Cross's RP stuff and things.


SWRP Writer
Apr 20, 2015
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RP Hub


Here you'll find a simpler, shorter breakdown of my characters, so people don't have to go to the trouble of reading through my bios and hope they're on the same page as I am when I wrote them. Should make it simpler to get a feel for them. Incidentally, those who want to, can read through this with the bio, and you might get a more complete idea of who I think these people are.

If you've got ideas for threads you'd like to do with them, please do feel free to PM me, or reply below.

Mar Kesyk •​

Thanks for reading, and hope to RP with you soon.

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SWRP Writer
Apr 20, 2015
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Why'd I make this character?

In simple terms, Mar Kesyk is what turned up when I thought of: What would a Jedi be, were he also human? I'll explain. Not unlike Sith, Jedi aren't typically the nicest people around. Their unwavering belief in their impossible Code typically makes these guys intolerant, repressed individuals that feel little to no remorse for the actions they do (they justify it as having done them for the greater good), and often hold their own shortcomings as having been 'the will of the Force', i.e. meant to be, which means they're not even capable of acknowledging them. Ironically, this makes them not too different from the psychopathic killing machines the Sith are often portrayed as.

So I had the idea to create a character that had an inkling of pragmatism in him. Someone who accepted (or was in the process of accepting) that Ideals and Utopias are, by definition, unattainable, but also someone who believes we should continue aiming to embody them nonetheless. Why? Because the goal should be the Journey, not the destination. Unlike Grey Jedi, this is someone who believes solely in the Light Side of the Force and has unwavering faith in the Jedi teachings. He's simply accepted that, although he (or anyone else, for that matter) will never embody them, that doesn't mean they should stop trying.

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So, who is he?

All in all, Mar Kresyk isn't too different from your run of the mill Jedi. His goal in life is to be serene throughout it, despite likely spending it claiming lives in the fields of battle. This is a more classical Jedi, who is likely to stray from relationships to a certain extent and pursue an inherently solitary existence, despite his enjoyment in placing his trust in others and having others place their trust in him. This is a man who's likely to have friends (… I hope) and who will actively pursue friendship, but who will typically not let people past a certain point, not unlike the Monks Jedi are often portrayed to be. That is, of course, unless other said people can push through his defences.

Where he differs from your run-of-the-mill Lightsider is the fact that he’s under no illusions when it comes to the Foundation of the Order: the Jedi Code. He sees it as an ideal that he wants to pursue as an act of continued self-improvement, rather than the cornerstone of his persona. What this means in more practical terms, is that his interpretation of the Code differs from that of the Moralistic Jedi, whereby instead of wanting to do something as impossible as Curbing emotion and changing how he feels, he'll instead focus his efforts on how Emotion affects him. Believing that you cannot stop how you feel, but you can stop how that changes who you are. This means going through the proverbial stages of grief all the way through to acceptance, rather than claiming his ground in Denial, as so many do.

Effectively, this makes the man a more forgiving, more flexible Jedi, that respects and lives by but is not bound to Canon Law, and as such, tries to not see those who do not live by it as an inferior or dangerous being, or worse, an inherent enemy. Avoiding the fallacy of the false dilemma (in this case, ’You're either with me or against me’). This mindset makes him far less vulnerable to certain aspects of the Dark Side, but more vulnerable to others:
He's not one to fall for the 'We are trying to build a better world, and do what we do for the Greater Good' line nor will he crave power to ensure others follow his own ideals, but because he does not see the Code as an all-powerful and all-good entity, then what's stopping him from trying his hand at Dark-Sider abilities that can he can use to do, not grandiose, but mundane good deeds?

The simple answer to that question is that the man does share an unwavering belief in the Code and that, just because he doesn't see it as an elemental truth doesn't mean he doesn’t believe it to be the right path for himself. The less simple answer is that it is a question he'll likely be asking himself for the entirety of his life. Some days he'll lean more towards door number one, others towards door number 2. That said, Kesyk - like most - was taught from a young age that combatting the Dark Side's whispers is one of the most difficult trials any Jedi’s life and so believes himself to be prepared for a life of warring both without and within.

Despite all his attempts at being kind and upright, this is an inherently self-absorbed individual. Not particularly because he is uncaring, but because his life is effectively being lived (for the most part) inside of his own head: debating what is right and what is wrong, and what is achievable in the Code and what is not, the list goes on. This mindset affords him little ‘time’ to worry about much of anything else. As such, the man is likely to appear distant and aloof, and even display something similar to the stereotypical Jedi indifference. Though his self-awareness is growing in this area, there is still a long way to go. And so, characters who do get closer to him may see a fairly significant change in treatment throughout the process.

