emigrating to the US


Aug 21, 2007
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**** that, this culture is stupid.

I really hate it when I see Americans that take full advantage of all the benefits our culture offers then says that it's stupid....

I am with Niner on this one. I say if you hate our culture, then leave, renounce your citizenship, and stop taking advantage of the benefits of being an American citizen.

Ru the Boatswain

Furry Slayer
SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2007
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I really hate it when I see Americans that take full advantage of all the benefits our culture offers then says that it's stupid....

What do I take advantage of? Freedoms that are guaranteed in every modern country in the world?


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2005
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Compared to most cultures, American culture is pretty awesome.

Individualism, liberty, sex drugs and rock and roll, guns, fat food etc.


[insert title here]
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2007
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I have to say, you should come to Canada instead of the USA. But if your heart's set on yankee land, then go to NYC.


SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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Not entirely.

No, it's really weird being the only person my age who speaks Italian. I wish I lived in the North where there is a larger Italian population in the cities.

You think people speak Italian up here? Go to Italy, son. The only ones who speak italian around Boston and New York are grandparents and middle-aged adults who only know phrases or specific words.

Also, GTFO my country you unpatriotic sob

I have to say, you should come to Canada instead of the USA. But if your heart's set on yankee land, then go to NYC.

Remember Viggy is living there. Furries.

Also, Canada is just a rip-off of Murrika.

Ru the Boatswain

Furry Slayer
SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2007
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You think people speak Italian up here? Go to Italy, son. The only ones who speak italian around Boston and New York are grandparents and middle-aged adults who only know phrases or specific words.

No, there really is an Italian population in the North. Almost any major city has a neighborhood or two of them. This isn't a street or anything, it's a few city blocks. Maybe more.

Also, GTFO my country you unpatriotic sob

I'm sorry that I can't exactly agree with the Southern thought process. Having sex with my cousins isn't in my idea of intelligent. The necessity of higher education not to learn but so you can get a job you're overqualified for. An absolute disgust for not being religious, and a rejection of the core values of their religion. This mass of hypocrisy bothers me. I'm not saying that anyone is perfect, but the foundation of society here is ****ed up.


SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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No, there really is an Italian population in the North. Almost any major city has a neighborhood or two of them. This isn't a street or anything, it's a few city blocks. Maybe more.

Trust me. I live in the North. Me mum comes from New York; my dad, a suburb a few miles north of Boston. I've been in both places numerous times. Just because people have italian in their blood, doesn't mean they know the language. Like I said, it's mainly grandparents and parents who know the language. If you're lucky, you might find one or two kids who know a bit.

I'm sorry that I can't exactly agree with the Southern thought process. Having sex with my cousins isn't in my idea of intelligent. The necessity of higher education not to learn but so you can get a job you're overqualified for. An absolute disgust for not being religious, and a rejection of the core values of their religion. This mass of hypocrisy bothers me. I'm not saying that anyone is perfect, but the foundation of society here is ****ed up.

Hating on America just because you live in hickville is a bit unfair. Get out of the south; go to the midwest or, hell, live in New York with all your Italian compadres.


Quizmaster General
SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2006
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you could emigrate to Canada, like I'm planning to.


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2005
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If you're fluent enough in the English language, then prepare to have one hell of a time understanding the US accents.

Do not go to California. It's not all surfing and celebrities; the place is a sunny shithole.

Pennsylvania has its fair share of misfits. You'll find some inbreeding in the small small towns.

If you go to New York, you're going to be drowned in a whole new language; New York English. You'll be asking for people to repeat themselves more than once.

I dunno I talk to americans daily. (I know someone from chicago, pennsylvania, a guy from north carolina, few others that Im not sure what state they live in and I have no problem understanding them unless they use some slang words) My english teacher says I have a tendancy to write in american english rather then proper english aswell.

I have been to the Northern states plenty of times, but I do not consider myself an expert on living conditions there. As far as the South goes, do not even consider living in the following states at all, in order from least worst to complete worst:

-Tennessee (lived in Memphis, TN for a summer)

The only deep South states I would consider living in (from a foreigner's point of view) is Texas (as long as you are not Mexican/Honduran) and Florida (as long as you are not Cuba).

Good cities in Texas to live in:

-Dallas/Forth Worth
-San Antonio
-El Paso



EDIT: Overall, I suggest Chicago as your #1 city to live in, Keanu.

Chicago? why? I hear there is allot of street violence and gangs and such aswell as pollution and other general crimes

That's just counterproductive though.

