Dania Liagri

Emerald Apple

SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2016
Reaction score
NAME: Dania Liagri
FACTION: The Accord
GENDER: Female
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes untrained (all Vahla are force sensitive)


Tall and with a thin build, she has a greyish tint to her skin. Her eyes are a little darker grey than her skin tone and with a slant to the edges. Her hair is black, thick and straight and reaches just past her shoulders when she chooses to wear it down. The rest of her face tends not to attract much notice although some might find it well balanced and pleasant. An another thing which might set her apart is the tattoo that runs across her shoulders as well as her upper back and chest, inked in black and in a geometric cultural pattern.

She prefers to dress casually most often seen in pants and a jacket. She prefers clothing in darker colors that let her blend into most crowds. Due to her semi nomadic existence she also chooses those that don't require that much up keep and can be folded and stored with relative ease.

Generally a people person at heart she has a knack in getting people to open up to her, if they do not she has not problem using less moral ways to find out what she wishes. While she usually has the right intentions at heart her cultural up bringing might make her seem a little less than an up standing person when things don't go positively. She is also rather impulsive and often does things with out a lot of for thought something that has gotten her into trouble more than once. For the most part she just want to do what she wants to do and have a good time doing it. She does however have the habit of taking mental notes about people, though she does not trust these to writing.

Her attention span is rather short unless she takes the effort to extend it. It is one of the reasons she often relocates. Given her species cult she tends to be a little leary of jedi not sure how excepting of her they will be.

Outspoken and assertive. Enjoys people and is stimulating company. Outgoing, social, open, attention seeking. Insensitive. Always joking. The life of the party. Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. Good at a broad range of things. Enjoys debating issues. Likes one-upmanship. Talented at presentation. Gets excited about new ideas and projects, but may neglect the more routine aspects of life. Great ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions. Rule breaker, risk taker, thrill seeker. Comfortable in unfamiliar situations. Appreciates strangeness and counterculture. Adaptable. Messy. Acts without thinking. Not into organized religion. More likely to support legalization of drugs. Easy going. Adventurous. Aggressive. Experience junky. Not easily offended. Carefree, dangerous, fearless, careless. Emotionally stable. Spontaneous. Improviser, player, wild and crazy, dominant.

Born on Anaxes to a father who was a mildly successful artist who made sculptures from glass. As a result her childhood was fairly well to do, depending on the number of clients her father had and what they were paying him. Most of the time she was able to go to a private school and take family trips to the lovier parts of Anaxes or to her dismay historical sights.

Though her family were a part of the cult of the Ember by default being Vahla it never paid a large part in their lives, her parents preferring to concern themselves with their daily lives in the galaxy. Due to the influx of holofilms being shown on Anaxes at the time she began to become fascinated espionage. As a child she would spend time trying to spy on her family members and friends making records of what she uncovered.
As she became older she became aware that there were people in the galaxy who actually did things like the characters she admired in the films. Given the militaristic culture of her homeworld it was relatively easy to find programs who trained people in espionage and the like, she made it one of her goals to get into such a place.

While did manage it and got through the program, the job market was not as she would have liked it to be. She managed to scrape by doing freelance work and moonlighting. However, she was aware of the fact her skills would be more in demand on other worlds with less trained personal. Saving credits as she went she was able to buy passage off world with a little stipend to support herself as she took herself else where.

Slicing- While no expert slicer, she can manage to get her way into most systems that are not heavily encripted
Blaster use- Passible as part of her education, she 's not sharp shooter but she can hold her own in a fight for a little while at least
Disguise- No stranger to hair dye, contact lenses, and the like she can usually find a way to alter her appearance some what
Piloting - She's a passable pilot when it comes to small or medium sized ships

Data spike, small amount of credits, small blaster, personal effects clothing, data pad







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