Ask Nar Shaddaa Copper Blue

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
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Nar Shaddaa. How he hated this place. The frothing rot of dereliction and desperation wafted thick from the bottom to the top. Singh could hear it, ringing from hungry mouths and aching bones. He could see it in the color of the wind, stained by death and foul industrial fog. His senses picked up everything in a city like this, and though he hated it, it was yet a hate to draw on when the time came for killing.

Dressed in their mixed-culture working clothes topped over with jorongo-like cloak in black with hints of green and equipped for hunting with belt and all, Nakoa was on the prowl. They'd tracked a specific, troublesome target all the way to the Smuggler's Moon, where rumor and sightings suggested they were hidden away in the AMS-ravaged depths. Even as he descended on a rickety service lift he could already feel something strange had happened on this world. Perhaps it hadn't been a simple plague.

That would explain why the Hutts still hadn't cleared the problem out. Or perhaps it was simple neglect and disinterest. Either.

Singh's lift shuddered to a stop closer at the middle depths of the city-moon and he slid the interwoven metal door open to step out. He checked- yet again- the seals on his half-face mask that kept the planet's harsh pollution out of his lungs and ventured forward. Down here it wasn't much better than above, truth be told. Just a being was more likely to openly kill another for a scrap of bread.

Most didn't notice Nakoa striding by as he reviewed his datapad for the day's bounty information. His presence was concealed from the weak-minded masses, hidden beneath the background noise of misery in the Force. Maybe this job would go well and nothing strange or unexpected would happen, for once. A low-effort end to the game.

But where would the fun be in that?

@Fine Dining Set

Xan Solus


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 18, 2023
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Nar Shadda. How he loved this place! A hub of adventure, freedom, and excitement. The young Mandalorian soldier stepped through the rotting, decrepit streets with a joyous glee that belied a complete ignorance to the suffering around him. As long as he had his beskad and his blaster, as far as he was concerned, nothing else really mattered. All other things would just fall into place.

He wore his armor with a thin robe on top of it, thumbing through his datapad as he searched for information for the bounty he was here to capture. Reading while striding was a difficult task, however, and when he was no longer paying attention, he failed to notice the tall Wrean walking towards him.

That is to say, Xan would stumble right into Nakoa, dropping his datapad into the dirty streets below him. "Oh shit!" He scrambled to recover his pad, hoping the screen hadn't been cracked. It would be the second time this month he'd have to get it fixed, if so. "Sorry about that, friend!" His voice had a deep, butteriness to it. A smoothness. Such smoothness was undercut by the generally manic energy that the Mandalorian oozed out.

He squinted at the datapad again - it had been cracked. Just when he was gonna learn about his bounty, too! He would have to rely on his tactical genius to carry him out of this conundrum. He looked at the Wrean. Generally athletic build. Clothes that indicated he had traveled a lot. "You're not a bounty hunter, are you? I'm Xan Solus. Want to join my team?" He resisted the urge to yell OYA at the top of his lungs. If the Wrean declined, he would likely just ask everyone he saw until someone said yes.

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

Nakoa was more solid than he looked, but he still stumbled back from the sudden impact with the armored Mandalorian. His eyes snapped over to them, slowly lowering to the datapad, then back up as the other being messily navigated retrieving it. They were also alarmingly friendly for being on Nar Shaddaa. Nakoa took in the being's attire to determin-

Nope, not from here. Not at all. Probably not a scam, then. "No trouble," Singh replied in accented Basic, his voice a rumbling, two-tone baritone with mostly flat affect. Then he got to watch the Mandalorian helmet bob around excitedly to look the Wrean's general form up and down. He vaguely heard a top-of-the-surface thought that sounded like OYA which he didn't know how to translate.

Singh looked at the Mandalorian with an expression of deep bemusement, like he'd spotted a double rainbow on Korriban. "I am. Not interested." And with that the strangely peppy armored person practically skipped off to- go ask other dangerous-looking people A: If they were Bounty Hunters and B: If they wanted to be on their team.

