Charlie Quentel

Topher Ridge

The Ever-tired
SWRP Writer
Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
NAME: Charlie " The Nightman" Quentel
AGE: 31

FACTION: Hutt Cartel
RANK: Enforcer (Slicer)

HEIGHT: 5'5" (1.7m)
WEIGHT: 170lbs (77.11kg)
Voice Sample



  • Life has never quite worked out the way Charlie would've liked. He was born to into a family of laborers on Nar Shaada. Everyday he'd be left with a neighbor or family friend while his parents went to work as cleaning staff for a local inn. They would then come home give Charlie some type of paste like substance they called food and would proceed to obliterate their minds with drink and drugs. A few years later Charlie's parents decided to bring another child into the hell that was life in the poor slums of Nar Shaada. Her name was Mary and over the years of her and Charlie's childhoods, they would become inseparable. The parents would continue to destroy themselves unable to deal with the harsh realities of life under the Hutts and the burden of raising 2 children. Around the age of 8 Charlie's parents would leave for work and just never come back. He'd look back on this later and just assume they had either had enough and decided to drown themselves in drink, or some thug on the street had gotten to them. He always liked to believe it was the second outcome, felt better than knowing he and his sister had been abandoned.

    It quickly became apparent that Charlie would have to care for himself and his sister. He decided to take up the family business, becoming a janitor for hire he'd spend his next few years elbow deep and the scum, slime, and feces of just about every species of the galaxy. Those these years taught him another valuable lesson, people would throw away all kinds of valuable things, if you knew where to look. He soon began to collect various pieces of tech and junk to store at his small apartment. In his off time he began to tinker, quickly learning he had a bit of skill at it. He soon had some of the tech working to his little sis' delight. Soon they had a working holoprojector, datapad, cooking appliances, and toys. Soon the neighborhood caught wind of his skills and began to bring him there broken tech some of which he had to learn to slice into, yet another area he seemed to be decent in off the bat. He was able to quit his janitor gigs and focus full time on repair work where his skills only grew each day.

    After a few years he had quite the little junker shop set up and started to bring in more, and better paying customers. Though like almost everything on the Smuggler Moon, he couldn't avoid criminal activity forever. Word reached a few low level street gangs of Charlie's Slicing skills. They came to him and offered him job which he of course refused. That was until a gang approached him with and offer in the sum of pretty much what he made in a year. Charlie knew he couldn't refuse the offer, it was just too much money to pass on for what sounded like an easy job. The plan was to hit a popular bookie the night after one of the biggest speeder races of the year. The place would be flush with cash from all the bets that would be paid out the next day when the place opened. The night before leaving he'd check in on Mary as she slept and then the 13 year old Charlie would leave for the job that would change his life forever.

    The job surprisingly went off without a hitch. Charlie would slice the security door to the back of the betting house and the gang would swoop in and grab all the cash they could. They'd then hightail back to the gangs base and hand out the take. True to their word the gang gave Charlie his cut and promised that if he wanted it more work would come. Charlie had to admit the work was easier than selling junk and with the money he could provide Mary the life she always deserved. So over the next few years Charlie would officially become the gangs Slicer. The gang would even give him the nickname "The Nightman" as he could make any security system go dark.

    Around the time Charlie was 25 though life would take another surprising turn. Now making a bit of a name for himself in the Slicing circles of the underworld, The Nightman and his gang would be approached by a representative from the Mantis family, a rather well known criminal outfit based out of Nal Hutta. They offered Charlie and his gang freelance work that would make all their previous scores look like small change. The gang happily accepted and started working under the family. Their jobs got bigger and takes were amazing. With this however came much higher risks. Charlie's skills more than met the demand, though the rest of the gang started to fall victim to drugs and drink like some many do. Even Charlie began to develop a bit of a drinking habit though his skills managed to stay sharp. That would be until the day where he and his gang, half drunk and the other obliterated on spice, would so royally screw up a job that most of them would end up dead, while the rest were completely disowned by the Mantis family.

    Now without stead work he and his sister would begin to struggle. Charlie made due with what freelance work he could get, though now his drinking had become a full blown problem. Mary was forced to go work as a Cantina server while Charlie took what work he could. Unfortunately after a few years Mary would come down with an unknown illness. Desperate and to pay her ever increasing medical bills Charlie would sell off their current assets. This however was only enough to get her into a stable condition and she fell into a deep comma. Needless to say Charlie fell even deeper into the bottle. He still took freelance slicing jobs he could get, though it was only barely enough to keep Mary in the hospital. That was until recently. It seemed that the Jedi were having some kind of massive war across the galaxy that had just ended. The Hutts now put out the call to any able bodied scum and criminals to join a newly established criminal cartel. As far as Charlie was concerned it was his best shot at finding any kind of work and made his way, well more stumbled his way, toward the recruitment center.
  • Charlie is kinda short and generally always looks like he just woke up from a nap. He's got dark brown hair and green eyes. His face has perpetual stubble if not a full blown scraggly beard. Body wise he's average build, not fat but barely in shape. Years of alcohol abuse aren't really helping that along either.


  • Loud, crass, and overall highly excitable you'll generally hear Charlie long before you see him. Despite his rough upbringing (or lack of upbringing) and harsh life Charlie came out relatively well adjusted. He's usually the first to crack a rude comment or remark, though it's usually self deprecating. Though he can from time to time slump into a bit of a depressive state, especially if he's gone too long without drinking.

    As for relationships Charlie can be quick to trust others, possibly to quick, as generally all it takes to get on his good side is to buy him a pint at the cantina. Once he's made friends with someone it tends to last for as long as the other party can tolerate Charlie's loud boisterous behavior.


  • Gear:
    -Custom built slicing Datapad
    -4C Blaster Pistol
    -Security slicing kit
    -stun baton
    -Armored vest that provides chest and back protection

    xpert slicer and code breaker
    -Skilled repair tech but has let these skills slip over the years
    -Decent shot
    -No piloting experience
    -Can get by in a fist fight
    -Decent infiltrator when he has to be, but works best with people to distract for him
    -Surprisingly good keyboard player. Why he's never tried to make a living musically even Charlie doesn't know.

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Template by @ZayPat
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Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Everything looks good except for one small thing. You just need to be a little more descriptive on what exactly his "armored vest" is, either by linking to one of the pre-made technologies or crafting a simple gen tech submission for it.

Assuming this change, consider yourself..
