Dervish Dance


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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There came a time when all things, great and small balanced on the edge of a knife. The inevitible gasp when that moment was realized and the next instant when fate would end the equilibrum bringing resolution for one side or the other. That was the way of all things. Knowing when to add that extra bit of effort to get things to fall in your favor was the key to greatness. Sayre always found it strange such thoughts came to mind when she was in the worst of positions. Poised over a pair of guards talking with only a sprinkler head to hold on to was just such a position. She had the information stolen from the Ebonclaws in her pack but getting out of this high security facility would be the greater trick. She did her best not to sigh as she hung over the guards. Part of her wished this was a Hutt operation rather then a Republic one. The guards the Hutt's hired were less likely to be so chatty. Getting out before the bypassed sensors went off, that would be the real trick...

Comeon.... She thought, Who bloody cares about the pod race scores?


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*Time passed and eventually the two gabby guards moved on allowing Sayre to drop to the floor once more. With deft skill she slipped along the corridor moving back to the air vent that granted her entrance. With the sinuous grace only a Danthiri can muster she slithered back through the small opening into the duct work and attached the grating once more... Working her way along her back trail she paused several times to disengage her bypasses, doing her best to leave no trace.*

"I really need to start using some of Grandmother's suits... these heists are getting time consuming.." She muttered.

*Some twenty minutes later she emerged on the side of the superstructure of the massive building, the wind whipping her silver hair. Nestling down into the harness she attached to the outer wall she closed up the grate. Now all she had to do was alert her ride and she could mark this as a done deal. She clicked the comm beacon and waited.*

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*In a drunken stupor, Gruuhsk shuffled out of the cantina and toward the airspeeder he won in a game of sabaak. Pulling on the handle, he growled in anger as it didn't want to open. A Republic guard moved toward him trying to keep him out of the airspeeder for his safety as well as others. It was a foolish task for one man to go up against him. His body slammed into the side of the speeder and slumped to the ground as the wolf laughed and crawled into the airspeeder. Pulling away and into the busy airways, he flew directly into oncoming speeders and away doing a game of chicken. All the while, his deep laughter echoed off the inside of the pit. Oh how he enjoyed his free time. It was then that he got the beacon. The glowing eyes looked at the display and blinked twice to focus. Ahead of him two speeders collided in a bright display of lights and fire as the Republic started after him. He didn't seem to care though. He was more concerned about this beacon. The idea that it wasn't Amara didn't seem to even enter his mind.*


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*Waiting... That wasn't one of the things Sayre ever did well but she managed this time with only a few artfully inventive curses. If she were better at Wind-weaving she could fly like her grandmother could... though no other Weaver has managed that little trick. Grandma was one of a kind. She heard the story of her riding the starship up into the sky more than once. It was thoughts such as these that passed the time until she heard the whine of an airspeeder approaching her position. ready to weave the light around her to hide her presence she watched hoping it was her ride.*

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*He growled again in anger as the person perched on top of the building was not that of Amara. It was some humanoid with blue skin...hopefully close to death, so he thought. He knew nothing of the Danthiri. All he knew was that anything that wasn't from his species or wasn't Amara shouldn't be trusted or approached. The speeder passed by a little too closely as the two republic airspeeders fired upon his engines trying to bring him down.*


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*It wasn't her ride but it would do. She cut her harness' power unit and dropped, using a powerful gust of wind she guided herself into the passenger seat. She turned to direct that powerful gust at the republic airspeeders hoping to bring the two of them into collision with one another. She couldn't remember the name of the wolf-like species that drove the vehicle but considering the Republic officers would have seen her anyway she had no choice but to keep him and his ride from the cops.*

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*His eyes went away from the viewer and immediately grabbed the woman by the throat with his massive clawed hands. As his drunken focus was upon her, he didn't see or know of the building that was fast approaching them. The two Republic airships behind them were slowed and fought to control themselves.*

"Outta my ship, ya stinking human!" He cried in his native tongue.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*She didn't understand his language but she knew the nature of his meaning well enough... She grabbed at his wrist then pointed at the onrushing buildings*

"Turn..!" She managed

*She forced the air into her lungs to keep from choking as she held on to his wrist*

