Jedi Order Crix Aran


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score

Crix Aran


► 26
► Half-Human, Half-Zabrak
► 1.81m (5'11)
► 60kg
► Blue
► Ivory
► Coruscant
► Male
► Jedi
► Knight (Master Strength)
► Yes
Growing up on Coruscant in a little, two bed, apartment wasn't the best way for a kid to grow up but it was far from the worst. If that were all he'd have to put up with growing up, Crix would be a lot less complicated than he actually is. His mother raised him as a single parent, a burden enough on it's own but made tougher still by his mother being a Sector Ranger... before rising the ranks to become one of the highest ranked and most decorated Rangers out there. That led to him leaving the little two-bed to go live with two different Rangers for awhile, keeping him safe.

This upheaval messed with his school work and his social life but he was able to keep himself up to date using the holonet until he was uprooted, again, and found himself back with his mom. Happy to be back with his mom, even though she was often away most of the time, Crix settled back into his life. Travelling and learning some self-defense got people talking about him at school and in the neighborhood and he was able to rise the social ranks of public school fairly easily. This got his access to cigs, swoops and people who wanted to date him.

He tried his best to hide all of these things from his mom but it was always kind of an open secret that she knew. She was a police officer of skill and he was, after all, just a teenage boy. Always feeling like he could talk to his mom (when she was around), he was comfortable talking to her on a level some sons just couldn't with their mothers. The only exception was something that Crix only recently began to realize about himself.

He was Force Sensitive and he had no idea how to tell her.

Crix participated in the defense of the Ranger HQ on Coruscant, fighting through the basement level with a mixture of desperation and ingenuity that allowed him to get the jump on a pair of Sith troopers and a Sith, killing the Sith with intent and accidentally causing the death of the guards. Shaken to his core by the killing and how it seemed to awaken the Force within himself, Crix left Coruscant with a group of his close friends and made for Corellia to fix up a ship to call their own.

Before he could finish the ship, Crix was ambushed by a Sith and his secrets were torn from his mind in a mental attack that resulted in the Sith learning about his mother. Racing to find her and fix his mistake resulted in a race against time across Coruscant and the Galaxy to Sullust... that ended with him finding his mother broken by her treatment at the hands of the Sith. With guilt gnawing in his gut and a deeply held hatred for the Sith, Crix has thrown himself onto the path of the Jedi with gusto and far from a perfect start.

Crix is a product of his mother's influence and his upbringing; so he's quick witted, sarcastic, blunt and magnetic all at the same time. He doesn't have to try hard to come across as a likable guy because he is one - though a bit sharp tongued at times he genuinely doesn't feel the need to take things too seriously. The only exceptions are in his hobbies, which he pushes himself to excel at half to impress his mom and half because he takes issue with not giving his all to a sport or hobby. If he's beaten when he's trying his best he's fine with it but if he slacks and loses he gets frustrated with himself, knowing he could do better.

Like most children raised by a single parent, he adores his mother. She is, unfortunately for most, the bar to which he compares himself and others. He loves her as his mother and respects her as a Ranger and a woman, leading to him constantly, on a low level, wanting to impress her, to make her proud of him.


+ Unarmed Combat - Crix started learning self-defense at a young age because it was a good discipline to get into but his learning accelerated when his mother's star rose and he became more of a target. When it became his priority, and the priority of his guardians, he excelled further and became proficient in several different disciplines of self-defense.
+ Ranged Combat - Is it any wonder? Crix started bugging his mom to take him to the range when he was about eleven and she relented, bringing him along when she went and signing him up for some public lessons. The idea was to not make it obvious that he was trained by Rangers so he became skilled but not to the extent that most Rangers are.
+ Piloting - Crix is a terrible pilot. Whether on a swoop or in the cockpit of a ship, Crix will be the first person to admit that he cannot fly. Some of it is a slight aversion to being at the front of something going so fast but mostly it is close to fate that he is so bad even when trying his best. He is perfectly capable working on a ship or manning guns on a ship but he is literally the worst pilot.
+ Mechanics - Crix, despite his time being mostly spent hanging out or developing his other skills outside of school-life, is actually quite a skilled mechanic. He picked up the skills working on swoop bikes that his friends would ride and this extends to droids and larger ships as well.

+Stun Baton
+DC-17 Hand Blaster - Modified to only fire stun blasts
+Jedi Utility Belt
+Blast Vest
+4UM Pilot Droid "Red Lancer"
+QC Astromech Droid "Scooter"
+ Jedi Robes
+ Single-bladed Lightsaber - Made from his mother's blaster rifle
+ GX-1 Lantillian Transport
+ Degree in Droid Engineering and Software Integration
+ Single-bladed Shoto Lightsaber - Green Blade
+ Luxury 3000 Space Yacht - The Spirit of Serendipity - Obtained Here


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