He couldn't remember the last time his brain had felt like it'd bluescreened and needed a reset. It was like a puppy. A really dumb puppy walking up to underground razor gangsters.

"Yeaaah suuuure I'll help ya," a walking reptilian pile of red flags responded to Xan's. "Step right into this alley." "Yeah, no. Shoo." Nakoa had quietly reappeared just behind Xan, waving a hand for the Barabel to fuck off. They muttered some expletives and something about beskar before slinking into the dirty alley.

"Are you new?" Nakoa asked Xan with a clear emphasis on the last word.

@Fine Dining Set

Xan Solus


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
New? To what? Being a Mandalorian soldier? Yes!

But how could this Wrean even possibly know that he was a Mandalorian? Surely the armor didn't give it away. They must be a Mando themselves - even if they didn't wear the armors of a Mandalorian. They must have a Mandalorian heart. Xan waved by to his new Barabel friend as he skulked away, following the taller Nakoa into a distant alley on a moon seemingly composed of endlessly-intersecting alleyways.

"Su cuy'gar, fellow vod!" His accent was tinged with the thick, rural inflection of Lothal's farmers. Mixed with the general boondocks-y voices of the Mandalorians, his buttery voice had a strange, almost yodel-like, inflection to it. He occasionally lapsed into much higher or much lower pitches, depending on just how excited his voice was. And right now, as always, he was excited.

"So, you thought it over, and you do wanna be on my team. That's cool! You can be my second-in-command. We'll split the profit of the hunt 50/50." He nodded sagely. Seemed like a fair enough exchange, to him. "Now, who are we hunting, blood brother?"

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

Nakoa stared at the Mandalorian. They stared really hard. "Vod," he replied vaguely, having no idea what the hell the other person was saying whatsoever. It took a moment to process the rapid-fire series of words coming out of the other person's helmet, each one dipping high and low with audible excitement.

The Wrean blinked. "You don't know who you're after?" Nakoa asked in a near-monotone, nearly sounding like a flat statement. A small huff escaped his lips behind his breathing mask. A hand raised to point a finger at Xan."You're first in command," he began before pointing toward himself. "I choose incidental valuables first." Part of this job's payment was in the shiny things hoarded by the target.

"We are hunting a cult and its preacher." A pause. "Have you heard of Noctem?"

At this point, Nakoa had decided this new person might at least be entertaining and the Wrean wasn't too hung up about the credit payout. He wanted to see what and how they'd do, at the very least. Wasn't too often he ran into a Mandalorian, much less a freshly minted example. This one was kind of funny.

@Fine Dining Set

Xan Solus


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
Noctem? The name sounded familiar, but outside of that, Xan was at a loss. He tapped a thumb to his helm thoughtfully. "That sounds like a fair trade to me. The Noctem...foul and vicious lunatics who need to taste the sharp end of my beskad! OYA!" He shouted emphatically, spinning his heavy machete around like a lunatic in the alleyway while they spoke. The blade caught the grind of neon lighting, casting a multicolor cascade of rainbow light as he flourished. He slid it back into his scabbard gracefully.

"Let's get moving, comrade-in-arms!" He returned to his march through the alleys of Nar Shadda, hand on scabbard as he strode forward. Eventually, he reached a clearing: A busy intersection, filled with street vendors and street toughs alike. Xan kicked over a box to stand atop it, shouting to the crowd around them. "RESIDENTS OF NAR SHADDA - WE ARE SEEKING INFORMATION ON THE NOCTEM CULT!" The crowd looked towards him, but no one truly paid him any mind. He repeated: "RESIDENTS OF NAR SHADDA - WE ARE SEEKING INFORMATION ON THE NOCTEM CULT!"

A toydarian merchant floated towards the freshly-minted Mando and began to whisper, obvious trying to con the young man out of some credits in exchange for bogus information.