I agree

No Ruukil, he needs to be assimilated into our culture.

I see no point.its not like there is a huge diffrence to the dutch and american culture. (main points atleast)

Compared to most cultures, American culture is pretty awesome.

Individualism, liberty, sex drugs and rock and roll, guns, fat food etc.

Scratch guns off that list and you basically have the netherlands.

And you can change sex to legalised prostitution, drugs to legalised Weed.

protestents dominate the Religious % just like in the netherlands (the second religion would be reformed and third I suppose roman catholic)

sports are diffrent obviously. dominated by baseball, american football, basketball and (ice)Hockey

The dutch culture focuses more on acceptance and equality
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The Count of Monte Cristo

SWRP Writer
May 12, 2008
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Trust me. I live in the North. Me mum comes from New York; my dad, a suburb a few miles north of Boston. I've been in both places numerous times. Just because people have italian in their blood, doesn't mean they know the language. Like I said, it's mainly grandparents and parents who know the language. If you're lucky, you might find one or two kids who know a bit.

I'm with En. I live up north and Italians don't clump together like that. At this point you are more likely to find them being middle class too.


Some Guy
SWRP Writer
May 21, 2006
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Welcome to the fanboys club.

Avoid PA because they're crazy red necks unless you're in the eastern part of the state.

That's crazy talk, my highschool was a lot more tolerant of homosexuals than Viggy's school.

I've heard Pittsburgh is an okay place.

And the rest of it. At least all the parts I've seen.


Aug 21, 2007
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No, there really is an Italian population in the North. Almost any major city has a neighborhood or two of them. This isn't a street or anything, it's a few city blocks. Maybe more.

Listen to Enishi, he knows what he is talking about. What is your problem with speaking English?

I'm sorry that I can't exactly agree with the Southern thought process. Having sex with my cousins isn't in my idea of intelligent. The necessity of higher education not to learn but so you can get a job you're overqualified for. An absolute disgust for not being religious, and a rejection of the core values of their religion. This mass of hypocrisy bothers me. I'm not saying that anyone is perfect, but the foundation of society here is ****ed up.

First off, having sex with your distant cousin is fine, everyone is pretty much related in one way or another. Religion is not humongous down here like most people (myself included) have over-exaggerated it to be. The society here is almost essentially the same as the north, state laws vary, be we have the same federal government. It is not like distinguishing Canada and the U.S., we are the same country!

Louisiana is an ex-French colony. Our street signs are in English and French (with more important ones having Spanish do to our rising Mexican population). Our state has outlined English and French as two accepted languages (not official, accepted). If I go to court and I demand a French language trial, I get it. But does everyone speak it? No, only 15% of our population is French fluent. Do I love the language? Yes. Will living around people who speak it make me feel like I am living in a wonderland? No.

It sounds like you just want something to bitch about to be honest. What is so special about Italy and speaking Italian? As far as I know, you are American.

Chicago? why? I hear there is allot of street violence and gangs and such aswell as pollution and other general crimes

Because Chicago is awesome. And pretty much every large city in America has that problem. It is way more beautiful than New York in my opinion.


I'm here!
SWRP Writer
May 11, 2006
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I really hate it when I see Americans that take full advantage of all the benefits our culture offers then says that it's stupid....

Like what? Our culture is pretty stupid.

That's crazy talk, my highschool was a lot more tolerant of homosexuals than Viggy's school.

Agreed, we do have some crazies(like people who came out during the Palin rallies. Which even if you support Palin, these people were very very bad for your cause.), but its in really really tiny towns, and sure as hell not the norm. I dont suppose there is anyway to reinforce that though lol.


Aug 21, 2007
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Like what? Our culture is pretty stupid.

How is it stupid? As far as I am concerned, every culture in the world played a part in making the American culture. Just in my city alone our culture is shaped by:

-French (former French colony)
-Spanish (large increasing Mexican population)
-Vietnamese (many Vietnamese nationals came to Louisiana after the Vietnam war, do to the fact they speak French and they can maintain their shrimping and other seafood businesses)
-Haitian (many Haitians come here after natural disasters and bring their culture with them)
-Russian (many Russians come to Louisiana to work on our land and offshore oil rigs)
-Native American (need not be explained)
-Cuban (need not be explained)
-Indian (mass number of Indian nationals coming here)

You will find your so called "dream" culture in almost any city. American culture is practically synonymous with the culture of the world.

Random Hero

SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2008
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If your doing Accounting go to NY or NJ, that were most of the jobs for it are.