging from piracy to bombing runs on smuggler hide-outs. They have also been known to occasionally win elections and take over governments which were characterized by a strong central structure, powerful economic output, and industrial advancements. Communalist governments faded in and out of history on the Galactic stage, and even had a few brief stings that lasted a couple of months on Coruscant, too.

Their existence is marked by controversy in the Galactic Senate, with centrist politicians denouncing them harshly as "violent extremists" and "immoral." It is a long and venomous feud that has on a number of times resulted in physical altercations between Senators. Nowadays, things are peaceful, though they are brought up often by the opposition.


To provide opposition for the Centrist Party and others, as well as flavor for political characters.

I stole this template from @Mockingjay and @Nor'baal
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