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

The Wrean mercenary took a calm step back as Xan drew and flailed his bland around, nearly hitting the alley walls no less than seven separate times. An empty soda can was struck and flung off down the alley, clattering loudly as it went reminiscent of ironic applause. This person was pretty funny, even if it seemed like they were gonna get themselves killed in some news-worthy fashion. Then again, the Mandalorian seemed coordinated well enough, if experienced. Hmm.

"Accurate enough," he confirmed with shrugged shoulders. Nakoa walked along nearby as Xan marched through the filthy streets and alleys with all the pomp and aplomb of a general returning from victory. Then he started shouting, at the top of his lungs, from atop a box. Amberine eyes watched with bemused amusement that'd be a lot more obvious if not for the mask, then traveled over to the Toydarian as they sidled on over.

Nakoa let the conversation go back and forth a bit before leaning forward. "They're lying, you know." They said it well within the hearing of both Xan and the Toydarian in question.

@Fine Dining Set

Xan Solus


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
At first, Xan listened to the honeyed words of the Toydarian momentarily before Nakoa spoke up. The business-creature floated confidently towards Xan, beginning to spin a web about an alleyway with a restaurant his grandma owned that a small investment could help...and somehow connecting this strange fantasy back to the Noctem Cult on the fly. Xan was inclined to listen, until Nakoa spoke. Their words landed painfully in his ears.

"What? You're lying? Your cousin's aunt's farm doesn't need a loan to save her from the Noctem Cult?" Underneath his helm, he was seething with a terrible, brooding rage over the betrayal this creature had inflicted on his spirit. This is why one could never trust a non-Mandalorian: they were despicable liars, nothing more than the dirt to be trod upon by beskar-clad. boots. Xan whipped out his machete in an instant, grabbing the Toydarian by the skull as he pointed the machete towards them.

"Wait, wait, hold on!" The toydarian cried out. "I have some information, just...don't hurt me." His wings fluttered nervously, but Xan's grip was absolute. It was as if he was holding the Toydarian with something stronger, more firm than just a hand. Ah. Nakoa would recognize this - the palpable use of the Force. Whether or not Xan realized it, he had channeled it, inadvertently, just for a moment.

"The Noctem Cult hosts these weirdass rituals for 'recruitment events,'" they made sure to emphasize the air quotes, "just after midnight. I've never been, but you can hear the music and the...sounds..." They pause, momentarily, as their bloodshot eyes dart across the street. As if checking for an unseen pursuer, unsure of whether or not they could speak freely. They took a breath and regained their computer as best as as they could with an angry Mandalorian on their neck. "That's your best bet."

Xan set the Toydarian free, and tossed a credit into the pavement their way for the trouble. "Get the fuck out of my sight, slime." He turned back to Nakoa.

"Well, Vod, this might be a tough one. You up for a stakeout? We could stay up all night and take the fight to them! OYA!"

@Mr. Teatime

Roll to intimidate: 18+1/20

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

Oh, now that was interesting. Nakoa watched how the Mandalorian handled things. For one, the Wrean's words were believed without a doubt. Something 'Vod' related, maybe? Or was this Oya? They had no idea.

On the other hand, Xan could be intimidating when pressed. More importantly, there was a familiar heat there in the other being's grip on the lying Toydarian. Untrained and spurred by strong passion and emotion. Most interesting. All of a sudden Nakoa felt more invested in this impromptu partnership than the desire for entertainment.

He listened to the Toydarian's elaboration and watched them skitter-fly to safety from the Mandalorian's short-lived fury. Amber-golds returned to Xan after a moment, amusement glimmering behind his eyes. "Oya," he replied at an entirely normal volume.

"Have to find one of these events, yes?" Nakoa pointed past the Mandalorian's shoulder toward a run-down, hole-in-the-wall sort of cantina. "Ask there?"

@Fine Dining Set

Xan Solus


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 18, 2023
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Yes, they would have to search to find one of these lewd affairs. Xan kept his fist around his beskad as the pair strode into the cantina. Creatures of all species were gathered - and Xan went to begin his usual spiel. "ATTENTION CANTINA ENJOYERS! WE ARE SEEKING INFORM-" he was cut off by a chorus of boos and a flood of drinks from every direction. The bartender pointed to a sign that said, in Huttese, 'no soliciting.'

