Ask Eating Peas in the Ship

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Core Worlds . . .

Night on Coruscant came and went like nights on other worlds, though some were shorter than others. Cas’ night was definitely a short one. She couldn’t remember falling asleep, nor going to bed, but she did remember meeting a fellow Mandalorian in the cantina.

That one had hardly touched her drink but this one had guzzled it. Fortunately her poison of choice was not beer or wine or whiskey like it was for so many di’kuts, rather it was vodka. That one was so pure it rarely caused a hangover, assuming the kind that Cas drank was the galactic standard.

The galaxy was funny like that. What was common for one planet was uncommon for another. What is right for one people is wrong for another. Dwelling on such thoughts would give its own kind of headache so Cas climbed out of bed to be greeted by the night sky outside her window.

Though, in space it was always night. It was no motel bed that had cradled an Anvil but a freighter’s. It was not named to Casany Praxor—her Winged Pike was more banged up than she thought—but it was a cheap enough rent-a-ship and a lot more spacious for the journey ahead. Like a caravan with wings instead of wheels.

In the cockpit, Cas had since traded her ex-endeavor’s T-Shirt that hung to her thighs for a T-Shirt that hung to her hips and a pair of jeans to go with. Breakfast was pot noodle on account of a broken refrigerator.

As dubstep drifted from overhead speakers, Cas propped her boots on a console, sipped hot black coffee from a thermos and gazed as stars glittered in the endless night.

“Morning, Miss Mando,” the captain called over comm. “It’s another beautiful day in the cosmos. Come find me in the cockpit when you’re ready. Let’s catch up.”


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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It was just like old times. Zaia hadn’t realized how much she missed the simplicity of how she used to live until she met Casany Praxor. It was one thing to wake up and have nothing to worry about except for what she wanted to have for breakfast, and a whole other to be forced to spend her waking hours figuring out how she would earn enough credits to pay for the following night’s stay. Fortunately for her, Cas had offered her ship to stay in for the time being, and if she were being honest, Zaia couldn’t think of anything else that she wanted, or needed, more. Other than credits— she’d always need more of those, but she couldn’t possibly ask Casany to empty her pockets for her.

The previous night had been a sleepless one. During her brief stop on Coruscant, she’d received a transmission from a woman offering her a job. One that paid well too. The only downside was that she had no idea what the job actually was, other than the fact that it would be dangerous. She’d spent the entire night, whatever night was in space, laying down on her stomach with her chin resting on her elbows, staring out the window and deliberating over whether or not she should accept the offer. As of now, the woman’s call was still unanswered, but she would have to make a decision sooner or later.

The crackle of the comm heralding Cas’s voice was what brought her back into the present. Somewhat. The woman asked to meet her in the cockpit to catch up— simple enough, she could do that. Zaia rolled over and tossed her legs over the edge of the bed, stifling a yawn as she rubbed her eyes and sat up. When she attempted to stand up, the floor felt wobbly all of a sudden, causing her to slip and nearly hit her head on the edge of the bed before she was able to catch herself. Okay, maybe she couldn’t do it. After getting to her feet again, Zaia stumbled over to where the door was, trying to gain a foothold so that she wouldn’t fall flat on her face as she went over to the cockpit. Unfortunately for her, it was only now that she realized skipping sleep last night was a bad idea.

With a muffled groan, Zaia rubbed her forehead and headed towards the cockpit. Upon entering it, the first thing she noticed was her reflection in the glass, and she instantly felt the urge to run back and put on her helmet. Her eyes were so red that it looked like she’d been the one drinking all that vodka back in the cantina. It was too late now though; Casany had probably already heard her coming in. And so she plopped herself in the co-pilot’s seat, trying not to meet the gaze of the woman.

“Morning,” she said, trying to sound as normal as she could. Of course her voice had to crack, even with just the one word. Just her luck. She tried again. "How're you?"

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

There was a moment of silence after Zaia posed her question. It was all Cas could do to stare at those weary eyes as though the lids above them might snap shut any moment now.

“More rested than you, I’ll wager.” Her lips spread, suddenly seeing herself ten years ago, as though this other Mandalorian was a mirror. All those years ahead of her. I'll never get mine back.

“Here you go, vod, this might help.” The captain offered a cup of java that piped steam as beautifully as smoke twirling from a campfire. Or an explosion. One that mirrors our legacy.

