Disappearance from the files

David S

SWRP Writer
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Aeth was hiding from the Lettow, after he had left them he knew they were coming for him. He knew what he had to do, he had to erase his profile from a news banks. But this wasn’t going to be easy. He had to get into the main base of the net feeds on Coruscant, and then delete his files. He hadn’t done this before; the Holonet didn’t know he could use the force or anything about him after he became a Lettow for the matter. Aeth knew where he had to go. Aeth walked to the building he had to go to. There were two guards.

You will let me pass.

I don’t think so buddy.

Aeth knew this was going to be easy. He pulled out his guns while the men got their rifles ready. Aeth shot them both to the ground and then his their bodies. Aeth then hacked the security to get in.

Aeth walked in, this was easy, until he gets caught in here. Aeth walked around a bit in the shadows before finding where he was meant to go. He walked up and deleted his files; he knew that it wasn’t going to be the easy. Then an alarm sounded. He had been found, he saw about three HK-51 droids walk up to him and get their blaster rifles ready. Aeth knew this couldn’t be the end; he had worked to hard to die now. But he knew the second he walked out of this building that he would never be able to show himself every again, HK droids were assassins, they would hunt him down. Aeth ran for it, the droids ran after him. He heard shots come his way. Aeth felt a piercing pain in his chest and looked down, there was blood coming from his chest, Aeth felt woozy, he fell to the ground dead. It was over, he couldn’t escape.