Xan didn't speak Huttese, nor did he get the message. Undeterred, he struck a power pose and prepared to try to bring the audience in for the encore.
"I SAID, ATTENTION CANTINA GOERS!" Enough was about enough. A sulking pair of gomorreans grabbed Xan to escort him out, heaving him out of the bar. He landed, flatly, on the muddy streets of Nar Shadda.

"Didn't work, comrade. Do you have any other ideas on how to move forward?" He rose to his feet, scanning the skyline for any obvious signs of cult-ish-ness. He saw nothing.

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

Like a free theatre drama, Nakoa watched from just by Xan as he blustered into the cantina, shouted a lot, and was pretty promptly thrown out. The Wrean mercenary just looked at the being as they got up from the ground. A gloved hand flicked a discarded candy wrapper from the Mandalorian's formerly-shiny armor.

Then he reached into his cloak to pull out a single Hutt Peggat and place the heavy gold coin in Xan's hand. "Go inside, apologize, and order a drink. Doesn't matter what. Pay with that, no change. Then ask the bartender." A pause. "Quietly. No shouting." Nakoa kind of just wanted to see how Xan handled those instructions, but especially for the next part.

"Really listen to how they answer. It could tell you something." Xan had used the Force once without meaning to. But how in tune was this Mandalorian to their own instincts? Could they follow the course of intuitive guidance without meaning to? Nakoa was curious. For his part, he'd just be chatting up the hulking Besalisk doorguard and keeping an ear out.

@Fine Dining Set

Xan Solus


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
Xan Solus listened with intent, saluting Nakoa for the kind service of teaching him. However, just as he was about to re-enter, an alarm blared from his wrist. "Ah, oh man! I totally forgot, It's past my curfew." He sighed, disappointedly. "Sorry, friend. I have a really strict bedtime regimen. I can't disrupt it. I'll ask the Solus Battlemaster about the stake out next time?" He sounded like a disappointed friend about to leave a party - someone who had an obligation they wouldn't ignore. Xan patted his buddy on the back and disappeared back the way he came, leaving Nakoa as lost as when he started the mission.

@Mr. Teatime

Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
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But Xan's display had accomplished something. With all his blustering and noise, people started to whisper once more about the Noctem Cult. It was this whispered that Nar Shadda's #1 (Or #2 depending on who you asked) graffiti artist took note of it. As a Sith, and as an artist, Vossari Khaldun had an inclination towards the occult. Their work often drew on dark-side themes, and used Ur-Kittat in conjunction with the Tethysian language to create intricate, mystic pieces of art.

Still, Nar Shadda was a massive moon with many secrets. The Noctem Cult was one of them. In the dead of night, when Voss tagged most of their best work, they had heard the dark rumblings of this secret society. He had longed to learn more, then, but his demands as an acolyte forbade him from wasting time with such petty projects. The fact that here, in this bar, at this time, this weirdo Mandalorian was ranting about the cult had to be related.

He spotted the wrean speaking to the Mandalorian. They approached as Xan departed, and the beautiful, whale-sung sound of the Tethysian language followed. <I've got a lead on the Noctem Cult, friend.> The tone of the last word made it clear their 'friendship' would involve some sort of transaction.

<What's your interest in them?>

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

Nakoa stared after the departing Mandalorian and slowly re-pocketed their peggat. Well, there went the evening's entertainment and the Wrean hunter was back to his usual methods of tracking down targets. So long as he could just find one. They shrugged and lowered their breath mask for a short smoke break while they pondered.

His head tilted as someone approached, then turned to look at them as they spoke. Sharp amber-gold, hawk-like and analytical, met the sunny browns of- another Wrean wanderer, of all things. That was rare. His brows slightly rose with interest. Spicy, herbal smoke exhaled in long, slow clouds from Nakoa's nostrils and lingered within his hood like mist. They leaned slightly forward after the other Wrean's question.