“Maybe I should have been a musician. A bard instead of a bounty hunter.”
That thought wasn’t intentionally voiced aloud but Cas decided to bank on it. “I’d have traveled the stars. Played the drums. Feel the beats as I'm beating down.”

She now offered Zaia a shrug that echoed her posture. "Eh, I guess I am a drummer in a way. A hammer as much as Anvil. I wager my bounties would agree." It wasn't everyone's game. Could it be Zaia's?


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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Zaia smiled gratefully as she took the hot cup of java. Simply the warmth that spread through her fingers from the cup seemed to wake her up a little more. It reminded her of when she was just a child, sitting in the common room eating breakfast with her family. However rare those moments were. It was little gestures like this that were often forgotten in the grand scheme of things, but they were the only real comfort she had. Here she was being philosophical again, she thought in amusement.

She smiled as she listened to Cas as the woman voiced her thoughts about what her life would have been like had she been a drummer. Surprisingly, she could actually picture that.

“I would have been your biggest fan,” she commented with a grin before taking a sip from her drink. She meant it too— Cas would probably be killing it with the drums… and possibly quite literally based off her next statement. That only brought her thoughts right back to what had kept her awake for so long.

“Mm, I’m sure,” she said quietly before taking another sip from her cup. “When you take a job…” she paused to think for a moment. “Do you ever think about what happens after you finish it? I guess it depends on what you’re doing, but… bounty hunting isn’t a pretty job.” Zaia wanted to hear what Cas had to say about it. Maybe it would help in making her own decision about that job, whether she could handle the possible consequences.

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Cas chuckled at her companion’s enthusiasm over her becoming a musician. She did love music; loved to sing and dance as much as shoot and fight. Can I still dance?

She could sit there in the pilot’s seat, black leather beside black coffee, and dwell on that question while the stars refused her reach.

Zaia’s own question just then caught Cas off guard. It wasn’t every day that she was being asked what she felt like after throwing some stupa behind barriers or into the morgue.

“What’s pretty is this galaxy of ours. Some of us stop to stare at it but others would sooner see the stars turn supernova so instead they see a cell.”

Blinking away alliteration, Cas sealed her speech. “Though, sometimes it’s just some poor fool in the wrong love affair. That may or may not get complicated.” She shrugged. “You get your Preef Callos in this business—a gunslinger if ever there was one—but I keep my own code. Every warrior must.”

Sighing, she realized it wasn't her real sister sitting beside her, though it may as well have been. “We’re meant for better, the mighty Mandalorians, but this galaxy’s made us mercenaries. We make of it what we will, and I reap from my hunts. I also sleep like a baby because of it. You might too.” She winked.

Of course, she now did more than roam the stars. Casany Praxor, the bounty hunter Anvil, had found new meaning in life. Orar’da’yadr. Can we still sing?


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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It really did depend on the job, didn’t it? She hoped that the one she’d been offered was something like the one Cas had mentioned. A simple lovers’ quarrel. The woman was right though— it was up to the person to decide how to view the consequences of those types of things. Zaia could only hope that she could follow her own code in what she did, like Cas, though she wondered how difficult it would be to do so.

“I’m with you on that one,” Zaia said as she leaned back in her chair. As of late it was true that the once-powerful Mandalorians had been forced to use their skills as bounty hunters and mercenaries for credits instead of for their people. It was a far cry from what they used to be. From what they could be, if they had a leader again.

She grinned at Cas’s mention of sleeping well because of her jobs. “I hope you’re right. I could use some more of it.” She chuckled at that. “I just hope that for this first job I take-”

There. She said it out loud. If she were being honest with herself, Zaia already knew that she was going to take the offer. The sum of money being offered was simply too much to resist. It was the morality of going through with it that she was worried about. And if she was dealing with the leader of a criminal organization, she knew that whatever the woman had planned, it probably was going to violate her own code.

She turned to Casany again. “Never mind that. Do you ever think of doing something else? Once you have enough credits. What would you spend your time doing then?”

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Cas cocked a brow at Zaia’s words about the job, not that having a job was anything unusual, rather cutting herself off mid-sentence sort of was. It didn’t take a Sector Ranger to figure out from the conversation that the younger Mandalorian might have some misgivings about whatever job had been offered to her.

With that topic tabled for now, Cas moved along with the freighter beneath their butts as it drifted aimlessly in Coruscant space—for now. Wow, this gal is full of questions, huh? That wasn’t all that bad. Cas had her secrets and they didn’t need to come out in her answers.

