Duarte's Heavy Beskar'gam


Loyalty above all else except Honor
SWRP Writer
Feb 16, 2017
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Duarte's Heavy Beskar'gam

Unlike many formal military organizations, the Mandalorian warrior culture encourages quite a high degree of individualism in its formations, even when it comes to things like armor and weapons. While certain items are very consistent across the force, most soldiers make their own modifications to what they are provided- this could be anything from personal weapons and tools that suit the wearers fighting style or mission, to custom accent colors or markings, pelts and trophies both to demonstrate combat prowess or for decoration. Underneath all this though is the classic heavy plating and lines of Mandalorian workmanship, topped off with the familiar and widely feared T-visor.


Mandalorian armor- typically defined as anything bearing the cultures iconic T-visor- has been banned in Sith space as a part of the Mandalorian Cultural Repression laws meant to curb the peoples individualistic and rebellious tendencies. Outside of Sith space, the armor doesn't tend to invite any further scrutiny than other armors in its class, and local jurisdictions vary widely.


This is the personal armor of Duarte Kelborn, and will be used to track the specific upgrades he does to it.


Type and Coverage

Type: Heavy Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Head: A full coverage duraplast helmet with integrated neck protector and transparisteel t-visor
  • Torso: Solid beskar-alloy plating over bantha hide undersuit, from neck to belt
  • Back: Solid beskar-alloy plating over bantha hide undersuit, from neck to belt
  • Upper Arms: Duraplast pauldrons and elbow protectors
  • Lower Arms: Forearm length gloves with beskar alloy plating
  • Upper Legs: Beskar alloy groin protector and thigh plates
  • Lower Legs: Armored Boots with duraplast shin and toe plating, and knee pads


Function 1: Concealed blade

  • Concealed blades are typically 4-6 inches in length and lock into place once extended. They are almost always placed along the fore-arm or boot. They are no substitute for true combat knives as the locking mechanism can break under strong impacts. Still, some people enjoy them as a helpful backup.
Function 2: Computer Spike
  • Computer spikes are electronic interface tools used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most unencrypted civilian systems can be cracked in one full posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
Function 3: Recorder

  • The recorder, usually located in the helmet, is a device that records visual audio content for up to an hour. It has to be activated by the user manually for it to begin. It is capable of working with existing HUD systems like advanced zoom (scout HUD) or night vision however as a stand alone function it does not possess any such additional abilities. This recorded data can be transferred to a data storage device or terminal as well after the desired content is captured. A small thumb sized data drive holds the data and can be removed, overwritten or replaced at the disgression of the user.