<That depends on who's asking, ah?> Nakoa responded, their short exchange almost duet-like to the others around even outside the water where the language truly came to life. Vossari may, however, notice his new 'friend' spoke in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the Tethysian mafia that kept outlander smugglers in line in the surface cities.

Singh grinned. <I've no friendly intentions for them. What friendship shall we have?> In short, he was curious enough to indulge the younger Wrean stranger's exchange. Assuming they didn't lie.

@Fine Dining Set

Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
It wasn't often that one met another Tethysian - even rarer on a world so gruesome as Nar Shadda. It was no surprise that it would be one of Wrea's criminal elements would wind up here, flotsam caught in the tide. Their eyes were locked as they spoke, the intense, smoldering gaze an integral part of wrean culture.

The existence of the occult on Nar Shadda was a topic of great personal interest to Vossari. Their own artistry often used occult Sith themes, and the inklings of a new cult both excited and angered them. All were bound to be prey of the Sith, at some point or the other. But Vossari too often had played their own hand, too focused on personal gravitas to really build something. Perhaps, in the wrean mafioso in front of him, he had found a second chance. <They're of interest.>

They paused as they considered the stranger. Most people around here were bounty hunters or interested cultists, at any rate. And this one didn't give off the 'woe is me,' halfway suicidal vibes that other would-cultists had. <I'm an artist. I think I need to learn about them for my next piece.>

They patted Nakoa on the shoulder and gestured to a wall covered in graffiti. While many were little more than juvenile tags, there was a pattern that repeated across the cantinas and warehouses that surrounded them at this level. If Nakoa paid attention, they would notice a recurring symbol interpreted many ways by many artists across the walls: A pyramid with a glowing eye in the center.

<I think they come out and tag at night, I don't know why. Feel like it's strategic more than it is pretty.> They looked, conspicuously, at the streets around them. Who was this cult? What were they up to? <Come on. Let's get a cup of cat and wait until nightfall.>

Opting not to return to that bar, Vossari got a seat at an unassuming seat in a diner and got a cup of steaming, black caf. Brown and energetic, just like them. <I'm Vossari.>

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

An artist? That wasn't on today's Nar Shaddaa bingo card. Nakoa's gaze flicked across the other man. Casually dressed and blending in well with the general vibe of the city-moon's underworld slums. Stains and a lingering smell of both fresh and stale spray paint. Their manner of spoken Tethysian common indicated they probably weren't raised here. Resident, or simply familiar? Curious either way. Any Tethysian off Wrea was a unusual.

Those eyes turned to look next at the art the younger Tethysian pointed out. Now this was interesting, too. Nakoa's talent for pattern recognition was high, but even then, the repeated motif of pyramid and eye would be noticable to anyone paying half a brain's attention. Singh's eyes subtly narrowed. <Worth watching.> they agreed as their expression settled to a RBF-like neutral.

Curious and curiouser. The fates were having fun with Nakoa today. It was kind of funny, actually. But he was in no rush. He rarely ever was.

Their coffee order was a basic black. Ordering anything else was a mistake in places like this. Sweet, sweet caffeine buzzed through his veins as he took a stiff sip and placed the mildly cracked mug down. <I'm Nakoa> he introduced. His head tilted slightly, one side of his lips curling upward just an inch.

<What genre of art?> They asked without preamble. The hints were there, but it was always more interesting to hear someone speak their own points of view. Besides, what else were they gonna do while waiting for what were, apparently, wall-tagging cultists? Sit in silence?

@Fine Dining Set
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Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
Vossari stirred their coffee before taking a long, slow sip. Their grip was firm, but their eyes wandered across the room to the wrean sat in front of them. If Vossari didn't find their homeland so dull, this would be an excellent opportunity for them to share personal and familial histories in the odyissic language of their people. Thankfully, Nakoa paved the way for Vossari to speak about a topic he found truly interesting: himself. <My art defies genre. I've been exploring more with clay lately.> Excitedly, they whipped out their hands and a ball of clay rose in between, pulling itself through the force into an infinity sign in the wrean language. Moments later, Vossari realized they were consciously showing off their Force prowess. They smoothly tossed the lump of clay into the air and caught it, hoping it wouldn't be too noticeable.