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*He let out a deep growl in his chest before he turned his glowing red eyes to the viewer and abruptly let go of her neck and turned the airspeeder quickly. With the sharpness of the turn and his hand moving to cut back the power on the engines, the engines stalled and they began a downward descent while turning from the building. One republic vessel wasn't able to pull away in time and exploded with a loud crash and floating debris flying off of it. His hands worked quickly flipping switches and such trying to get the engines to kick in again. Finally, they started again and he pulled them out of the deep dive. Laughter filled the pit as the alcohol buffered the fear he normally would have experienced at this point.*


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*She gripped the armrests to keep herself from flying out of the airspeeder, then when she could she strapped herself in. Looking up she gestured sending bursts of wind to deflect any of the major pieces from the crashed airspeeder.*

"Look..." She started as she looked to her wolven driver "Just get me to the port and I'll pay you five hundred credits for your trouble." She said in galactic hoping he'd understand.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*The heavily accented beast of a man finally spoke to her and didn't fight back.*

"1500 and you'll arrive with no tails. 500 and we stirr up more trouble for you, thief."

*His glowing red eyes left the horizon for only a moment to show her just how serious he was. Never had he been called a charmer. Even among his kind, the women found him somewhat one.*


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*She smirked, she found his candor refreshing, no claims at honor or questions of what she'd stolen. She liked that. She didn't like it 1500 credits worth but she did like it.*

"1000 credits and no tails."


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*She grinned raising her hand and letting a halo of fire crackle over her fingertips*

"Eleven Hundred and I don't burn your nav system into slag as you leave."

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*His growl deepened as well his sharp pointy teeth were exposed from his dark brown lips. With these same teeth, he had ripped flesh from his victims and even muscle. He really hated force users. Now this woman had two strikes against her. He would drop her off with no tails, but if she ever crossed his path again, she was history.*

"You drive a hard bargain." *His angered answer came.*

*Turning back to the controls, he led the final speeder on a chase through the city skyways. He took no care of his passenger's wellbeing. The ship twisted and turned as if being slung about by an angered rancor in an arena. It made the ride rough, but it was working. The republic officer fell further and further back until he completely disappeared. A soft growl of satisfaction rose from his chest. NOW he could get rid of the humanoid.*


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*She held on, she was used to rough rides afterall, she offered no scream or squeal, infact she seemed to be enjoying the ride. The slight smile on her face faded however when she felt the wash of the force pass over her. She started looking around searching for any sign of the Jedi pursuing them finally she caught sight of the lone figure on an airspeeder bike almost out of sight well above them.... almost.*

"Vith!" She snarled "I'll give you five thousand if you lose the Dosib biker..." She said mixing in explitives of her native tongue in with Galactic.

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*He turned to check the rear and saw a fast approaching speeder....the was a Jedi. His lips curled up in a smile exposing his pointy teeth again as he gunned the ships engines and sped forward. The Jedi met speed with speed. The hunt was on...yet little did the Jedi know how well Gruuhsk could play this game. He let out a roar of cheer at the idea of something so close to home. The only thing that could have made it any better was another round of drinks.*

"You got it, blue."


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*The Jedi hung in tight as he could, the speeder bike far more manuverable then an airspeeder. Sayre closed her eyes and did her best to weave turbulance for the Jedi but his ability on the bike was up to the challenge. However between both the wolf and Sayre the effort on the Jedi was telling as he began to drop back from them.*

Lillianne Crasse

Senior Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*He risked a glance backwards and saw the Jedi falling further and further behind. These Jedi could sniff other force users out just as he could sniff out bad people. The urge to throw her out of the speeder was great, yet the prospect of 5000 in his pockets was too tempting. Ahead a medium sized YT was moving in. He gunned the engines and headed right for it. If he wasn't careful, he would drive them right into the burners exhaust and scorch them into the other plane of existence. If he moved close enough to other lifeforms, hopefully he could lose the Jedi. Manuevering the ship as close to the transport as he dared try, he shut the burners and latched onto the undercarriage.*


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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*She used the burners as a source and forced the fire from it to expand making it impossible for the Jedi to follow without char-broiling himself. She smiled as she felt his focus on her break as he had to save himself*

"Okay, punch it." She said holding on to the armrests again.