Dalas Treyvark

Dalas Treyvark

SWRP Writer
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score

Name: Dalas Treyvark
Alias: The Gray Man
Age: 29
Species: Human(Mandalorian/Corellian)
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Corellia
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch
Weight: 190 pounds
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Long, Black
Faction: ???
Rank: ???

Strength: Average
Dexterity: Extremely High
Constituion: High
Intellegence: Above Average
Wisdom: Above Average
Charisma: Below Average

The Force: The Gray Man was mildy trained by a old Jedi. Force Sight(constant), Force Jump, Force Speed and Force Push. He uses all of those force powers as if he were only a younger padawan, except for Force Sight which is his strongest ability.

Skills: Double Weapon Fighting, Stealth, Disguise, Search, CQC(Close Quarters Combat), First Aid, Craft(Melee Weapons)

Strenghts and Weaknesses: The thought of his late wife and daughters haunt the Gray Man every single day of his life. It is seen as a weakness but it can also be a strength as the anger towards the raiders that done him wrong, fuels him to keep going and keep fighting for another day.

Gear: Two Hand-crafted eternely sharp blades worn between his shoulder blades, two modified DL-44 Blaster pistols, form fitting black/gray fiber armor giving him great range of motion and not to mention some protection from blades and blaster shots, black head band worn over his eyes, hooded black cloak, stealth field generator

Ships: A-24 Sleuth. A Incom Corporation Scout ship.

Personality: The Gray Man holds a very cold demeor. The galaxy had done him wrong and he would never forgive any. Although Dalas doesn't push anyone away with a cold shoulder, he certainly doesn't befriend that many. In order to gain The Gray Man's trust and friendship, he would have to see first hand that you were loyal.


His father was part of a squadron of Mandalorians who secretly overtook a small village on Corellia. His mother was one of the villagers. The mother, being rather attractive, was constantly harassed by some of the lower level Mandalorians until his father stopped them. His mother noticed this kind act and they began to speak on a regular basis. Soon, they started to be together intimately but it was kept secret. Before they were discovered, a Correlian platoon, that had discoverd the Mandalorians attack, over took the Mandalorians and won the village back. His mother and father only saw each other once more before he was shipped away to mine spice in the Kessel run, one of the most secret and dangerous expeditions that the Corellians are undertaking.

Soon after, his mother gave birth to a son, Dalas. The mother, having not owned her own place to stay before, was forced to sell herself and her son into slavery where they both now work on a farm. Their owner was a nice man who took very good care of them and taught Dalas much about the ways of the sword. Around when Dalas turned 16, the owner became sick but still continued Dalas' training with the sword and started training him with the blaster. Dalas soon started entering competitions and quickly became known on Corellia as the fastest shooter and swordsman at the young age of 19. Around the age of 18, he met a young man and a young girl at the largest tournament that brought several towns together. The three of them were just one town away from each other and they started spending lots of time together.

His owner, facing death, released Dalas into the world but kept his mother so she could keep watch over him as his personal assistant. He was reluctant to leave but was conviced it was the best for him. He went to the Republic Academy and became a soldier for their Grand Army. The Republic Army was basically known for their peace keeping abilities because of the absence of galactic war. Dalas made his career by being a soldier. He did however long for something more and had meet up with the young girl who he had befriended at the tournament. He was then honorably discharged from the Republic's Army.

Now former soldier of the Republic, Dalas was a man of honor, always willing to help out those in need and less fortunate than himself. When he left the Republic and settled down with his wife and two daughters he intended to live out the rest of his life as a simple farmer who had served the Republic loyaly. Sadly, it was not to be.

One morning, having just gotten back from town where he was buying supplies,he noticed something odd. His wife and daughters had'nt come out to greet him. They always came out to greet him. Worried, he ran to his home, afraid that they might be hurt. In his rush he did'nt notice the raider come from the side of his house until the club knocked him out. When he awoke, he was tied up. The raiders made him watch as they took turns raping his wife and daughters while sat by helpless to do anything. He could do nothing as they killed his family before his eyes.

When they finished, they set to work on him, first by cutting his back, then by cutting his chest and stomach. Lastly. they ran a blade down each side of his face, making sure the blade went through each eye-lid, blinding him, and then left him for dead. As much as he wished for death to come, it never would. Some how he managed to crawl outside, where a traveling Jedi came upon his body.

When he finally awoke, his wounds had been healed, and his eyes had been bandaged. Anger filled his heart. In the coming months as he recovered, the Jedi taught him the basics of the Force and how to use it to see. Every night that he slept the faces of the raiders filled his mind. Nineteen men. Men who would pay with their lives. Sensing his anger, the Jedi left, saying only that "Anger leads to the Darkside. You shall never be a Jedi if you let anger control you."

Caring only for vengeance, he commisioned a pair of swords be made, there blades eternaly sharp, able to cut through the toughest armor. He practiced night and day, learning how to use two blades at once, developing his own style. With that came a new identity. When he thought he was ready, he sold his farm and everything he had. He was no longer Dalas Treyvark. He was now The Gray Man.

Years passed. Credits ran out. In those desperate times when he needed more credits, he sold his skill with the blade, becoming a freelance Assassin. Twelve of the nineteen raiders were dead. Only seven remained. But where are those remaining seven men?



SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
man, that's is one interesting guy. love the pic. your bio is great too.