<I got my start out here, though. Tagging walls. Just kiddie shit, you know?> A rush of memories flashed back: running from Gamorrean guards, nights spent smoking and spray painting, like it was the only thing in the world that mattered. Those scribbles were now covered in layers of rust and paint from a new generation of disillusioned youngsters.

Their gaze returns to the present company. <What're you doing out here, Nakoa? Wreans are fish out of water on Nar Shadda.>

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

Nakoa pretended not to notice the other Wrean's brief Force use. They did, though. <Clay? Interesting. Like what?> It was mild interest, but it was interesting. Clay art was uncommon on Wrea given it didn't work out so well underwater. He didn't know why graffiti specifically was 'kiddie' stuff but he also wasn't from here and didn't feel much need to ask.

<Wreans are fish out of water most anywhere.> Nakoa joking replied. It was literally true. <I work for a living. Unfortunately, not every bounty's within arms' reach.> That Noctem had a bounty on them shouldn't be news. The only people who liked Noctem were part of Noctem. A hand raised and rubbed thrubbed fingers in the universal sign for 'cash'.

<Interested in a cut? Only naturally between 'friends', no?>

@Fine Dining Set

Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
Vossari thought back to the lessons they had learned so far in their journey. What was their real motive to snipe at this cultist group - was money enough? No - they thought back to Saleucami, to Azar. Grab them by the balls. He felt like whatever the bounty was on the cult's leadership was a fraction of the true value of the cult: a fanatic base of lunatics to do your dirty work. Maybe working with this bounty hunter would lead to that?

They wouldn't say no to credits, though. And it would just be...weird to work for free. Suspicious. <Yeah. This is your bounty, though. 20-80 sound fair? I want the first crack at whatever weird shit they have in their headquarters.> They spun the clay around in their hands, slyly enhancing the rotational force of the ball with the Force. It spun, in their hands, into a perfect sphere. They returned the sphere to their pockets, raising their caf cup to their lips.

"Honestly, I've just got a deep curiosity about them. They've been a growing parasite in Nar Shadda." Which was saying something. "What do you know about the cult?"

@Mr. Teatime

Nakoa Singh

Apex Strategist

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score

A fingernail tapped once again Nakoa's mug, otherwise patient as the other Wrean considered. Nakoa turned to them when there was an answer. <30-70. First choice is mine. Part of the payment.> was the mercenary's reply. His demeanor remained casual. <What weird shit are you expecting? 'A cultist's guide to batshittery'?>

Singh deeply sipped their caf and considered the person across the table, the spinning of clay, further comments and questions. "They kidnap residents. Hutts only care about the lost property." A 'personal affront', apparently, and for whatever reason ordinary hunters couldn't find where they were. So here was Nakoa, expensive but proven.

"Folk mutter about them but little to no witnesses. Disappear going to meetings. No one can find them, so on. Cult shit." Nakoa vaguely shrugged. As usual, his vaguely princely first impression was ruined once he opened his mouth for long enough if he didn't care about keeping up appearances for business or personal reasons. They gestured out the window at the graffiti.

"That the pyramid and eye is their symbol," Nakoa added amusedly. It was starting to get dark and different sorts of people were wandering about now.

Nakoa abruptly put down several wupiupi for the caf, stood, and started out the door. Long strides would take him into an alley where, with no explanation whatsoever, he grabbed a hooded figure by the arms and pinned them to the dirty bricks. Naturally, the figure protested, but Nakoa shook him a little and he stopped doing that. When Voss caught up he'd notice a half-done pyramid-and-eye being added to some existing graffiti on the wall.

"Tell me everything you know about that symbol or I'll peel your relevant genitalia like a banana." Nakoa did not at all sound like they were kidding. The Noctem tagger visibly paled. Ever-so-subtly, a flicker of will attached a little something to the tagger's jacket.

@Fine Dining Set