“That’s another query I never spent much time thinking about. For so long I was just Anvil, just a bounty hunter, because that’s the only way I knew how to survive.” She took a leisurely sip and sighed, not as one would do after drinking coffee but after realizing how much time you had wasted in your life.

“Then, not too long ago, I set my wings down on Mandalore for the second time in the same year.” Intentional or not, Zaia had brought Casany down deeper levels of her memories and so they spilled.

“Friends and allies, brothers and sisters in arms and armor, met to secure the future of our people. We came for unity. Some of us found it in the Coalition, the Orar’da’yadr, and I was one of them. I pledged the Praxor sigil pinned to my poncho, gave my gold sun to the fire…”

Now threatening to spiel, the Alor of Clan Praxor dismissed the murals of that meeting with a lazy wave. That was then. This is now. “So I guess you could say I started putting my credits into the cause instead of the cantina... What about you? This job of yours, you taking it for the creds? To buy what? Besides a ship of course.”


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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“Anvil. I like the name,” Zaia commented with a grin. Then she grew more serious. “You put your money in a good place, then. For the good of our people. I wish I had more to give.” She stared out the window for a few seconds, then took another sip from her cup.

“Yeah. Ship first. Then…” She tapped on her chin with a finger, then looked back at Cas, her eyes lighting up. “I’d go find my clan. Give the rest to them. Maybe I could even convince them to join this Coalition of yours. They aren’t very trusting of other people, even Mandalorians, but maybe I could change their minds. I know they want what’s best for Mandalore, but…” She trailed off, realizing that she was getting ahead of herself again. “Oh, blast it. They’d never listen to me.” She slumped back in her chair, still holding her cup of java. It wasn’t steaming anymore, but at least it was still warm.

“I guess I’d spend all the extra credits on whatever my clan needs, help them out wherever I can. It’s the least I can do for them after putting up with me for this long.” She took another sip from her cup, then smiled at Cas. “Who knows, one day I might be so rich that I could buy up a whole planet for us. Any Mando would be welcome. You especially,” she said with a grin. “We could do our own thing, live for our people instead of working our butts off for everyone else. Rebuild what we had before the Purge.” She chuckled, then shook her head. “Ah, it’s just a wish. I’d never have that much, but it can’t hurt to dream, eh?”

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

The gears were turning in Zaia’s head as quickly as a world spun around. Seeing it was as sweet as seeing a waterfall shower a band of di’kut hitmen drowning at the bottom of a river. Some memories best kept as.

Cas smiled at her co-pilot’s energy, sparked by the beginning of a burning passion that no warrior could deny. Fighting it was as futile as fighting a Krayt dragon wearing nothing but naked. Some memories best left as.

For their own people to have mistrust among each other was yet one more consequence of who the Mandalorians were today. Not forsaken, however, the Orar’da’yadr was to be the core for every clan that kept them all orbiting together. Spinning like the gears in a young woman’s head.

“My master-at-arms liked to say that one person’s dream is another person’s reality. It drove home how in combat there emerges one winner and one loser no matter how good you think you are. What matters is whether you fight for it.” And I’m full of adages, it seems.

“You speak the visions of our Orar’da’yadr. The fact is, sister, at some point the dream has to become a reality. Who knows? If enough of us share the dream then it will be.” Or it will be our nightmare all over again.

"I could introduce you to the others if you want. It won't mean you're bound by blood if you shake their hands or anything. Before or after your job. What is it, a bounty hunt? Stealing a freighter? Assassinating Emryc Throne?" She chuckled.


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
Reaction score

A winner and a loser. Sometimes, the outcome of a fight was determined before it even began. Even so, Zaia knew that what Cas was saying was true— it was fighting the fight that made the effort worth it. Even if it seemed as if all the odds were against the Mandalorian people, they would fight back tooth and nail to keep themselves alive. The Purge was proof of that. Despite the destruction and pillaging by the Empire, the people were still able to survive. And now, they were starting to come back together again in the form of the Orar’da’yadr.

That was why when Cas offered to introduce her to some of the members, Zaia jumped out of her seat and nearly spilled her drink before she managed to catch herself. “Could you? I’d love to!” She knew she sounded like an excited puppy, but the prospect of getting to meet others who were interested in the same thing was more than she could have hoped for. All her exhaustion was forgotten. First the offer of coming along on her ship, then getting to meet more Mandalorians, Casany Praxor was full of surprises.