Finally, Kesyk isn't without other faults. The largest and most obvious chip on Mar's shoulder, is his father. He was a career criminal and died attempting to flee from Prison, something the Jedi is deeply ashamed of. As such, the man's intolerant streak is likely to appear when around people with criminal records, and may even go as far as taking on assignments to apprehend them. Also, this.

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What I'm looking for:
  • Training
  • Mentor(s)
  • Assignments
  • Characters that’ll get him to come out of his shell (Extroverts that will offset his individualism and push him outside of his comfort zone)

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What I'm not looking for:
  • Death-allowed PvP (for the time being, at least)
  • Romance
  • Anti-social, non-talkative characters. (As it stands, Kesyk is not a particularly extroverted individual, so odds are it won't be easy to have decent threads going)

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SWRP Writer
Apr 20, 2015
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SWRP Writer
Apr 20, 2015
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SWRP Writer
Apr 20, 2015
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SITH FILE #87486563

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      NAME: Ideon Vale
      AGE: 32
      SPECIES: Human
      BIRTH PLACE: Telos

      FACTION: Sith
      RANK: Marauder

      HEIGHT: 6'4 (1.93 m)
      WEIGHT: 207 lbs (94 kg)
      HAIR COLOUR: Black
      EYE COLOUR: Blue
      FORCE: Trained



      Lightsabers (1 & 2, Red bladed)

      Red Rokket Heavy Pistols (2, 4 extra power cells)

      EMP Disabling Grenade (2)

      Mk. 5 Inquisition (Medium, Phrik Bracers & Shinguards, Img)

      Vibroswords (2, carried on occasion)

      Vindicator Battle Drone (1)

      N-51 Nova-class Starfighter


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      A human male, of age thirty-two, standing at six feet, four inches tall (1.93m), and weighing around 207 lbs (94kg). Blue eyes, tanned skin and a full a head of black hair, and a full smile of white, straight teeth. Whether any form of work has been done is inconclusive.

      Vale has a significant amount of scar-tissue throughout his body, consistent with his combative lifestyle. Most cuts are straight and clean, and the asset has gone to lengths to avoid facial injuries but they are present all the same. Truthfully, the amount of bruising and scarring would be more expected from a Bounty Hunter, Mandalorian or Mercenary than a Sith, something which seems to be congruent with the assessments made on his psyche.

      Copious amounts of intense physical activity from a young age have developed the man’s musculature and skeletal system. Broad shoulders, slim waist, tall stature and a coat of powerful, but lean muscles is indicative of a close quarters fighter. The man seems to have sacrificed some muscle mass and thereby strength for a slimmer, more agile frame leads to the conclusion that the male favours speed despite bearing a great strength.

      Impressive motion-vision and reflexes points to a healthy specimen, but reports show the man is an avid smoker and drinker, as well as a sporadic user of spice. Being at the prime of his youth, it is possible that his body has simply yet to break down, but it would not be surprising if his mastery over the Force would cull these habits’ degenerative impacts.

      The asset carries himself with an upright posture, no doubt a consequence of military training, but can be seen slouching. Despite normally appearing mildly dishevelled, and often being seen with untrimmed facial hair, it appears Vale places some amount of effort into maintaining what he perceives to be an appealing appearance. Refer to psychological report for more information.

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      The asset seems to be uniquely adaptive to the situations he’s placed in. An intelligent, cunning and independent individual, with strong interpersonal skills and surprising maturity, that appears to be very conscious of the dangerous and treacherous path he, as all Sith, must tread.

      A self-described hedonist, Vale is an individual that will actively pursue gratification, often going as far as foregoing any thought to consequence in ‘devil-may-care’ displays, presumably extensions of his training in the Dark Side.

      The asset actively uses humour as a weapon and shield. He is skilled at making cutting remarks that unearth insecurities, mock death, danger and risk, as a means of intimidation. This can be seen bleeding through into his dress code, as the man has been reprimanded in the path for placing the words ‘Advertise Here’ in his armour’s chest piece alongside some… peculiar choices of apparel, which some believed to be an affront to the Empire’s standards.

      Despite clearly not regarding the world in black and white, the asset does tend to see it in stark terms of Predator and Prey. Vale has chosen to identify with the former. As such, he can be possessive and often displays a subconscious need to display superiority over those around him.

      Findings have shown the man to be goal-oriented, but largely pursuing said goals in indirect and secretive ways, and has displayed great deals of patience in awaiting the right moment. That said, the individual does bear an intrinsic almost Mercenary-like sense of Pride that seems to stop him from selling the image of weakness. Drawing a clear difference between being weaker and being weak. Though able to bear with the former, the asset is liable to go to extreme lengths to disprove the latter.

