Tabloid Chancellor Xerxes - The Final Bulwark of Peace in the Republic

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Chancellor Xerxes - The Final Bulwark of Peace in the Republic
Opinion: Divya Velt

In light of the most recent session of the Republic Senate, many across the Galaxy have attempted to paint Chancellor Xerxes out to be a tyrant - and some graced us with such melodramatic comparisons as ‘Palpatine Reborn’. Quite frankly, it is ridiculous - and it demonstrates just how short the memories of some people are. So short, they are incapable of recalling where the Republic was before Chancellor Xerxes was elected into office.

Fighting a war that we didn’t have the resources to win, burdening our military and economy unnecessarily.

Since his election as Chancellor, the New Republic has enjoyed an unprecedented period of peace - unlike anything we’ve witnessed since before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Can anyone within our nation say their lives have been worse-off for it? Can anyone point to some negative consequence of our refusal to participate in the war of Force-Users?

Not a single one.

Instead, we are subjected to the same, repetitive rhetoric. ‘The Sith are dangerous’, ‘They’ll turn on us once the Jedi have been destroyed’. All of it without a shred of substantiating evidence, all of it attempting to push the narrative of some idealistic warhawks within the Republic Senate. One needs only look to Alyrra Adasca (@Malon) - the up-and-coming Senator of Arkania - to find common sense.
“The Republic is at peace and safe. Will we really throw all of that way, along with the man who secured it, for the Jedi?”

I should hope not.

The truth? Is that Senator Kalist (@Sreeya) - and those she has colluded and cajoled into supporting her - are nothing short of a threat to this Republic. Wealthy Senators, all of them deluded and disillusioned from the realities of war, and who would readily plunge us into one. But of course, how can we blame Senator Kalist? After all, she is the Senator of Kuat - and represents one of the largest shipbuilding industries in the Galaxy. I am quite sure her planet would profit heavily from a war with the Empire - with Kuati shipyards booming to life. I wonder how much money in kickbacks our dear Senator makes, for every StarHawk that leaves the yard?

Something to think about, before we think about removing the only person keeping us from war with the Empire.