When the woman asked about her job, Zaia frowned. “That’s the thing. I don’t know what I’m signing up for. The woman with the offer just told me it’d be dangerous, but the pay is good.” She shrugged. Though she was nonchalant on the outside, she was still unsure about whether or not taking the job would be a good idea. What if it got her involved in something she didn’t want to be in? Or, if she couldn’t go through with the plan. That would be a decision she’d have to make later, though.

She went over to Cas, and before the woman could react, Zaia wrapped her in a hug. “You’re the best.”

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Cas was taking her turn to be nonchalant at Zaia’s excitement. Just like me when I first spread my wings. When Casany Praxor had taken to the stars all by herself, meeting a world of possibilities in the form of an entire galaxy, there were no words to really describe that feeling. Zaia appeared to absorb it. Is this more than just helping one of my own?

What Zaia wasn’t so thrilled about was this job of hers. It sounded typical already; probably some third party shadow who needed something done and here’s your Mando and Zaia was ‘can do’. Danger meant little when the pay meant more.

I guess that’s my job every day. To think I once turned in a runaway myn— Before the thought could finish something had just attached itself to Cas. She tensed up, frozen, even as her heart thudded against her chest. Why? Wait…just like Jayl…

Where her little sister by blood was long gone like so many Praxors, Zaia was like her echo in the Force if not theirs. That’s nonsense. Cas could suffer from it on occasion. Right now she could no longer suffer this embrace.

“Ehhh it’s no big deal. Someone once did the same for me.” She casually declined to return the hug except her hand hugging her mug.

“You say you got a job lined up. You can take it or leave it but here’s another offer on the side: Consider tagging with me on a couple of hunts, get a feel for how I run this business, make some money and, most importantly . . . ”

She paused just long enough to retrieve a small pouch from her pocket and pouted for some sympathy. “ . . . Help me with these peas?”


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
Reaction score

Zaia noticed that Cas didn’t return the hug, but that was okay. What really mattered was that she was willing to show her how to get to the other Mandalorians. Even if the woman saw it as nothing, it meant everything to Zaia.

Once she pulled away, Cas made an offer that was better than anything she’d gotten so far. Coming along on some of Cas’s missions would give her what she needed most - experience, while also having someone to watch her back. Cas would benefit from the latter too, and Zaia couldn’t say no to some extra creds. And as the woman brought out the bag of peas from the bar, Zaia tried not to laugh as she saw the pouty expression on her face.

“Of course,” she responded with a grin. “Once I’m done with those, that bag will be full of creds instead.”

She sauntered back over to her seat and flopped herself down again. “Say, how often do you do this? Picking up random Mandos you meet in the bar. You don’t regret it now, do you?” she added with a cheeky grin.

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Cas could never refuse the idea of trading peas for credits. She had been trying to sell them after all, something that was definitely not her day job.

“I sure don’t make a habit of it,” she admitted. “Unless I’ve had a handful of drinks and need a ride.” Grins exchanged but Zaia was safe. “This one cantina I almost picked up a bag of Mando man meat named Srucayr. Built like a Krayt dragon. Turned out he’s married. Can’t win ‘em all I guess.” Master-at-arms. Can we still spar?

"You seem sound enough though, Krodas, and might just have been born a Praxor if the stars had aligned differently." Pouring herself another cup of coffee and offering to refill Zaia's, Cas thought more about the question. She was on a roll with doing that and at this rate would be the one not sleeping tonight.

“So anyway I got these peas from some Twi’lek di'kut named Burrito I think. Claimed they would keep you awake and focused for the long haul better than this caffeine. ‘Course, the idiot had a grocery bag with carrots and peas sticking out so I knew he was full of druk and just took ‘em for free.”

Smile for all the morons of the universe. “But if it’s legit it’ll do you good till bedtime.” Offering the pack, Cas was already popping a pea in her mouth and swallowed.

Giving a look that read the pea wasn’t that bad at all, she crossed one boot over the other upon the console and considered the best route to take from here. In more ways than one.


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
Reaction score

Zaia smiled. “You certainly had more than a handful of drinks the day you met me,” she joked. “But I was the one who needed a ride.”

When Cas mentioned the man she’d nearly picked up, Zaia tilted her head partly because of curiosity, and partly of surprise. Cas didn’t seem like the type to worry about romance or anything of the sort, but hey, anything was possible. Maybe even her being a Praxor. She wondered how different life would have been if she’d been born in Casany’s clan instead. While she didn’t know much about the woman’s upbringing, she assumed that it was very different from what she’d experienced. Maybe, in an alternate universe where they had been in the same clan, they could have been partners in crime or something of the sort.

