Character Creation Help


SWRP Writer
Feb 10, 2012
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I’m planning on making my first character something generic that will allow me to just sort of “fall into place” through RP. In other words they would be young, force sensitive, yet brash, arrogant, adventurous - a common kid really, who’s looking for adventure within a hostile world. It’d be interesting to see if over the course of events if he’d be led to becoming a bounty hunter, a soldier, a pirate, etc. Or maybe being inducted into the Jedi or Sith depending on if they viewed him as a viable candidate. I've always had characters which were made with pre-selected factions. I was wondering if people thought this was a good idea or if they thought characters like this generally don’t do so well. There’s going to be no over the top angst or anger or anything besides the desire for freedom and adventure which I hope will let the character act free and adventurous as a result. Thoughts, criticisms, ideas?


Perpetually Freezing
SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2014
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I think that has potential for your character to grow as a person and leaves things open for pretty much anything to happen. However, I wouldn't stick so strictly to having him be completely typical. Everyone has something that makes them stand out, even if it's just a little something. Maybe just sit down to write your character's personality/biography and see where your brain takes you. Looking forward to seeing your character once he's posted.


The Great Hambino
SWRP Writer
Aug 1, 2013
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I don't think there's really a problem with your character. He should be able to just hop into most threads but I think you should maybe make him a little more interesting. I know from experience that people will want to RP with you if your character is unique, rather than being really generic. I understand why you want your character to seem average, but I think fleshing him out will definitely benefit you in the long run.


Head Schemer
SWRP Writer
Nov 11, 2010
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If you go this route, understand that it can sometimes be a little difficult to get involved in the main storyline if your character isn't affiliated with a larger faction.

I'm not saying it can't happen, just that it's difficult. The benefits of joining a faction, for me at least, far outweigh the negatives, because you have a group of people ready-made to RP with, and typically a direction to help guide your character's actions, pre-made missions to pursue if you so choose, and a method for advancement and strengthening of your character.

Just my two cents.


Big Boss Man Sorta
SWRP Writer
Aug 10, 2013
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I agree with Raif on that, factions are a great way to get involved with stories, not even ones that tie into the main story, I know I have a whole plotline about why this incarnation of the exchange is different from the one in the last timeline, and a conspiracy that runs all the way back for hundreds of years.

i also have a story in the works about my character Halisstrad and his ever growing discomfort with the methods he has to employ as a part fo the exchange, kind of like a deal-with-the-devil type thing, where he's trying to get out of it.