[droid] mjtd-001


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Sep 11, 2010
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Modified Jedi Training Droid

Accessing Droid Memory Core...

Hello, I am MJTD-001, often shorted to just "MJ-TD". I am a customized droid, built for training and protocol purposes by the Jedi Knight, Siri Firestorm.

I was built shortly after my master became a Jedi Knight in order to help her on missions, train her lightsaber skills, be her interpretor, and record various things for her for later use. Over time, she began to view me as a sort of 'companion' and brought me with her nearly everywhere she went. I am programed in over a million forms of alien language. I am also programed to know extensive amounts of galactic history, especially Jedi history, as well as Jedi lightsaber forms, and can upload any information to my memory bank presented to me in a holodisc.

I am outfitted with several holoprojectors, allowing me to shapeshift my appearance for training or espionage purposes, as well as to receive communications from beings that my master contacts. Lastly, I am programed with a masculine personality, though for what reason, my master hasn't informed me.

End Memory Core recording...

Description, Programing & Abilities
MJ-TD is a Jedi holodroid, which Siri modified to be somewhat of a companion during her many missions across the galaxy as a Jedi. Like other droids of his design, he was initially programed with information on the seven accepted Jedi lightsaber forms and could use them to help his owner hone her lightsaber skills. Another trait that MJ-TD shared with other Jedi holodroids was his ability to use holoprojectors to assume the appearance of almost any humanoid being in the galaxy. This ability also was due to the droid's interface with HoloNet.

Siri made several large modifications to the droid, such as allowing it to be used as a communication device utilizing its HoloNet interface and holoprojectors. She also connected its interface with the Jedi Archives, allowing her to access any information necessary to her training, mission, or to teach her students. Siri installed protocol modules to his programming, allowing him to take on a personality of his own, as well as acting as an interpretor whenever she encountered a being whose language she was unfamiliar with.

Siri also added cortosis to the droid's plating, making it lightsaber resistant so that she would not accidentally destroy or dismember the droid during her many training sessions with it. This also made it resistant to blaster fire. Siri has mentioned that in an actual combat situation, MJ-TD would only be useful against non-Force sensitives, as Force-sensitives could simply disable the droid's circuitry. It was also weak to EMP blasts and powerful enough explosions.

MJ-TD carries around a training lightsaber, as well as a normal lightsaber with a blue blade. When Siri isn't carrying it, MJ-TD also carries the lightsaber of her deceased Jedi Master, Haar.

Raven has a comlink built into its vocal circuits, allowing him to stay in contact with Siri at all times, even when they are great distances apart.


Additional Information
MJ-TD is meant to be a companion character to my Jedi Knight, Siri Firestorm. He will appear only in RPs that include her.
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