Chakaa sub concept(thoughts/comments appreciated)


SWRP Writer
Jul 10, 2018
Reaction score

NAME: Chakaa Tyrraki
AGE: 24
Homeworld:A Forest Moon orbiting Endor
HEIGHT: 3'5"
WEIGHT: 53 lbs
FORCE:Yes(unknown and untrained)



    Chakaa was born into the Tyrraki clan on the forest moon of Endor, Adventurous from a young age and always exploring places he shouldn't he had a happy childhood learning all the things a young Ewok needs to survive, he learned to hunt, track and fight with his spear.

    Upon reaching adolescence he discovered he had a talent for convincing others to do the chores he was supposed to do himself, He enjoyed being in charge. He also realized he was different, he wasn't keen on starting a family and settling into the mind numbing tedium of an Ewok's life.. He was smarter than the others that much was obvious to him, the other were a superstitious lot. Sure no one else agreed, they thought he was the odd one, not doing as a good Ewok should and settle down.

    Late one evening while returning to his village from a mission of discovery a shooting star caught his attention, he made a wish, a wish to go and explore places no Ewok has ever seen. After wishing he continued on his way only to stop upon hearing a strange sound, like a strong and angry wind, searching for the sound he watched as a star falls from the sky and crashes off in the distance, having never before seen a star fall he immediately sets out for the star.

    All through the night Chakaa walked following the stars path, as the sun began to rise he found that the star was no star but Ship! excited at his strange new discovery he slowly approached, finding the ramp open he made his way inside, the place a mess from the crash, searching the ship he discovered a dead man with a weathered face and stringy grey hair seemingly sleeping, and a noisy thing made of the same material as the "star" who wouldn't let him touch the blinking buttons near the man, after a few hits with his spear it stopped.

    Upon further searching of the ship he finds a strange stick that makes a loud noise and breaks things, a new spear, some cool eye thingy, and a taller fake man who could speak his language he learned that the "Star" was a ship that could fly like a bird among the stars, Then and there he told the fake man that this was all his, the Droid agreed after a quick lesson in spear fighting, he took the man's clothes as his own and buried the man outside, the Fake man telling him that he must have had a heart attack just before setting down, Bad luck for him Good luck for Chakaa!

    After weeks of trial and error with the help of the Droid as the fake man called themselves, he managed to get the ship flying, sadly the poor Astromech was damaged so hyperspace travel was out, and the long journey to a new world began, the protocol Droid now known with the humorous (at least to Chakaa) name Rust-butt taking this time to teach the Ewok Basic before reaching more civilized space.
  • Chakaa is Black Ewok with a white face, he stand approximately 3 feet 5 inches, he would say he was 4 feet, but that just him, always wearing his iconic Ewok Hood and his cool glasses he found. Chakaa is in good physical condition from his time on his homeworld.
  • Chakaa is a genuinely happy fellow who loves to meet new people, see interesting places and find valuables to sell on his quest to become rich and famous, he loves to laugh and make jokes, sometimes at the expense of others, though he never means to be hurtful it can happen, and he will feel bad for it.

    Never cruel he tries to get along with everyone and us fond of giving nicknames. Chakaa is... Let's say a story-teller he can't help it, if something points to him being ignorant of something he can't fess up to not knowing something, if asked if he can slice into a security system, he'd say he was the best there was at Slicing, for Chakaa is the best at everything! He also can't help if your exploits sound better with him as the hero.

    He doesn't like being called stupid, make fun of anything else, but never question his intelligence, he has an odd habit of only speaking Ewokese, and having his Protocol Droid, nicknamed Rust-butt translate for him, although he can understand and speak Basic, It makes him feel Important having the Droid translate for him.

    • Find Treasures
    • Get Rich and Famous
    • Get better ship
    • Make Protocol Droid shorter

    • Marksmanship:4/7
    • Melee:6/7
    • Hand to Hand:2/7
    • Tactics:1/7

    • Hunting:5/7
    • Tracking:5/7
    • Piloting:3/7
    • Survival:6/7
    • Leadership:3/7

    • Ewokese
    • Basic
  • .

Template by @ZayPat

  • while he is technically force sensitive it's only there for much later if I want to expand who he is.
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