Droids Looking For You

Brent Fury Drast

Fun Nightmare
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2019
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At least they had made it to the salesman before the fighting had started. They were holed up in some form of droid repair facility. Brent double checked his blaster pistol before reholstering it and unslinging his blaster rifle.

As he moved to make sure that their 'package' was safe he could hear a strange noise even through the walls of the droid garage. He stopped and looked around, wondering where it was coming from. A block or so away there were over a dozen metallic combatants approaching the building. This was the threat that they had come here to face.

Seventeen battle droids made by the salesman's twin brother were marching towards them. They were armed with simple blaster rifles but would still be effective if they ended up getting hit.

"Alright, you..." He pointed towards the worried man who realize his well being was in inevitable danger. "...get in your office and lock the door. We'll get you when its safe." The man scrambled from his place and headed into the office room. A faint click of the door locking behind him. Brent doubted that would do much if the droids got through though. But the Drast would not let it come to that.


Crix Dolan (TL8)

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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"Oh boy..." Crix sighed pulling a pack of ratty smokes from his jacket pocket and lighting one up as. He took a drag and watched as the salesman retreated. He pulled his Quickdraw blaster and adjusted his Scout Armor. He took one last drag on his cigarette and then flicked it toward the hoard. He channeled the force into his body and made for cover.

The Jedi took cover behind some machinery and waited for the battle to begin. The droids were marching in formation and with their weapons at the ready. Their ominous glowing photoreceptors shifting to acquire a target.

Crix came out of cover and tired off two shots aimed a the group's center. One droid was turned to slag and another was clipped, but the rest scattered before his shots could land home. The bulk of the formation chose Crix as their target and began to close in on his location.

"This is gonna be fun," he muttered to himself as he prepared for the fireworks to start up.

Crix's attack run was bearly a success. Results


Brent Fury Drast

Fun Nightmare
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score

He could tell things were about to get interesting. Crix felt it too, the electricity in the air, and it was not because of any of the exposed wires in the ratty location. His friend pulled out his quick draw and fired into the marching group of death machines.

They moved to get into cover, meaning they were not completely garbage fighters. Brent had pulled a fragmentation grenade and threw it. But bolts were already flying, droids taking cover. There was no way he would be able to guide the ordnance as effectively as he wanted with assistance from the force. Instead he had to hope his actual throwing arm had done well enough.

In the end it seemed it barely dismantled a single droid in the explosion. Brent yelled at the exploded grenade in annoyance. "Oh come on!" That foolish action earned him a blaster bolt to one of the arm guards he had raised to shake a fist with like some old man. Pulling the damaged arm back and getting into cover the Drast muttered a few more curses that would have impressed a void sailor.

going to force chuck a grenade (Barely a success)

Crix Dolan (TL8)

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
The droids were systematically pairing off into squads and picking their target. The battle was in full effect as superheated plasma bolts decorated the space between the rebels and the droids. It was clear the droids were running a decent attack protocol, which was kind of a bummer considering it was two against sixteen, but he'd survived worse.

Fury's grenade went off taking out one of the droids. Crix came out of cover as a squad closed in on him. Four droids had managed to close in on his cover that was a serious no-no. With Quickdraw in hand, he let off three shots. Six bolts ripped through durasteel plating and severed servos dropping three of the droids where they stood. The final used his falling companions as cover and darted behind some machinery directly across from Crix's position.

Blaster fire from his right side forced the Jedi behind cover. He'd managed to drop three leaving twelve. Not bad, but could have been better. He tried to find Fury, he knew the padawan was off to the side, but he'd lost sight of him at the start of this battle and didn't want to find himself on the receiving end of his friend's blaster fire.

Crix pew pew'd. Results


Brent Fury Drast

Fun Nightmare
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score

As a moment passed behind cover the pain seeped in a little bit more than he would have liked to admit. Shifting his posture the protective parts and fibers of his attire rubbed against the damaged skin. "owowowow" A grunt followed as the man righted himself.

Kneeling Brent reached for his other grenade. "Come on Loon, play me a song." He said to the Personal Entertainment Assistant he hovering nearby. The thing chirped singularly and then began playing a song that made Brent stare at it. "Next...song....". A few seconds later the droid switched to something that earned it an approving nod from the man.

Rising up from the crouched spot he turned to look at the droids that had begun moving more tactically. Spotting a group of them he tossed the second and last fragmentation grenade he had. The device went through the air and fell to the ground. It was short, but the momentum kept it rolling. Brent gave it a look, willing it to move. Maybe his influence in the force moved it or it just had been thrown hard enough. The explosion caught three droids in the explosion. A woot escaped Brent's lips enough to attract the attention of the other droids. "Oh...sh-" The rebel ducked into cover once again before any of the bolts fired from the droids could actually hit him.

going to force chuck a grenade (success)

Omnis Waszylla

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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After so long, it was finally time to return and make a difference. Omnis' mother had fallen ill just after he'd previously joined Star Squadron, making him return to his home to help care for her. Thankfully he hadn't been too famous a rebel, making life relatively peaceful during her waning time. She had finally passed, surrounded by her precious family, and the smile on her face had filled Omnis with sadness yet a sense of contentment that he'd made an impact in her life at the end. It put a lot into perspective, showing him a glimpse of what his path should be. He had to fight hard in the now so that innocents in the future would live in a better and more peaceful time. Where others could smile just as his mother had. It was time to stop acting the hero and become one.