Zaia took the refill of coffee gratefully, then listened to Casany’s story about how she came in possession of the peas. She’d been wondering that for a while, now that she thought of it. Selling peas in a bar to a Bothan who barely looked to be listening was quite odd for a Mandalorian of Cas’s stature. Though, given the description of Burrito, Zaia acknowledged that she’d probably have taken the peas too, just to be rid of him.

She took out a single pea from the bag when Cas offered, and after seeing the woman’s rather encouraging expression after eating her own, Zaia decided to give it a try. The pea was a bit chewy, but not bad. Assuming that it really did help with energy, staying up a little later couldn’t hurt— it would only guarantee a better sleep for later.

“Any idea where you’re headed next, captain? I’m happy to help where I can while I’m here, if there’s anything you need.”

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

There they were, two peas in a pod, plotting a course on a journey together. After Zaia ate her pea, Cas pocketed the peas and would decide what to do with them later.

Back on Coruscant, she had been stuck with peas in her pocket and the best way to get rid of them seemed like selling them to some idiot Bothan after getting them for free from some idiot Twi’lek.

That was no longer a worthwhile endeavor so she would probably just throw them in a soup if they proved to be little more than peas. Scratch that off the list. What’s next? She wondered the same thing that Zaia was.

“Well, even though we both needed a ride in the end, I know you got that job to get to or somewhere in between. If that’s not yet then you can help me on a bounty. I’ve got a database filled with them.” The hunter patted a monitor like it was a dog. If Rawl was to see that I’d never hear the end of it.

“Figure after I tie up some loose ends, hopeless prisoners included, we can see some old friends of mine. You got my number either way.”

Cas would be content either way. Going solo on these hunts was nothing new but would be a good opportunity for a fresh face like Zaia's to get some scars. It might even help her decide what to do next with her life. Live it or long to.


Zaia Krodas


Character Profile
Dec 7, 2021
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“I might hit you up after my job, then, if you’re around the area,” Zaia said, pursing her lips. “It seemed like the person with the offer was in a hurry.” She was grateful that Cas was letting her come along though; it was a hundred times better than being stuck with local crime lords, judging from what she’d seen so far. And getting to spend some extra time with Cas was looking more attractive than ever. She downed the rest of her coffee, then glanced over at the captain.

“Ya know, I think there might be something to those peas. From now on, I’m never going to see another one of those things without being reminded of you,” she said with a chuckle. After stretching her legs, she grabbed her empty coffee cup and stood up.

“I’m going to make another batch of this. I’d sleep, but I need to accept that job offer first.” She shrugged. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

She headed out the cockpit with her cup, placing it down on the table beside the coffee maker. As the machine hummed, she had a strange feeling that she hadn’t felt in a long time. The feeling that things were going to get better. Ever since leaving her clan, she had been, even if she didn’t want to admit it, aimless. With Cas, though, she felt like new doors had been opened, leading to places where she might even want to be. There would be more to see, more to explore, and there was no one she would rather do it with than with Casany Praxor.

@Die Shize

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Cas gave Zaia a nod in full compliance. The former still had to get her Y-Wing back and resupply so the latter would not be missing out on many bounties by the time her job would be completed. “See you later, space cowgirl.” Cas parted with a parting hiccup.

Left alone in the cockpit, all that nonsense about peas made Cas want to pee so she promptly departed. ‘Course it could just be the coffee. In the compartment made for peeing she found herself unable to close the door behind her, let alone pull her pants down.

There was something on the ceiling. No, there was nothing on the ceiling. The ceiling was a ceiling. Hm. Yes. This ceiling is made of ceiling. Cas saw the ceiling move, watched it wobble, wondered if it knew it was wobbling. Then she began to wobble and wonder what was in that pea. Bobbly bobbling. Bobble wobble my mobble bobble?

Water rose from the floor and filled up the whole room. Thousands of large magenta fish swam all around her and she began to swim for miles and days. Hmm the fishy-fishies on the baggage train. Hm, train. Asking if how were there fish too Wendy in welcome hello egg.

[“Uh, Captain?”] called the wobbly voice of her little scout droid. Rawl sounded like an echo in the doorway. Why’s he talking to me all the way from Korriban? I haven’t even BEEN to Coruscant! [“...Are you pretending to swim or…stretching…eheh?”]