      Vale professes to identify himself with Chaos and, in spite of having shown no inherent issue with following instructions, his best results are often seen when left to his own devices and given free reign. His inherent rebellion against structure makes the asset especially fit to bury information he does not wish to reveal, making him a good security risk if questioned under almost any circumstance. However, this very same nature can prove a challenge to his superiors, who can find his unorthodox skills and personality distasteful. Is prone to boredom and mild depression when not challenged.

      This Sith is one of acquired tastes. Bearing few self-imposed limitations when it comes to sating his Lust or Greed, the man will actively pursue behaviours bordering on self-destructive. Despite this, his drinking seems to be more of a way for the man to push his limits - a conquest - rather than a vice. That said, the man has been known to awaken with no memory of the night before and has reported valuable personal items missing as a result.

      Finally, the man seems to have an idiosyncratic fixation with Credits. Vale seeks to acquire them not simply as a way to attain riches, but because he actually believes it will bind him to said person, as their creditor. It is believed that, to him, this is a hold over the individual. As such, he has been known to force others to accept what he calls promissory notes, which are effectively IOUs, and cause trouble when, at a latter date, they are not paid. Said notes are often used as a form to traffic his influence.
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      The Physical Assessment reports the asset to be a specimen in peak physical condition, possessing superior dexterity, reflexes and perception. The study of his Psyche finds that the subject is a thrill-seeker and feeds off of adrenaline bursts and is not only adept but thrives off of finding unique solutions to puzzling situations. Combined, these traits make the asset qualified for piloting small crafts as well as physically intensive combat. As such, the man was trained primarily in these areas, which is where his main achievements lie. A capable pilot, adept at manoeuvring speeders and small ships, that sees combat in a similar light his flying: Vale seems to value mobility above all else, and prefers the approach of few, but damaging strikes, rather than brute approaches.

      To further make use of his keen senses, the subject has received training in most forms of firearms, and these have become as essential to his arsenal as his lightsaber and the Force itself. Vale seems to favour his twin set of blasters, commonly referred to as 'Red Rokkets', and when pressed on why seems to mention that the name was just too good to pass up.

      The asset appears to have adapted to the Empire's mindset of 'trust none', and the notion that betrayal lurks in every corner. That said, he does not usually partake in the mind games of the Sith or Imperials unless there is something of worth involved.

      His usage of the Force seems to rely more heavily on the enhancement of physical capabilities and telekinesis, although there are records detailing an ability to use Force Lightning.

      Highly proficient in Basic and Huttese. Has received extensive training in Sith language and has some fluency in Droidspeak. Since he has left the Temple, reports have shown the man to have acquired strong conversational skills in Mando'a, something we had foreseen considering his soldier of fortune mentality, as well as Twi'leki, Hapan and Zeltron. The latter three, the asset is believed to have picked up in an active pursuit of sexual gratification.
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      Ideon Vale is a Sith Marauder, of age thirty-two, in formidable physical condition. Adept pilot of small crafts, and experienced blaster user. Has received extensive training in most Sith skills, but values more physically intensive forms of combat.

      Is generally an entertaining, peculiar individual, but these very idiosyncrasies coupled with a general dislike of authority may prove troubling for his superiors.

      Claims to not be particularly interested in the Sith games of power, but often describes himself with the phrase 'looking out for number one'.

      Is an assertive, larger-than-life individual, who tends to make a strong impression on those around him, though not necessarily a positive one.
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      TITLE[Ongoing] Short description
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      TITLE[Dropped] Short description

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    The asset shows capable combat and piloting skills, as well as an above-average intelligence, impressive physical condition, leadership capabilities and assertive behaviour, generally unafraid to take risks. All in all, findings conclude that this is a prime example of a Sith Marauder.

    Despite his capacity to lead however, the subject tends to disregard authority and is liable to place himself at odds with superiors and peers. His loyalty to the Empire is dubious at best, and it is instead far more likely that the man has simply aligned himself with it because it affords him a life of opulence and sin, as well as the ability to cut or sharpen his proverbial teeth and claws with assignments. As such, despite a total lack of any notion of loyalty towards the Emperor or any other embodiment of the Empire, it is unlikely that the asset will ever pose a flight risk.

    Our findings suggest that Ideon Vale is fit for duty, and should be afforded some amount of freedom for that is where he does his best work. That said, when the proverbial rope gets too loose, it is advised that he be reminded of the Empire's rule. Simply put, it is believed that this asset will flourish if managed by a 'carrot and stick' mentality.

Template by @ZayPat
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