To that end, he managed to catch up on his first mission back with his companions just as they came under fire from the droids. Having taken to the rooftops to give them support from high ground, the human fumbled for his grenade as his old muscle memory had disappeared from the long time away. Finally grabbing the frag grenade he tossed it over to where some of the droids had grouped to fire at Brent. Perhaps still a bit off, the explosive fell a bit short, only catching two of them in it's deadly range. Perhaps there was something about his location that flagged some sort of warning in the droids, as he held advantageous ground, but quite a few turned to start firing on him. He dropped, grabbing at his sidearm as he became pinned by their fire. It would be quite dangerous to attack again with the heavy fire, yet hopefully this had given his teammates some time to catch their breath and regroup. This was one of a hero's jobs, after all, to save and help their friends when in need.

Brent Fury Drast

Fun Nightmare
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score

The blast bolts impacted against the cover Brent was hiding behind. But he noticed they stopped hitting around him. Popping his head over the lip of his protective surrounding he saw the droids aiming at the third member of the protection detail. It was the smiling Omnis finally arriving as backup.

It did look like he was going to be in a tough spot just like Brent had been if they did nothing though. "Compute this you stupid droids!" It was the best he could come up with as he centered his sights and let fire several blaster bolts. They would strike two different droids. One was the partially damaged one from earlier. Their bodies crumpling to the ground. Some of them returned to focusing on him again. Brent returned to cover as the return fire resumed its attention on him. Only five droids remained for the time being. The automaton's focus was split between the rebel and the jedi for the time being.

opening up with his rifle again (success)

Omnis Waszylla

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
Thankfully, the person whose back he was supposed to have also had his, as the attention being split for the droids allowed Omnis to move his position to one of more cover. Luckily this new spot on the roof gave him a good angle on his attackers, drawing his blaster and lining up his shots. He hesitated a moment, letting his gut govern when he should pull the trigger. Maybe he was being helped by the Force or maybe it was just experience by this point, though either way the young man didn't care. It was satisfying to see his bolts hit true from his two shots. Two more droids down, three to go. The end was in sight, hopefully Brent could take out the rest of the damned metal aggressors. Usually Omnis didn't mind droids, yet in these cases it was so hard to talk or act one's way out of a fight. And he really didn't like fights.


Brent Fury Drast

Fun Nightmare
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score

It looked like they were going to be alright. With the extra backup the droids may as well be scrap. Brent took a deep breath as a few more enemy bolts pinged off the cover he was in. The force was with him.

At least that is what Brent was feeling right then. The man stood up and tried firing at one of the droids remaining. He thought he was going to just go full swag master and rip into them. But instead he heard a click his as his blaster's ammo container indicated it was defective. He must have picked up some spare blaster packs from one of the poorer quality stashes. Reused and maintained poorly it had probably only been able to hold a portion of the tibanna gas needed to count as a normal charge.

If that was not bad enough his upper left shoulder had a blaster bolt strike it. He had body armor on thankfully. But still it sent him falling back with a surprised what the force was that? Did I just get hit? Look then his expression of surprise took to mild pain as he felt some of the bleed through damage. "pleasedon'tleaveascar, pleasedon'tleaveascar, " He repeated as if it would stifle the pain a little.

pew pew again (Major fail)

Omnis Waszylla

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
When he saw Brent get hit, Omnis had two choices. Panic and potentially doom the whole mission despite their seemingly impending success, or take action and save the day, like a true Hero. Even though he knew the Jedi was more powerful than him, Brent still needed him, and at this point most people would show their true colors. Most run from this kind of adversity. So would Omnis, though he would run TOWARDS the danger. He had someone important to him to save. Grabbing one of his Thermal Detonators, he thumbed the trigger to hear the iconic beeping countdown to detonation. He took aim, paused a moment until his gut, or the Force, told him it was time, then let loose.

His aim was true. The detonator landed in the midst of the last of the droids just as the countdown ended. The explosion was always a memorable thing, unique to Thermal Detonators, and as the light faded he saw that the threat was now gone. He jumped down from the roof, using the Force to cushion his landing, and ran over to Brent as he grabbed at his portable first aid kit. "I'm sorry I was late, Sir. Are you okay? Here, let me help you..." He would help patch up the Master if he was allowed, but would nonetheless stay close by in case he was needed. During that time, the man they had all come there to convince to help them had come out to try to try to help as well. They had just saved him from his brother's droids, cementing his loyalty. By saving him, they had indeed accomplished their mission.


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