Crasdon Kaine's Light Patchwork Armor


SWRP Writer
Sep 28, 2023
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Do-it-yourself Light Armor​

Light Armor made from synthweave fabrics, cargo pants, belts, and plastoid pieces from junked armor sets.

• Head: None
• Torso: Synthweave fabric layers with moisture-wicking underlayer good for turning lethal wounds into bad wounds.
• Back: Synthweave fabric layers with moisture-wicking underlayer good for turning lethal wounds into bad wounds.
• Upper Arms: Plastoid pauldrons and synthweave fabric layers with moisture-wicking underlayer.
Might turn lethal wounds to medium wounds.
• Lower Arms: Plastoid bracers over sleeves and gloves made of synthweave, best protection of the entire suit.
• Upper Legs: Synthweave fabric layers with plastoid knee-cap guards. Might turn lethal wounds to medium wounds.
• Lower Legs: Synthweave fabric with rugged boots. Might turn lethal wounds into bad wounds.

Though honestly, this armor is sub-par and hit-or-miss. It's the least you could wear and still call your clothing 'armor.'
It is kinda stylish, though.

Function 1: Moisture-wicking underlayer with anti-microbial weave.
  • It keeps you from getting wet and smelly from your own sweat.
Function 2: Belts with holsters
  • Store your gun across your chest like a rockstar.
Function 3: Waist belt with pouches and a big belt-buckle that can store an emergency medkit.
  • You got stuff? We got places to put it.
Function 4: Cargo pant pockets.
  • You got more stuff? We got more places to put it.

Some suits of armor are mass-produced. Some are pieced together from better armors that folks threw away. Plastoid pauldrons, knee guards, and bracers retrieved by three different suits with former unlucky owners. Synthweave from a suit of survival armor. Ordinary clothes sewn into it all. This is how poor people armor themselves, and it's how Crasdon Kaine started. Now he finds it very comfortable and has neglected to upgrade. Lots of people have piecemeal, patchwork armor like this, with a variety of different stylistic choices.

This sort of armor is legal in most places, and rightfully scoffed at by serious soldierly types.

To provide a po-boy armor suit.

None. You can upgrade your hillbilly armor suit into a hillbilly mandalorian outfit if you keep on keeping on with it.